NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

We are happy to help, I'm always learning

What was your feed ppm & ph before clawing? That slurry is good, she is eating and prolly wants a little more so don't flush and ease off any microbe application.....don't go crazy and cook her but get a couple solid feeds at 6.6-6.8 ph range to get that cal phos to go in, 6.4 and lower is where your getting more limestone calcium available, while the mid to upper 6's is where the Herc really gets movin!! May not even need to bump up nutrients, could just be ph thing....some varieties can be finicky this way. Then if this seemed to do the trick, your primed for nice tea bath. Maybe cut BK in half too if your using in feed, it will allow some more food to be available to the soil life, and return the microbes will assist in buffering your media back up into the upper 6's. Use this as a guideline but get a good slurry b4 that tea day to really nail down Your next move.
Interesting ok thanks, still learning! Yeah, what's going in is pretty hot compared to the slurries, so I do think she's eating pretty good, but yes, my ph has been on the lower side like 6.3 or so going in. I finding I am using a ton of Olympus Up, will just use even more to get the PH up a bit next feeding I think. I am slowly increasing the Herc, I am up to 3tbsp/gallon now, plus a good bit of Demeters too. Also for what it's worth the clawing got a lot better overnight which made me happy, I think she was just hungry... Thanks!
Also, you all ever had a strain that smells like soap kinda? This short kush looking plant smells like like floral soap.. in a good way, kinda subtle...
Also, you all ever had a strain that smells like soap kinda? This short kush looking plant smells like like floral soap.. in a good way, kinda subtle...
Oh yeah, I've smelled soap before......usually get hints of soap early in flower when trichs first start showing but it fades behind the louder terps later down the road.
Interesting ok thanks, still learning! Yeah, what's going in is pretty hot compared to the slurries, so I do think she's eating pretty good, but yes, my ph has been on the lower side like 6.3 or so going in. I finding I am using a ton of Olympus Up, will just use even more to get the PH up a bit next feeding I think. I am slowly increasing the Herc, I am up to 3tbsp/gallon now, plus a good bit of Demeters too. Also for what it's worth the clawing got a lot better overnight which made me happy, I think she was just hungry... Thanks!
Good to hear homey, keep reading that plant, she will tell you all you need to know!!
Ok so tell me if my thinking is correct please... Time for watering, slurry was a little high still at 650, ph was 6.6 (which is up from 6.4 last time). But what's going in was around like 1000 ppm. So yes she's eating, but maybe I'm a little on the hot side? So this watering I did a tea of Big Bloom and Photo+ only, ph'd to 6.7. I'm generally following the feed, feed, tea, feed feed, flush thing I saw on Youtube... And indeed it was time for tea anyway so... In general they look great, two taller ones still look slightly hungry though. I'm hoping the ph going up like you suggested will help them start eating better? Don't see any signs of nute burn or anything though...
Ok so tell me if my thinking is correct please... Time for watering, slurry was a little high still at 650, ph was 6.6 (which is up from 6.4 last time). But what's going in was around like 1000 ppm. So yes she's eating, but maybe I'm a little on the hot side? So this watering I did a tea of Big Bloom and Photo+ only, ph'd to 6.7. I'm generally following the feed, feed, tea, feed feed, flush thing I saw on Youtube... And indeed it was time for tea anyway so... In general they look great, two taller ones still look slightly hungry though. I'm hoping the ph going up like you suggested will help them start eating better? Don't see any signs of nute burn or anything though...
There is so many things that can cause droopy plants.....nutrition is definitely one but your SLURRIES havnt been bad. Any discoloring leaves? Rootbound plants can droop too. What size pots, what is your water source and how much feed water do they get, how often? Over or under watering can be the culprit, pheno could be sensitive to any mishap! Another consideration to a droopy plant is a Mag deficiency, some phenos are mag whores and nectar lacks it. On the bright side, supplementing Mag (5-15ml epsom salt) in weeks 3-6 can really bring the funk!! Like I said though it could be any number of things, hopefully not pests like root aphids...."when in doubt, HERC flush it out!" But I would be patient, theres always learning curves....especially with unknown bag seed.
There is so many things that can cause droopy plants.....nutrition is definitely one but your SLURRIES havnt been bad. Any discoloring leaves? Rootbound plants can droop too. What size pots, what is your water source and how much feed water do they get, how often? Over or under watering can be the culprit, pheno could be sensitive to any mishap! Another consideration to a droopy plant is a Mag deficiency, some phenos are mag whores and nectar lacks it. On the bright side, supplementing Mag (5-15ml epsom salt) in weeks 3-6 can really bring the funk!! Like I said though it could be any number of things, hopefully not pests like root aphids...."when in doubt, HERC flush it out!" But I would be patient, theres always learning curves....especially with unknown bag seed.

