The "International Cannabis Problem" as seen by The Outlier


Well-Known Member
i was in a thread that got a bit off topic about seed banks; so without taking up @Bad Dawg tremendous thread i figured i would put my thoughts out here on what i see as an issue with Cannabis being federally illegal and on a larger scope International legal status & trade being unfavorable to say the least.

The topic in the other thread was basically a guy seemingly dismissing the issue of customs to take advantage of attitude seedbanks large selection of stuff you cannot get in the states. lemme say i have ordered from attitude and the choice and herbies and i live in the states. all were great. but customs, yea its only a letter etc, but why be on the radar in any capacity when you don't have to. is there better stuff i can't get, or is there just stuff i can't get? for me it's definitely the latter. all my needs and more can be met here and there are great seedbanks we all know domestically.

now here is where the problem i see it is. to a degree it breeds some us vs them mentality since the geneics are fairly isolated. clearly ppl trade, but the elite clones on both side of the pond rarely make it in clone form to the other side i would imagine. so i think good things are being done everywhere and international legality and federal legality is hindering ppl really experiencing cannabis from around the world. i have really liked breederes like dinafem, delicious seeds even a cut of vanilla kush from barney's farm i think is a keeper for the library, but it isn't superior it's just different, but ultimately different isn't always worth customs when the options here are so good. this isolates us further globally i think as a cannabis culture. i would even add that while i am not a fan of autos some are and EU is really into autos so opening this up states side would probably be appreciated by many. tbh tho one of the things i don't like is how dinafem has really gotten into autos etc. idk that they did that when i got their original amnesia fems cpl years back, but that plant was probably my favorite plant as far as unique i ever grew that was also great smoke.

so good things are happening everywhere i whish we could share more openly is the message here
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i guess i'm to new here to get that one, lol. i will trust it is hilarious tho.
i was in a thread that got a bit off topic about seed banks; so without taking up @Bad Dawg tremendous thread i figured i would put my thoughts out here on what i see as an issue with Cannabis being federally illegal and on a larger scope International legal status & trade being unfavorable to say the least.

The topic in the other thread was basically a guy seemingly dismissing the issue of customs to take advantage of attitude seedbanks large selection of stuff you cannot get in the states. lemme say i have ordered from attitude and the choice and herbies and i live in the states. all were great. but customs, yea its only a letter etc, but why be on the radar in any capacity when you don't have to. is there better stuff i can't get, or is there just stuff i can't get? for me it's definitely the latter. all my needs and more can be met here and there are great seedbanks we all know domestically.

now here is where the problem i see it is. to a degree it breeds some us vs them mentality since the geneics are fairly isolated. clearly ppl trade, but the elite clones on both side of the pond rarely make it in clone form to the other side i would imagine. so i think good things are being done everywhere and international legality and federal legality is hindering ppl really experiencing cannabis from around the world. i have really liked breederes like dinafem, delicious seeds even a cut of vanilla kush from barney's farm i think is a keeper for the library, but it isn't superior it's just different, but ultimately different isn't always worth customs when the options here are so good. this isolates us further globally i think as a cannabis culture. i would even add that while i am not a fan of autos some are and EU is really into autos so opening this up states side would probably be appreciated by many. tbh tho one of the things i don't like is how dinafem has really gotten into autos etc. idk that they did that when i got their original amnesia fems cpl years back, but that plant was probably my favorite plant as far as unique i ever grew that was also great smoke.

so good things are happening everywhere i whish we could share more openly is the message here
bro it's such interesting info and read by many, but short shit n pics rules the day, do a video we'll all watch to the end

stoners, can't live with em, can't live without em :/
bro it's such interesting info and read by many, but short shit n pics rules the day, do a video we'll all watch to the end

stoners, can't live with em, can't live without em :/
lol it doesn't bother me. i just write shit when i want to get it off my chest. it's not like i offered some great revelation. it just bothered me that ppl just can't shop where they want yet local politicians, governments and businesses profit off it while the consumer and farmer takes all the risk in this grey area of legal someplaces not others, and home growing is largely discouraged by the powers that be so commercial ppl can maximize profit etc. the united states doesn't really want it legal because there are other outdoor countries that would destroy our domestic market internationally. i mean think about the acerage of prime outdoor locations that this palnt is native to. it would be hard for th eu.s to compete just like in the produce market. it's why we import so much produce to eat. they wanna keep their tight greedy grip on it as long as possible. once they milk the cow then maybe the regular folks like us will be "allowed in"
lol it doesn't bother me. i just write shit when i want to get it off my chest. it's not like i offered some great revelation. it just bothered me that ppl just can't shop where they want yet local politicians, governments and businesses profit off it while the consumer and farmer takes all the risk in this grey area of legal someplaces not others, and home growing is largely discouraged by the powers that be so commercial ppl can maximize profit etc. the united states doesn't really want it legal because there are other outdoor countries that would destroy our domestic market internationally. i mean think about the acerage of prime outdoor locations that this palnt is native to. it would be hard for th eu.s to compete just like in the produce market. it's why we import so much produce to eat. they wanna keep their tight greedy grip on it as long as possible. once they milk the cow then maybe the regular folks like us will be "allowed in"
do u drink ?

you talk a lot which could be good
Seriously though, who wouldn't want a more easily available, varied selection of strains? My biggest problem with the seed industry is trusting whether you're getting a verifiable product from all these new seed banks.