using jacks 321 being told to switch to miracle gro 20-20-20


ive been getting growing advice from someone local but retired. they are not familiar with the cannabis specific ferts and telling me to just use miracle gro 20-20-20. im following jacks 321. picture is at week 5. 3 local stores didnt even carry 20-20-20 but 20 different versions of miracle gro.

does anyone use 20-20-20 for veg and cloning. for outdoor grow
ive been getting growing advice from someone local but retired. they are not familiar with the cannabis specific ferts and telling me to just use miracle gro 20-20-20. im following jacks 321. picture is at week 5. 3 local stores didnt even carry 20-20-20 but 20 different versions of miracle gro.

does anyone use 20-20-20 for veg and cloning. for outdoor grow
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Stick with jacks. I won’t even use miracle grow on my outside garden.
ive been getting growing advice from someone local but retired. they are not familiar with the cannabis specific ferts and telling me to just use miracle gro 20-20-20. im following jacks 321. picture is at week 5. 3 local stores didnt even carry 20-20-20 but 20 different versions of miracle gro.

does anyone use 20-20-20 for veg and cloning. for outdoor grow
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Way too much nitrogen to start with. Stick with Jack’s.
ScottsMiracle Grow/Monsanto/Bayer is total crap not meant for growing consumables due to heavy metals etc in the cheap ingredients used to make it. Fine for your lawn but not for the veggie or pot garden.

Jacks has a decent reputation and I used to use Peter's way back in the day but like the ease of bottled nutes made specifically for growing pot so have used AN for almost 20 years. Just the base, Rhino Skin and Big Bud from them. Has worked great in DWC and soilless.
does anyone use 20-20-20 for veg and cloning. for outdoor grow
My first grow was with miracle grow even formula in dirt and it worked. Not sure if it works better or worse than the bottled nutes I'm using now because I'm still a newb tho.
ScottsMiracle Grow/Monsanto/Bayer is total crap not meant for growing consumables due to heavy metals etc in the cheap ingredients used to make it. Fine for your lawn but not for the veggie or pot garden.

Jacks has a decent reputation and I used to use Peter's way back in the day but like the ease of bottled nutes made specifically for growing pot so have used AN for almost 20 years. Just the base, Rhino Skin and Big Bud from them. Has worked great in DWC and soilless.

kinda old, not sure if it still applies, but I'm sure you could find a more recent analysis..
Firstly, using High Times IMO is a biased source. They are driven by advertising dollars and by publishing an article that stated "MG is just fine for your cannabis" is clearly not in the best interest of a magazine depentent on cannabis specific sponsorships... Secondly, independant research published in this article of the seattle times states the opposite of what you are saying; For those who don't want to read the article... "Alaska Fish Fertilizer products, widely sold in organic food stores, were a little over background level in arsenic and mercury, as you might expect from fish, but still well within the state standards. A company called Down to Earth Distributors Inc. had mixed results with cadmium, mercury and lead. Blood Meal, Earth Feather Meal, Cottonseed Meal, Bio-Turf and Rhododendron Azalea Mix were cleaner than Vegan Mix, Aged Bat Guano, Seabird Guano and All-Purpose Vegetable 4-6-2, which were slightly above soil background level in two toxic metals. Products from The Scotts Co., the largest fertilizer distributor to America's hardware and garden stores, were very clean overall. Scotts submitted 163 test reports to the state; 84 were below the soil background level in all five toxic chemicals. Scotts' Miracle-Gro was exceptionally low in contaminants. Nine of the 10 Miracle Gro products tested would have passed the strictest test proposed by environmentalists - a test opposed by Scotts, whose lobbyist argued there was no proof of harm from higher levels of toxic metals." View attachment 2312326 Looks like there is a 0.5% Mg content to me... Additionally, plants typically take up what they require out of the soil. Unless there is an excess of other nutrients or pH issue that block certain things from being draw out. I was wrong Ca is not listed however, as stated on the package "is to be used as part of a complete system". Personally I use bone meal when transplanting anything, that adds plenty of Ca to the mix IMO. I've had a veggie garden for years and never had a problem. Again, this is my first mj grow so what do I know...
kinda old, not sure if it still applies, but I'm sure you could find a more recent analysis..

Regardless of any analysis the Scotts/Monsanto/Bayer unholy alliance is a trio of companies that should not be supported with pot grower dollars. They've bought out companies like GH, Botanicaire and Gavita and have their sights set on dominating the pot market eventually like they have been working at in the commercial farming market. I boycott companies that do harm and not just companies that sell growing products.

