Useful Seeds

WTF... of course I waited too long and now Oranges/Skunk is gone.

EDIT: But wait! I still had it in my cart. Now I'll just have to wait and see if I get it or not :)

Items Qty Price
Bag of Skunks n Oranges (FEM)

SKU: Bag of Skunks n Oranges

1 $51.00
FREE - Chem Kesey X 79 Christmas Tree Bud

SKU: Chem Kesey X 79 Christmas Tree Bud

1 $0.00
Subtotal $51.00
Shipping & Handling $7.00
Grand Total $58.00
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i agree i never used to scuff had an issue with a pack that some others didnt so i would say you cant ask others how theirs popped. if you wanna be safe scuff em. i just watched kevin jodrey on a panel and he scuffs all his in a sandpaper bottle
Interesting, is there a negative to scuffing? I understand if you do a ridiculous amount of scuffing it can make it inert.
Interesting, is there a negative to scuffing? I understand if you do a ridiculous amount of scuffing it can make it inert.
i haven't heard that really but too much of anything isn't good ig. some ppl actually crack the seed and that doesn't make it inert. as long as you don't damage a tap root or cotyldon or deplete/destroy the enzymes or amino acids i foget exactly the name in a seed it should sprout pretty sure, but that is more from moisture i think and for example taking it out of a fridge allot causing some moisture each time, eventually that seed may not be viable. again i could be wrong with the term of enzymes or aminos but whatever :)
i am sure shwaggy p, useful or one of the other knowledgeable ppl will set the record straight
i haven't heard that really but too much of anything isn't good ig. some ppl actually crack the seed and that doesn't make it inert. as long as you don't damage a tap root or cotyldon or deplete/destroy the enzymes or amino acids i foget exactly the name in a seed it should sprout pretty sure, but that is more from moisture i think and for example taking it out of a fridge allot causing some moisture each time, eventually that seed may not be viable. again i could be wrong with the term of enzymes or aminos but whatever :)
i am sure shwaggy p, useful or one of the other knowledgeable ppl will set the record straight
Makes sense, never had a problem until recently. I'm a wanna be carpenter so there is no shortage of sand paper
So I sent my payment to GLG today for the Skunks and Oranges. What happened was that morning on my computer I logged in and put it in my cart but didn’t purchase. Later that afternoon I went to their site on my iPad and saw that the Skunks/Oranges was no longer available. I then logged in and still had them in my cart.
Think I’ll get them?