Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

For $25 million, you’d think an investigation would find SOMETHING on Trump. It can’t be that hard. Lol

If Trump walked out of the White House today, He would be arrested. I Have to ask seems I really don't know you. Have you read the Report ?

One more thing, Do you think all this resistance is Okay ? If so When a Democratic President comes to power is that going to be ok too ?
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He is exonerated from Russia collusion, which is that the entire point of the investigation was about anyways, the FBI and Deep State trying to frame him.
The only crimes they found are process crimes that some interviewees contradicted/lied to agents, oh and unpaid tax bills from 10 years ago with Manafort.

Democrats are not going to win 2020 unless they actually accept their loss and move forward. Its pathetic how yall don't take any accountability for losing! Still stuck in 2016

Either way, the media has the full Mueller report redacted, so it doesn't matter Barr's summary now, if the only issue was the framing of the summary.

The Report says, DId you even read it ? WTF .... Says DOES NOT EXONERATE HIM. I would bet you're not an American.

Real American's Stand up for our laws, If there is nobody breaking any laws what fight it then ?

There are NO POLICY"S that can make all this Shit right NONE !!

Remember Divided We Fall United We Stand. Do You Remember that ?
Exonoration: the action of officially absolving someone from blame; vindication. Point us to the charges, dipshit.

Mueller's report specifically says a sitting president cannot be indicted by the Federal Justice Department. It also specifically says Trump obstructed the investigation into Russian interference in our election. The power to indict lies in Congress, which is why they are continuing the investigation. Nowhere in the report does it say Trump was exonerated or vindicated or absolved of blame. It says he committed the crime of obstructing the investigation. It documents a mountain of evidence to explain why Trump obstructed -- evidence showing that Trump and his campaign staff conspired with Russian government to affect the election.

Republican spin: Because the Justice Department can't indict a sitting president, Trump is innocent.
Way to spin it boys.

Trump can't be convicted as president in a court and won't be convicted by the Republican Senate. He most certainly can be convicted in the court of public opinion. So let's keep the mood music sour for Trump with the ongoing investigations making the sound.
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No it doesn't. Citation please.

Really? Since when? Citation please.

No it doesn't. Citation please.
The power to indict lies in Congress, which is why they are continuing the investigation.
No it doesn't. Citation please.
a fact about Congress's powers to indict the president, impeachment:

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. It does not mean removal from office; it is only a statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction by a legislative vote, which judgment entails removal from office.

Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment and the Senate the sole power to try impeachments of officers of the U.S. federal government.

see sections 2 and 3.
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