The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Pretty easy win for the dems IF they select someone who there not even talking about or thinking about

If they go with one of bernie biden or hilary type they will lose

If they say approach the JFK daughter (or someone outside the circle) and convince them to run they win easy
polls show the democrats could run a dog and beat Trump, Joe or Bernie could beat him like a drum in the general election


Well-Known Member
He didn't win the first time,registrations purged and votes changed. This time his ego will insist on a bigly victory so look for very unrealistic vote totals,banana republic style, you know,what Russia does.
I get you dont like him

But dont just spew hate and nonsense

Gas prices been messed up for years ect

ask 10 current people serving this country if they like him

the results will shock you

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Pretty easy win for the dems IF they select someone who there not even talking about or thinking about

If they go with one of bernie biden or hilary type they will lose

If they say approach the JFK daughter (or someone outside the circle) and convince them to run they win easy
you do not understand recognition is huge here..."the kennedy daughter"...i'm not sure which you mean, but the oldest is only 28...which isn't old enough to run....and they would lose so badly it would be embarrassing...they would be a permanent political joke, never to be taken seriously again...
young people have no shortage of opinion in America, but they do have a shortage of turning out to vote...they talk shit all year, and tell older people what they're doing wrong, then they sleep in on election day, and older people show up and elect who they want, while the young people sleep off the hangover they got at the club.
if they go with who you're recommending, they'll lose so miserably it won't even be funny to anyone but trump


Well-Known Member
Look at what appears to be the GOPs favorite new voting system. It's electronic but creates a paper back so they claim. Problem is the paper backup for recounts can be altered before it's created.


Well-Known Member
you do not understand recognition is huge here..."the kennedy daughter"...i'm not sure which you mean, but the oldest is only 28...which isn't old enough to run....and they would lose so badly it would be embarrassing...they would be a permanent political joke, never to be taken seriously again...
young people have no shortage of opinion in America, but they do have a shortage of turning out to vote...they talk shit all year, and tell older people what they're doing wrong, then they sleep in on election day, and older people show up and elect who they want, while the young people sleep off the hangover they got at the club.
if they go with who you're recommending, they'll lose so miserably it won't even be funny to anyone but trump
caroline kennedy she like 50 jfk daughter

edit she is 61

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
caroline kennedy she like 50 jfk daughter
...she has possibilities, i guess...has she ever expressed any desire to run? she hasn't pursued a career in politics, she doesn't seem interested....and...people named kennedy that get involved in politics have a high percentage of getting shot...kind of a joke, and kind of not...enough not that it would make me think twice about it if i was named kennedy...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
caroline kennedy she like 50 jfk daughter
...she has possibilities, i guess...has she ever expressed any desire to run? she hasn't pursued a career in politics, she doesn't seem interested....and...people named kennedy that get involved in politics have a high percentage of getting shot...kind of a joke, and kind of not...enough not that it would make me think twice about it if i was named kennedy...


Well-Known Member
the NRA the catholic church just under half the country voted for him

He has decent support from the vets

I wont vote at all unless the dems put up someone better

My accounts all grown under this cream sickle that all i really care about

he will most likely win but lose popular vote
I don't think the catholic church likes Trump too much and neither do Catholics.

Wait until he gets America into a war that costs American lives as a distraction and see what vets think then.

You'll have to explain how he'll win enough states with 35-40% of the popular vote. Trump has had a free ride from congress for two years, that ride is coming to a grinding halt, but Donald will continue his journey to madness. The house hearings and legal fall out are gonna be spectacular over the next year and a half and you ain't seen nothing yet, things are gonna get a lot hotter and crazier. Donald is a frightened, desperate sociopath who is capable of any act of depravity imaginable, you need to mentally prepare for that...


Well-Known Member
...she has possibilities, i guess...has she ever expressed any desire to run? she hasn't pursued a career in politics, she doesn't seem interested....and...people named kennedy that get involved in politics have a high percentage of getting shot...kind of a joke, and kind of not...enough not that it would make me think twice about it if i was named kennedy...
she was just ambassador to un or something for few years

i think might have been some kind of office also didnt read up wiki page


Well-Known Member
I don't think the catholic church likes Trump too much and neither do Catholics.

Wait until he get America into a war that costs American lives as a distraction and see what vets think then.

You'll have to explain how he'll win enough states with 35-40% of the popular vote. Trump has had a free ride from congress for two years, that ride is coming to a grinding halt and Donald will continue his journey to madness. The house hearings and legal fall out are gonna be spectacular over the next year and a half and you ain't seen nothing yet, things are gonna get a lot hotter and crazier. Donald is a frightened, desperate sociopath who is capable of any act of depravity imaginable, you need to mentally prepare for that...
they only care about abortion laws and he back there position so they vote party line


Well-Known Member
I don't think the catholic church likes Trump too much and neither do Catholics.

Wait until he gets America into a war that costs American lives as a distraction and see what vets think then.

You'll have to explain how he'll win enough states with 35-40% of the popular vote. Trump has had a free ride from congress for two years, that ride is coming to a grinding halt, but Donald will continue his journey to madness. The house hearings and legal fall out are gonna be spectacular over the next year and a half and you ain't seen nothing yet, things are gonna get a lot hotter and crazier. Donald is a frightened, desperate sociopath who is capable of any act of depravity imaginable, you need to mentally prepare for that...
As far as the electorial vote goes he can still win


Well-Known Member
20 democratic candidates are enough to choose from and all have talent. Most children would make a better POTUS than Trump, fuck even the late Charlie Mason would have been better at the job.
well that is your opinion just dont forget a lot of people like the guy

I dont but I see enough for him to win eclectorial gain


Well-Known Member
I am independent i think the dems are a joke also

But they my opinions trump haters forget that other people allowed to think for themselves

We can dislike and still to facts the dems are garbage also look what they did before trump was even a thought in anyone mind

When he was grabbing pussy the dems were ruining this country

Trump haters forget how bad the dems really are at running this country


Well-Known Member
well that is your opinion just dont forget a lot of people like the guy

I dont but I see enough for him to win eclectorial gain
I Canadian so I'm just a spectator and sometimes a speculator. Sure lot's of people like Trump, but for all the wrong reasons, mostly race, whether they want to admit it to themselves or not, ideology plays no part in Trump's support. About a third of any country are complete assholes, a history of racism and political tribalism make that number a little higher in America. These people are perfectly willing to commit treason or tolerate it, and generally don't care for democratic values.


Well-Known Member
and as far as mass suicide goes if trump make you that loco you should seek help for your weak mind

anyone that kills themself over trump getting relected is a pussy