Yeah that all makes sense. I'm only in three gallon smart pots, been thinking these girls might want to go up to the five... Also for what it's worth, they loved the tea... Haven't seen them praying this hard in a while..I'm giving them water about every two days or so. Not till the pots are light to pick up. I think i've just gotta learn the strain... Leaves all look great, even down at the bottom.
Yeah that all makes sense. I'm only in three gallon smart pots, been thinking these girls might want to go up to the five... Also for what it's worth, they loved the tea... Haven't seen them praying this hard in a while..I'm giving them water about every two days or so. Not till the pots are light to pick up. I think i've just gotta learn the strain... Leaves all look great, even down at the bottom.
Your good to go then man, just make note. I'm typically a 3 gallon fabric pot grower too. Had a new strain fade once early and try to ripen at like day some feedback from the breeder after, he said that particular strain likes lots of room(7 gal) and is a nitrogen whore. Its so crazy how diverse this plant really is!!
Have a new run going, just started two days ago...not sure WHAT the hell is going on here, but the leaves are curling, and tacoing...have only given them a watering of Gaia, herc, and Medusa.
Anyone know what this is from?? Overwatered maybe? Or?????20190422_212731.jpg 20190422_212747.jpg 20190422_212719.jpg
Have a new run going, just started two days ago...not sure WHAT the hell is going on here, but the leaves are curling, and tacoing...have only given them a watering of Gaia, herc, and Medusa.
Anyone know what this is from?? Overwatered maybe? Or?????View attachment 4322021 View attachment 4322024 View attachment 4322027

looks like she is over loved "watered" ... how much and how many times are you watering ? little hard to tell , how green are those leafs ?
I have only watered them twice since they went into the pot today makes five days...I'm only giving them a quarter of a gallon each, apparently the strain must be really sensitive to water, it is a dosey doe. Ieaves are nice and green like when I brought it home... Color-wise it looks really good, it's just looking a little sad on the weird curled leaves and it's kind of I guess droopy a little. I had feared it was too much light, because I have 2,000 watts of LED running, but I don't know cuz the first day they were super super happy to see all that light!
Check them again this morning, same thing, the large leaves which are definitely large are nice dark green the new growth coming in is a little bit lighter green like most plants, no just coloring or darkening of the edges no end burn. These were teen clones when potted, 18" or so.
They say organic, not NPK based. I'm not sure what line, but this is the second go-around of clones from them and I went straight into nectar last time I didn't have any issue... I can I test my slurry right now, because my slurry tester got damaged I have a new one coming in the mail should get here in a few days. I am using the nectar soil number 4, and just nectar only, and it worked very good every time...I think I have just over watered, I watered in , but didn't take into account that I watered the new soil before I put the plant in and then topped the rest of the soil off...THEN came in and rewatered twice in 4 excited and lost focus. Lol
I only used half strength Medusa, full strength Gaia, full strength Herculean, and then pH to 6.2 has the nectar Bible 5.2 said to do with their number for soil when you're planting a clone..1 tbl of each per gal. I halfed that because I only made a half a gallon.