Campbell's soups now use High Fructose Corn Syrup in the tomato soup I've eaten for 60+ years so anything Campell's is off my shopping list. Anything with HFCS is off my list and that includes things like Dempsters bread, Heinz ketchup, all sodas and the list goes on. Here in Canada glucose-fructose is on the labels of many foods and is actually HFCS. A huge factor in the epidemic of diabetes, obesity and a host of other health problems costing billions and is a huge burden on our health systems.

Long before Scotts through it's subsidiary company, Hawthorne, bought out GH etc GH denied it's products were made to grow pot with when they knew that we were their best customers. Why support a company that denies you exist?

Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

Monsanto has a deep business partnership with Scotts Miracle-Gro, a convicted corporate criminal– and Scott’s Miracle-Gro is trying to take over the marijuana industry.

In the past two years, a Scotts Miracle-Gro front group purchased General Hydroponics, Botanicare, and Gavita.

Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO Jim Hagadorn says he intends to spend as much as HALF A BILLION DOLLARS to buy out the cannabis industry.

Major hydroponics nutrients, lighting, soil, and other grow equipment manufacturers report they’ve also been offered takeover bids by Scotts Miracle-Gro or its “Hawthorne” front company.

The corporate interests and immense political power of Bayer, Monsanto, and Scotts Miracle-Gro, enforced by the World Trade Organization and international patent law, could result in corporate ownership of marijuana seed stock, prohibition of cannabis growers producing their own strains, GMO marijuana, and decrease in the number of cannabis strains available.

Accompanying Monsanto’s agricultural monopoly strategy is their goal to increase pharmaceuticalization and medical products monopolies, so growing your own medical marijuana will be banned, and you’ll be forced to buy “medical products” such as Sativex, he says.

What can we do to stop these world-controlling elites?

Straumietis suggests the following tactics:

Make marijuana seeds and store them properly.
Boycott General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Gavita, and any other company that does business with Scotts Miracle-Gro, Monsanto, or Bayer.
Don’t use RoundUp or any other product made by Bayer, Scotts Miracle-Gro, or Bayer.
Don’t use products containing GMOs.
Join with groups that oppose criminal corporations and GMOs. Go here for more information.
Read this book.
Grow your own marijuana, breed it, and increase its legality.

“Corporations and people with hundreds of billions of dollars know marijuana is a miracle plant. They want to come in and steal our plants, seeds, and industry from us,” Straumietis says. “We must stop them.”

I've been actively fighting against the evil in our lives since I was a teen in the late 60's. Marching with Greenpeace, sailed on the Edgewater Fortune aka the Greenpeace Too a converted minesweeper first commissioned in 1954, the year of my birth. :)

I grew up next to Vancouver so went on many marches and protests. Arrived a little late for the Gastown riot but still got chased down Water St. by cops on horseback along with a crowd of people. Got there on time for the Smoke-In where the cops stood by but left everyone alone. A good time was had by all! :)

Have been eating whole grains and taking some supplements since my early teens. Haven't had a Big Mac in over 30 years and never eat at fast food joints to this day.

Big Food, Big Ag and Big Pharma just want our money and don't give a Tinker's Damn how many people they harm in their obsession with profit. What Mon$atan and their ilk has done with Big Ag they now want to do with cannabis and I sure won't knowingly help them accomplish their goals.

Root Farm products sold in stores here in Canada like Canadian Tire and Walmart are made by the Hawthorne/Scotts/Mon$atan/Bayer group and should be avoided as well.

Care and be aware.
Regardless of any analysis the Scotts/Monsanto/Bayer unholy alliance is a trio of companies that should not be supported with pot grower dollars. They've bought out companies like GH, Botanicaire and Gavita and have their sights set on dominating the pot market eventually like they have been working at in the commercial farming market. I boycott companies that do harm and not just companies that sell growing products.

Campbell's soups now use High Fructose Corn Syrup in the tomato soup I've eaten for 60+ years so anything Campell's is off my shopping list. Anything with HFCS is off my list and that includes things like Dempsters bread, Heinz ketchup, all sodas and the list goes on. Here in Canada glucose-fructose is on the labels of many foods and is actually HFCS. A huge factor in the epidemic of diabetes, obesity and a host of other health problems costing billions and is a huge burden on our health systems.

Long before Scotts through it's subsidiary company, Hawthorne, bought out GH etc GH denied it's products were made to grow pot with when they knew that we were their best customers. Why support a company that denies you exist?

Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

Monsanto has a deep business partnership with Scotts Miracle-Gro, a convicted corporate criminal– and Scott’s Miracle-Gro is trying to take over the marijuana industry.

