Great Lakes Genetics ?

As many know and another user posted 420 becomes ridiculously busy. Hundreds of mails coming in, emails, processing. I know dbj has his nose to the grindstone to bang it all out so ya gotta just let him work atm. Glg will always take care of ya.
Exactly. I hope it didn’t come off like I was saying he’s not working hard or that I don’t expect he’s buried in orders right now, because that’s not my intent. I think I saw him say somewhere that he picks and packs all the orders himself, which is why it takes longer around peak sale times.

I’m very happy with the service dbj provides. :blsmoke:
Still in processing, I hope the hear something this week. Sad part is that I placed an order with Seedsman 2 days after my GLG order, and I got a tracking number already. I still have faith that I will eventually get what I ordered from GLG, but can honestly say this is my first and last order with them. From what I read JBC is killing it and they are going to get my next order when I need genetics. Will update when I hear something.
Still in processing, I hope the hear something this week. Sad part is that I placed an order with Seedsman 2 days after my GLG order, and I got a tracking number already. I still have faith that I will eventually get what I ordered from GLG, but can honestly say this is my first and last order with them. From what I read JBC is killing it and they are going to get my next order when I need genetics. Will update when I hear something.
We don’t need any updates, we know you’ll get your order.
Still in processing, I hope the hear something this week. Sad part is that I placed an order with Seedsman 2 days after my GLG order, and I got a tracking number already. I still have faith that I will eventually get what I ordered from GLG, but can honestly say this is my first and last order with them. From what I read JBC is killing it and they are going to get my next order when I need genetics. Will update when I hear something.
Can’t please everyone all the time, but I’ve never been disappointed by GLG. In fact, I’m usually pretty tickled by the extra goodies I find in my orders. My order is still processing too, but I guess I must be a more patient person because I’m not grousing about it.

Here’s hoping US Customs doesn’t delay or confiscate your Seedsman gear that already has a tracking number.
Once again I have full faith I will get my order from them, never once said otherwise. This is a forum and I shared my opinion, I never bashed GLG, I have never even tried to contact them, I am not questioning their practices. All I said was this was one and done, and I will give updates as I see fit.
Still in processing, I hope the hear something this week. Sad part is that I placed an order with Seedsman 2 days after my GLG order, and I got a tracking number already. I still have faith that I will eventually get what I ordered from GLG, but can honestly say this is my first and last order with them. From what I read JBC is killing it and they are going to get my next order when I need genetics. Will update when I hear something.
I like JBC for the speed. Being able to use debit card eliminates the several day process of mailing in payment so they can ship almost immediately. GLG has fantastic freebies that are hard to beat. So good that I am willing to wait an extra week or even two to get my order. Not like I am sitting here without any gear. In fact, when I do get this order it will be some time before they actually join the rotation.
cool, my payment landed on the 15th, they acknowledged and said filling in order received so i should be nearing the top... i gotta pop 6 the day they arrive. i think i will wait till everyone is rested up then order again, see how that goes. i dont have a clue what kinda volume they had
I waited a while last time I ordered but I'm glad he sent an email this time explaining it might be a bit. They hook it up so I'm good
I certainly do try to keep a few known-to-be-good beans around for the unexpected but shit happens but I would still smoke a bowl or vape a stem and chill since I never had a problem with any seedbank I have used. Less stress when ordering domestic even sending $$.

Run a search here or on other forums friendly to us. A few pop up with all kinds of good reviews and experiences, GLG is one of those! Recommend always!
I certainly do try to keep a few known-to-be-good beans around for the unexpected but shit happens but I would still smoke a bowl or vape a stem and chill since I never had a problem with any seedbank I have used. Less stress when ordering domestic even sending $$.

Run a search here or on other forums friendly to us. A few pop up with all kinds of good reviews and experiences, GLG is one of those! Recommend always!
i would never not order domestic again. for the longest time i was actuallymore scared simply because i never had a problem over seas either. but why use customs man. domestic ftw
I know its a sale so the margins are tight, but i hope when its all done and shipped the GLG people make some good bank for the effort, maybe a nice vacation...
I ordered 15th, cash landed 18th, got notice and a tracking number today. imma happy camper, bohdi for 30 a pack...
no doubt a deal or i should say a steal at $30 per