Drainage in Large Fabric Pot


Active Member
I’m in the process of setting up a no-till organic garden in place of my old setup.

This is the pot I’m going to be using, it should be enough for my 4 plants. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07QGSCCQC/ref=pe_3034960_236394800_TE_3p_dp_i1

What I’m wondering is, how I would be able to prop that up in my 3’x3’ tent?

I only need it up a few inches, just enough for drainage, and to get the shop vac under there. I don’t really want to build something out of plywood & 2x4’s though, because of the water obviously... maybe something that could seal the wood without and potential toxins leaching into the roots. Any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Something like a kids pool for the tray but you may not find one that small. Then, use Styrofoam noodles to hold your containers a couple of inches off the bottom. I think you can get flood table trays in 3x3 but they can be pricey.
Something like a kids pool for the tray but you may not find one that small. Then, use Styrofoam noodles to hold your containers a couple of inches off the bottom. I think you can get flood table trays in 3x3 but they can be pricey.

It’s a large container, if you click on the link. It will be 60-75 gallons when filled. So it will need to be strong enough to support, as well as allow for drainage and be waterproof.
If you can get a pallet and some kind of sealant paint at Home dePot

I use 45's with blumats for watering but don't prop my pots. If you can get some kind of autowatering system going, you won't have to worry so much about runoff. Unless you're using nutes and need to flush
I use hot water geyser trays. It is the tray your house's hot water tank is supposed to stand in if it is installed in the roof.
Less than $15 for a 2x4 tank that holds 100 litres.
Fill the bottom with lava rocks and you can just sit it on your tray without anything else between it. A 3x3 flood table would be your best bet for a tray.