In the past two years, a Scotts Miracle-Gro front group purchased General Hydroponics, Botanicare, and Gavita.

Scotts Miracle-Gro CEO Jim Hagadorn says he intends to spend as much as HALF A BILLION DOLLARS to buy out the cannabis industry.

Major hydroponics nutrients, lighting, soil, and other grow equipment manufacturers report they’ve also been offered takeover bids by Scotts Miracle-Gro or its “Hawthorne” front company.

The corporate interests and immense political power of Bayer, Monsanto, and Scotts Miracle-Gro, enforced by the World Trade Organization and international patent law, could result in corporate ownership of marijuana seed stock, prohibition of cannabis growers producing their own strains, GMO marijuana, and decrease in the number of cannabis strains available.

Accompanying Monsanto’s agricultural monopoly strategy is their goal to increase pharmaceuticalization and medical products monopolies, so growing your own medical marijuana will be banned, and you’ll be forced to buy “medical products” such as Sativex, he says.

What can we do to stop these world-controlling elites?

Straumietis suggests the following tactics:

Make marijuana seeds and store them properly.
Boycott General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Gavita, and any other company that does business with Scotts Miracle-Gro, Monsanto, or Bayer.
Don’t use RoundUp or any other product made by Bayer, Scotts Miracle-Gro, or Bayer.
Don’t use products containing GMOs.
Join with groups that oppose criminal corporations and GMOs. Go here for more information.
Read this book.
Grow your own marijuana, breed it, and increase its legality.

“Corporations and people with hundreds of billions of dollars know marijuana is a miracle plant. They want to come in and steal our plants, seeds, and industry from us,” Straumietis says. “We must stop them.”

I've been actively fighting against the evil in our lives since I was a teen in the late 60's. Marching with Greenpeace, sailed on the Edgewater Fortune aka the Greenpeace Too a converted minesweeper first commissioned in 1954, the year of my birth. :)

I grew up next to Vancouver so went on many marches and protests. Arrived a little late for the Gastown riot but still got chased down Water St. by cops on horseback along with a crowd of people. Got there on time for the Smoke-In where the cops stood by but left everyone alone. A good time was had by all! :)

Have been eating whole grains and taking some supplements since my early teens. Haven't had a Big Mac in over 30 years and never eat at fast food joints to this day.

Big Food, Big Ag and Big Pharma just want our money and don't give a Tinker's Damn how many people they harm in their obsession with profit. What Mon$atan and their ilk has done with Big Ag they now want to do with cannabis and I sure won't knowingly help them accomplish their goals.

Root Farm products sold in stores here in Canada like Canadian Tire and Walmart are made by the Hawthorne/Scotts/Mon$atan/Bayer group and should be avoided as well.

Care and be aware.
I appreciate the info, I really do. I knew that GH was owned by scotts but not a lot of the rest. I try buy from local companies and individuals as much as possible because I believe that this is the best way to make a difference. Unfortunately I don't know of any local hydroponics companies.

Monsanto has a bad reputation here because we've watched them shut down small farms with lawsuits and other shady business practices, and I doubt that they really need pot growers money; it is so small in comparison to big agriculture.

No offence but boycotting miracle grow seems like a token gesture, sort of how people are all concerned with plastic in the ocean and are all gung ho about banning plastic bags and straws but noone wants to give up rubber tires or synthetic clothing when the amount of plastic pollution from these sources eclipses that from single use plastics. If I wanted to boycott harmful businesses I wouldn't be able to do anything after forgoing microsoft, apple, google, nike, coca cola, p&g, etc.. so I generally work with what's best (cheapest) and works for me.

I might be wrong but I see no escape, and people saying vote with your money are ignoring that there's not really very much to choose from (how many food companies does coca cola own?), and are forgetting what mps are for.
Pot will eventually be a multi trillion dollar business world wide and if you think Monsanto wouldn't like to own a big piece of that pie you're delusional.

A token gesture is better than no gesture at all.
Multi trillion... Man shits crazy, I'd have to see it to believe it lol. I don't know how it could be profitable for so long
Your plants looks lacking magnesium imo. Avoid anything miracle grow, so many better options for us as growers and Jack's and Mega Crop are both good ferts at great prices made for growing herb powder form. I use Mega Crop myself I find I can use it at same dosage on multiple strains without deficiencies which makes life simple. Good luck with your grow
Multi trillion... Man shits crazy, I'd have to see it to believe it lol. I don't know how it could be profitable for so long

I don't know a lot of people that are planning on quitting weed anytime soon... And they have procreated and created a bunch of soon to be weed consumers.

I can believe it. Look at cartels.