Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Disinformation is used in warfare to destroy an enemy. Chaos and confusion can be powerful. Those churning out this shit are not friendly. Republicans are an enemy because they have chosen to be through their actions, through their attempts to destroy the truth, to destroy America
I tell you, I was very, very foolish to ever believe that there just might be a chance that Bill Barr would be at the very least competent and not a complete Trumptard that would throw the entire nation, let alone the rule of law, under the bus.

Very, very foolish on my part.
Glad to see you can admit error. Hope for you yet.
Oh, I get it, hotrod thinks that Mueller will testify before Congress that his report was inaccurate and Trump really did conspire with Russia. Lol. Too funny, but denial does run deep so he has my compassion.
Nope, double checked. Mueller investigation is over. No Russia conspiracy with Trump. It’s in the $25 million report he produced.
You really not understanding what is going on do you ? The report itself said Trump in not exonerated. Barr is protecting Trump, very reason he was brought in as AG. You as an American should be appalled at the cover up, but I'm assuming your love for Trump has you pretty ignorant at this time. No worries we shall see what congress uncovers and what these 12 seal indictments hold

I do realize that Trump loves the uneducated, but here is a simple math problem. If the investigation cost 25 million dollars and has recovered 48 million dollars thus far. How much money did they make or lose. @Rob Roy you can help him if needed. No memes
You really not understanding what is going on do you ? The report itself said Trump in not exonerated. Barr is protecting Trump, very reason he was brought in as AG. You as an American should be appalled at the cover up, but I'm assuming your love for Trump has you pretty ignorant at this time. No worries we shall see what congress uncovers and what these 12 seal indictments hold

I do realize that Trump loves the uneducated, but here is a simple math problem. If the investigation cost 25 million dollars and has recovered 48 million dollars thus far. How much money did they make or lose. @Rob Roy you can help him if needed. No memes
He understands perfectly and chooses to stick his fingers in his ears and instead of humming "la la la la la " he whispers ...winning, winning winning
Oh, I get it, hotrod thinks that Mueller will testify before Congress that his report was inaccurate and Trump really did conspire with Russia. Lol. Too funny, but denial does run deep so he has my compassion.
You are aware Mueller wrote TWO letters about this report being interpreted incorrectly by Barr? You are aware he doesn’t approve of what Barr has said and how he presented it?