The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


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Rep. Adam Schiff: Any Living Adult 2020 | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
California Congressman and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff joins Bill to discuss post-Mueller politics.


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Oliver North Steps Down As President Of NRA, Won't Serve Second Term | MSNBC
Oliver North announces that he is stepping down as president of the NRA. He won't serve the second term after an apparent feud with NRA spokesman Wayne Lapierre, Hans Nichols reports.


Well-Known Member
He has such a sad life working for potato and vodka rations, any cash he gets is spent on krokodil.
He might not be Russian, the play book is out now and the Saudis and Chinese are playing, yer drawers are down, yer bent over and spreading yer cheeks, anybody can take a crack at ya. Donald is doing less than nothing to defend America, though I read the departments and regular employees are taking up the slack and of course your NATO allies will probably mount a full blown cyber attack on Russia if they see them fucking around during the election.


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NRA Being Sued For Illegal Coordination With Trump Campaign
The NRA is being sued by the Giffords Law Center for allegedly violating campaign finance laws and illegally coordinating with Republican campaigns, including the campaign of Donald Trump. The charges in the lawsuit are incredibly serious, but part of the complaint says that the FEC has been made aware of these issues and never did a single thing about it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
NRA Being Sued For Illegal Coordination With Trump Campaign
The NRA is being sued by the Giffords Law Center for allegedly violating campaign finance laws and illegally coordinating with Republican campaigns, including the campaign of Donald Trump. The charges in the lawsuit are incredibly serious, but part of the complaint says that the FEC has been made aware of these issues and never did a single thing about it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
I wonder if those monies will be forfeited as they were illegal to begin with. $24,995,000.00 illegal funding just to the windmill nazi. That could have done so much good for so many people.


Well-Known Member
well, was donated by right wing conservative gun at least it didn't go to buy armor piercing ammo or bump stocks...
A hard look would reveal $30 million in Russian money and congress will be looking, taking that won't be a problem which is why a lot of the industry support has dried up and much of the leadership is running for the hills. The NRA today is an astroturf organization that was perverted into an industry gun lobby that went off the rails, their troubles have just begun and they have as much at stake in the 2020 election as Trump. I hear North was pushing for an internal audit that would have proved corruption and was ousted by La Pierre.

Butina's boy friend was a real sleaze bag, high up in the NRA and the FBI has got him by the balls on a host of things, he'll throw anybody under the bus to get time off.
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Well-Known Member
This guy in drag does a pretty good satire of republican Christians.
Evangelicals Breaking Up with Jesus

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian™, meets with Jerry Falwell, Jr., Franklin Graham, and Mike Huckabee to let Jesus down easy: Evangelicals are breaking up with Him. TITHE to BETTY