2 diff. Bag seeds. Mex.

20190430_142151.jpg 20190430_142201.jpg 20190430_142130.jpg 20190430_142139.jpg hey guys i have these two plants that i grew from two different bagseeds that i really liked the high off. They are about 1.5-2 months old. I put them in these containers because i dont want them to get that big. Sort of a micro grow experiment. They both have been topped (on accident) a couple of times. I would like some tips/ suggestions, or just what you guys think about them. Two different bag seeds that i got down here in southwest Mexico. Do they look sativa dom.? What kind of genetics can i expect down here? On one the leafs look a little bit fatter/ wider than the other. Could it be a hybrid? I want to generate some good genes. Since the weed down here sometimes really nasty. And these two i picked from the best smoke i could find. Dont really eemember the high description. Sort of lost track. What can i expect on yield? Genetics? Constructive criticism is also welcomed. Also if you want better pics or video let me know. How much longer until they flower? Thanks guys. Tired of getting crappy weed so i started to grow my own.
South West Mexico..huh,....so i'm guessing Acupulco area maybe a Cabo area if i'm right.....

In Mexico, most strains are gonna be a Sativa dom strain in general....

It's to early to talk about yield yet with those plants honestly....

are these gonna be inside grow, or an outside grow???
Yea my location acapulco brother. And its a outzside grow. I have them on my roof to get sun. Also i was thinking that they were foing to be sativa dom. Also. But they almost two months old brother how big do you think they will get in those containers??
Yea my location acapulco brother. And its a outzside grow. I have them on my roof to get sun. Also i was thinking that they were foing to be sativa dom. Also. But they almost two months old brother how big do you think they will get in those containers??

not very much, they really need bigger containers, look for a 3gal to a 5gal container the next time your in the market.....

your also gonna need to think of get soil....some of the best is in the mountains to give you a good idea on where to look...

most sativa dom series are long flowering so beware of 11week flowering limit...ok...

another note for ya, don't take the fan leaves off, leave them on, let the plant drop them on it's own, you'll know it when u see it.....

also beware of your rainy season which is problably gonna start up soon of the coast, so your gonna need to think of room inside......

other than that, nice looking plants...

i've had some of the best cannabis in that city in the 90's, genetics are out there, just gotta put your nose to the ground and find it....
All of my early grows were Mexican bagseed outdoors in the Midwest. I was a teenager and it was the 90s. Some took so long to flower it didn't get to finish. Some got stolen during deer season. Some was better than the bag we got it from. Never really knew what we would get. To a couple of poor teenagers though any kind of a crop was something. They built a lake where we used to grow some of that stuff. We were stupid kids and lucky we didn't get caught but we grew some decent weed a few times.

Good luck on your grow
not very much, they really need bigger containers, look for a 3gal to a 5gal container the next time your in the market.....

your also gonna need to think of get soil....some of the best is in the mountains to give you a good idea on where to look...

most sativa dom series are long flowering so beware of 11week flowering limit...ok...

another note for ya, don't take the fan leaves off, leave them on, let the plant drop them on it's own, you'll know it when u see it.....

also beware of your rainy season which is problably gonna start up soon of the coast, so your gonna need to think of room inside......

other than that, nice looking plants...

i've had some of the best cannabis in that city in the 90's, genetics are out there, just gotta put your nose to the ground and find it....
I was thinking of putting them in something bigger but i feel like they are going to get too big brother. I want them small as possible. Im also going to lst them to open them up abit. Im using soil from the river its pretty fertile. I use it for tomatoes also. Thanks bro. Hopefully the end result good. Im seriously in need of sum indica dom. Seeds bro but it seems impossible to get. Want to breed some good genetics from scratch. Got too used to. Colorado meds. :).
All of my early grows were Mexican bagseed outdoors in the Midwest. I was a teenager and it was the 90s. Some took so long to flower it didn't get to finish. Some got stolen during deer season. Some was better than the bag we got it from. Never really knew what we would get. To a couple of poor teenagers though any kind of a crop was something. They built a lake where we used to grow some of that stuff. We were stupid kids and lucky we didn't get caught but we grew some decent weed a few times.

Good luck on your grow
Nice bro. Im trying to keep it low key. Idk what the laws for possesion of plants down here. I dont want to get in trouble. Just tryna blow some really danky clouds :)
Those don’t look like old Acapulco or any other pure sativa. The Mexicans crossbred years ago to speed up harvest. Still should be mighty fine. Good luck.
he's from the Acapulco area mate, as he mentioned he was from SW Mexico.....
Well, mate. I have been to Mexico multiple times where he’s at in starting 1968. Been smoking and growing since 1966. I have grown thousands of Mexican bag seeds. Lived in El Paso where it came across the river. That’s not a Mexican sativa. Period. But it doesn’t matter because few, if any, landrace strains even still exist because of pollen chuckers. Mexicans and South Americans started cross breeding to SHORTEN GROWING TIME!
I have very fond memories of the Mexican brick weed we got in the 60's. Not too strong, the high was kinda limitless and energetic; no one toke and on your ass rather it was dose dependent so you could control your day. Miss that shit
Dude i miss the day's where i could lay on the beach down there, with a bucket of beer, and a pipe full.......and just watch and let the day go by......those were the days, maybe one day i'll go back.....guess time will tell...
. That’s not a Mexican sativa.

never said it was......

the landrace Mexican sativa main strain is still there......it was there in the through the 90's, just gotta know where to go and who to talk to...now and day like you said pollen chunker and the cartels have pretty much taken over....so finding them is gonna be a challenge......

If i were in his shoes, i would look for both Acapulco Gold which is an orginal strain of where he's at and i would look for a true Mexican Sativa strain which is more interior of the country....local farmers is where i would start in that quest.....but that's me...
never said it was......

the landrace Mexican sativa main strain is still there......it was there in the through the 90's, just gotta know where to go and who to talk to...now and day like you said pollen chunker and the cartels have pretty much taken over....so finding them is gonna be a challenge......

If i were in his shoes, i would look for both Acapulco Gold which is an orginal strain of where he's at and i would look for a true Mexican Sativa strain which is more interior of the country....local farmers is where i would start in that quest.....but that's me...
I seriously doubt it still exists. Grew too tall and took too long. But I hope you are right.
never said it was......

the landrace Mexican sativa main strain is still there......it was there in the through the 90's, just gotta know where to go and who to talk to...now and day like you said pollen chunker and the cartels have pretty much taken over....so finding them is gonna be a challenge......

If i were in his shoes, i would look for both Acapulco Gold which is an orginal strain of where he's at and i would look for a true Mexican Sativa strain which is more interior of the country....local farmers is where i would start in that quest.....but that's me...
Idk bro i live in a town about an hour from the center of the city. The people here dedicate to farming and cows. And the majority of the people here are against weed. They call you MARIJUANO wich is very offensive. I dont feel like asking around would be to good on my personal image . also the weed here is not that good i usually get hooked up at work. Since there are alot of construction sites and thats what alot of people dedicate themselves to. There you can find all kinds of diff weeds. I seen some good stuff. And thats where these two plants came from some really good bud i came along at work.
Also one of them started to flower i will post pi tures tomorow i forgot to take them and im at work right now. How should i time flowering? From this point. I saw some white hairs poking out at one of the branches. Just a quick look. Should i count it as day one of flowering?
20190503_104329.jpg some more pictures guys its started flowering i could see abunc of white hairs. Should i count it as week one of flowering? Also why are the leaves turning yellow like that and how can i fix it.20190503_104427.jpg 20190503_104329.jpg