I have a HLG-240h-C1750A (71V - 143V, 875 - 1750mA via internal pot) but now I would like a
HLG-240H-C2100A: (59V - 119V, 1050 - 2100mA).
The wattage is obviously the same, only the ratio V:C is different.
My reasoning is that the PCBs might be the same of all the HLG-240H, and that just a some elements set the C:V ratio? Would it in theory possible to mod the driver into a 2100mA?
HLG-240H-C2100A: (59V - 119V, 1050 - 2100mA).
The wattage is obviously the same, only the ratio V:C is different.
My reasoning is that the PCBs might be the same of all the HLG-240H, and that just a some elements set the C:V ratio? Would it in theory possible to mod the driver into a 2100mA?