If you were presented with a button that could instantly kill Trump,would you?

This is one of your problems, tty. You can't formulate a logical argument so you keep changing your story when your logical fallacy is shot down.

What you said was:

I simply asked if you were equating the act of killing a person like Trump who has committed heinous crimes with the crimes he committed?

You shifted to "I wouldn't do that because it would make him a martyr". This isn't a bad argument but it wasn't what you said earlier nor did it address the moral dilemma posed in my question to you.

That last bit about my not being able to formulate a logical argument made me laugh considering it came from you.
I picture this with most of tty’s responses lol.
The news is telling the world that very thing.

I'm not excusing his behavior in the slightest. In fact, I fervently hope it's so awful that it lights a fire under millions of Americans to get involved in the political system and force real reforms.

This country needs to know just how bad it can get or complacency will allow someone like Trump to happen again. As bad as things are, I'm STILL seeing rampant apathy everywhere I look. Tell me you don't. I dare you.
I am sure that you and your ilk are doing everything you can to make sure that America pays the price for their wickedness in not recognizing your superior intellect and just writing you off as a rambling, pompous idiot with bad personal hygiene. If we only give your type a chance we will really see how bad things can get.

You are a garden variety egotistical and anti-social malcontent a la Ira Einhorn. Nobody gives a shit what you think or how you vote.
I picture this with most of tty’s responses lol.
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Waaah. Tty sees rampant apathy! Oh noes. Why don't we all be like him and subscribe to any anti-American propaganda we read (how edgy!) and bemoan the lack of violent protests in our streets (while Tty foams at the mouth behind a computer monitor flecked with spittle) that will finally prove him right and get him the respect of his daughter as a revolutionary leader? Why doesn't America do what Tty KEEPS TELLING US to?
I'm afraid that what I'm saying is well beyond your meagre ability to grasp.

You kill him. See what happens.

I'll tell you; he becomes a fucking martyr. Then what, genius?
Oh look. The idiot who can't do the simplest fact-checking on the most obvious propaganda possible is claiming superior intellect again.

It will be our secret buddy!

When your wife and I are together we hardly ever talk about you. It's not nice to talk with our mouths full.
Cool. I promise not to bring your mother back too late after she hops on the back of the bike. Please tell her to wear that dress I like. She will understand what that means;-) I would still suggest you don't wait up
No I would not. I don’t agree with him. I don’t agree with his practices or him at all as a human being. But killing is against everything I believe in.
Trump doesn't deserve an instant death, that's too humane.
I'd prefer to destroy his ego and have him finally pay the piper for decades of abuse and criminal activities.
I want to see his businesses fail, Ivanka's businesses fail, and have Eric and Donny Jr not be able to walk down the street without being spit on for the rest of their miserable lives.
C'mon New York State AG and the Southern District Court of NY, get his tax returns (it's going to happen) and destroy that fucker by showing what a fraud he really is.
I really look forward to the day he is actually demented and just starts babbling nonsense on camera. (Yes I understand this already happens just imagine how much worse it will get). If he is stating his dad was born in Germany now imagine the shit that comes out of his mouth in 10 years.
I think Nancy P. had it right when she refered to trump as a 'Grifter'.
The all time greatest conman in the history of the fucking Galaxy.
He's been suckering people all his life, and became Ruler of the World thanks to the asshole, fucking dimwitted, motherfucking dumb as fuck morons that fell for his bullshit.
Now the entire Planet is fucked by some douchbag from Queens.
And you can thank the Republicans, again, for fucking your life up