Risk of using this site


Well-Known Member
So after seeing a post titled "need to delete account quickly." It got me thinking. How smart/ safe is it to use this site if growing in a state in the U.S. where it is not yet legal. About 8 years ago a freind of mine did a small grow in NY. He was so paranoid he didnt do a single web search all learning was done with books. In fact when buying supplies he parked about a 1/2 mile from grow shop and walked stuff to car just not to be seen parking near grow shop...Now the new grow.He has ordered seedss to his home,researches online even gets suggested purchases of grow materials on his feed....Just wondering what you all think about the risk factor. If you ask me police/ feds or whatever got more important things to worry about. But common sense does say it's not such a good idea. but after reading that post sounds like the guy is panicking and was curious as to why
Guy was a paranoid stoner? It happens.

If your worried use a metadata scrubber for any pics uploaded and don't give out your details of your location.
Nothing making you show your grow or even talking about it.
Your more likely to get busted from a friend/relative or nosy neighbour. Police have better things to do than chase small personal growers whom could all be teenage kids bigging themselves up on the internet.
Not such a bad idea, 5 or 6 years ago in pinellas county Florida the county sheriff thought it was a great idea to scan in license plates of patrons of grow shops and get search warrants which resulted in some busts until they busted in a house where dad and son were hydroponically growing tomatoes. Can anyone say lawsuit lol
To get my dad growing I rented a car to a fictitious adress and bought all his supplies, I needed to rent a car anyways as i live in Australia and dont own a car in Florida.
5 or 6 years ago in pinellas county Florida the county sheriff thought it was a great idea to scan in license plates of patrons of grow shops and get search warrants
The cops in Kansas City would do this too. They would stake out a grow store, then check your utilities and trash contents to get warrants.

Where I am at I am legal so I have no fucks to give. If they come in here all aggressive they can expect a lawsuit because they will have to shoot my 3 rotties.
I saw in a thread here some guy got busted and in the discovery papers it showed they had his pics from threads on this site.
Not a Lawyer but would assume there are laws set in place where they cant just spy on you using your IP address to gather info....unless you were under investigation
if you are in an illegal state its probably best to use a means of keeping you hidden. One could use public wifi or perhaps a product like nordvpn... Definitely something for people in illegal states to consider.
I think in today's climate they have much better shit to do, weed is everywhere they cant keep up although the guy on facebook selling cops real flowers instead of bud is hilarious In carolina, bible belt is still pretty bad.
So many judges are tired of cops bringing in small posession charges many times just gets dismissed with court fees no conviction nowadays.
I dont think it's a good idea to post photos of outdoor grows period. I think your biggest threat in al cases is some other person breaking into your house or outdoor grow vs the cops coming after you.
That said I'm positive there are gov agents on this site and every other forum looking for idiots.

As the Chinese say, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
So dont stick out.
Not such a bad idea, 5 or 6 years ago in pinellas county Florida the county sheriff thought it was a great idea to scan in license plates of patrons of grow shops and get search warrants which resulted in some busts until they busted in a house where dad and son were hydroponically growing tomatoes. Can anyone say lawsuit lol
I'm personal friends with the owner. There was more than one unjustified bust and all of them filed a lawsuit against the county and won. The cops based their assumption of illegal growing on the type of car the guys drove and the size of their homes - then they went to a judge and lied to get a search warrant. All the officers involved were fired and it cost the county millions. Needless to say, the surveillance ceased.
i live in a country where its illegal to grow. i order everything to my house seeds lights nutes ect . ive posted many pics online to and never had a problem. in 20 yrs the only time my plants have been taken by the cops was when i had a house file that was not due to the hydro room. unless you are selling or pushing it on kids. cops have better stuff to do then worry about 5 small plants for personal use
If using this site makes you worry then just don't use it unless on public wifi and/or using a VPN. It's about peace of mind. So if you are worried there is nothing people on can say that will give you peace of mind. Yes, people have been busted off online growing sites. Are they gonna spend the time and energy to bust a personal grower? Depends on where you are at. Some locations can be very harsh about a little weed. Singapore has mandatory death penalty for 500 grams!