victim of racism? or perpatrator of racism?

I was quoted into this thread because I exercised my 1st amendment. My thoughts, people have the right to hate anyone for any particular reason. That doesn’t make them right or wrong, it makes them ignorant. But I try to believe most people are here doing the best they can. If they need some help along the way regardless of color, religion, political party, or any other divisive topic I am more than willing. We need to put our differences aside and unite and a nation and then the world.
I realize that most Trump supporters and Libertarians can't remember past fifteen minutes so I'll just remind you that you told me to stop pointing out Trump's incompetence regarding the crisis he created at the border. Also told me to leave the country because I disagreed with you about what he's doing.

Typical of you whiny deluded asses, in this post you confused who was in the wrong about the 1st.

Some kind of Patriot you are.

What your kind propose is mute obedience. More akin to fascist takeover than patriotism.
And I realize most leftists align with nazi germany political views, just saying. Have a good day brother. Try and look at it from both end of the spectrum
And I realize most leftists align with nazi germany political views, just saying. Have a good day brother. Try and look at it from both end of the spectrum
I don't tell people I disagree with to shut up. I don't tell them to leave the country either.

You do both. By your own words, you support authoritarian rule. Right wingers like you are not patriots, they are fascists.
I have not read a single comment except the first post. It's all blown out of proportion in my opinion. This is really the right wing angry over political correctness as she said "some people did something". Most get what her point is but those who hate political correctness suddenly get upset when somebody says something that's not political correct when it fits their narrative. For the record I'm not a fan of political correctness because people just take shit the wrong way.
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I have not read a single comment except the first post. It's all blown out of proportion in my opinion. This is really the right wing angry over politics correctness as she said "some people did something". Most get what her point is but those who hate political correctness suddenly get upset when somebody says something that's not political correct when it fits their narrative. For the record I'm not a fan of political correctness because people just take shit the wrong way.
She offended some liberal Jewish people in her own district over this too. But yeah, it's being blown out of proportion mostly by right wingers who most of the time complain about political correctness on the left. Virtue signalling too. Shoe's on the other foot now, it seems.
A patriot is somebody stupid enough to believe that they're actually fighting for something other than some rich asshole's special interest.
You could be fighting for what YOU believe in for country and be a patriot
you could also be a whilst blower and still be a patriot for the country.
The word patriot signifies a person who loves his or her country and is ready to boldly support and defend it...even against those in it.
She offended some liberal Jewish people in her own district over this too. But yeah, it's being blown out of proportion mostly by right wingers who most of the time complain about political correctness on the left. Virtue signalling too. Shoe's on the other foot now, it seems.
i just find it ironic that if trump said the shit she said, it would just be more fuel for the fire, but since shes a muslim woman, it's's not matter who says it.
i just find it ironic that if trump said the shit she said, it would just be more fuel for the fire, but since shes a muslim woman, it's's not matter who says it.
Omar did not get a pass for what she said. Trump is a white nationalist leader. I don't see the comparison.
Omar did not get a pass for what she said. Trump is a white nationalist leader. I don't see the comparison.
so a white nationalist spewing racism is different than a muslim woman spewing racism? why? is it better to get punched in the face by a christian or a muslim? is it better to be beaten by white racist or a black racist? ....what makes racism different if it's uttered by a muslim woman? honestly, i think it makes it worse...of all the people on the planet that should have some compassion...that should know what it feels like to be on the other end of that stick...
so a white nationalist spewing racism is different than a muslim woman spewing racism? why? is it better to get punched in the face by a christian or a muslim? is it better to be beaten by white racist or a black racist? ....what makes racism different if it's uttered by a muslim woman? honestly, i think it makes it worse...of all the people on the planet that should have some compassion...that should know what it feels like to be on the other end of that stick...
Trump is a white nationalist leader and yes he spews hate speech many times a day. In the article linked below, the entire history of Omar's remarks that have drawn criticism are listed. In her remarks about the pro-Israel lobby, made shortly after she took office, I see reason to be critical but that's about it:

Ilhan Omar, Harbinger of Democratic Decline?

I'm not going to defend what Omar has said. Yes, she's definitely crossed the line enough times to say that she has a mighty strong antipathy to Israel. Yes, she makes statements that crossed the line about American Jews yet you are incorrect in saying she has not been called out for it, as shown in that article.

Trump has treated the Muslim community in the US as a terrorist organization. The travel bans and refusal to help Syrian refugees are an example of what he has personally done to justify calling him a bigot. Other than a few statements, what she has done? In her anti-Israeli lobby rhetoric, she both had a valid point but definitely used antisemitic language. Given the magnitude in what Trump had done compared to what Omar said, your comparison of her with Trump falls apart.

Then there is this:

Venezuela’s regime is using death squads today. Where is Ilhan Omar’s outrage?

I can't go there with the author of the above article any more than I can get all upset about the "some people did some things" remark. To me, it's beyond reasonable to get angry at her for either.

I'm also keeping in mind that the propaganda machine is running hot against her. I'm distrustful of anything said about her right now. I'm not going to make up my mind about her one way or the other right now.
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so a white nationalist spewing racism is different than a muslim woman spewing racism? why? is it better to get punched in the face by a christian or a muslim? is it better to be beaten by white racist or a black racist? ....what makes racism different if it's uttered by a muslim woman? honestly, i think it makes it worse...of all the people on the planet that should have some compassion...that should know what it feels like to be on the other end of that stick...
You have yet to tell us what Omar said that was racist. and I hope you realize Jewish is not a race.
You also have yet to explain the meaning of anti-Semitic
so a white nationalist spewing racism is different than a muslim woman spewing racism? why? is it better to get punched in the face by a christian or a muslim? is it better to be beaten by white racist or a black racist? ....what makes racism different if it's uttered by a muslim woman? honestly, i think it makes it worse...of all the people on the planet that should have some compassion...that should know what it feels like to be on the other end of that stick...
are you really falling for thi right wing smear about ilhan omar?

trump nd the GOP say things that actually are anti-semitic. focus on that
Then why do Jews have known disease/birth defects because of their Jewish bloodlines?
because you are stupid and don't understand the difference between race and ethnicity. Also learn that you have different race of Jewish people. Google Beta Jews and Ashkenazi Jews.
Hopefully you could should would learn something. Your stupid is pretty strong so...we stand by with hope and doubt

and seriously don't like anything I post. Thanks in advance
because you are stupid and don't understand the difference between race and ethnicity. Also learn that you have different race of Jewish people. Google Beta Jews and Ashkenazi Jews.
Hopefully you could should would learn something. Your stupid is pretty strong so...we stand by with hope and doubt

and seriously don't like anything I post. Thanks in advance
I have it on good authority that there are known diseases and birth defects associated with those born with Jewish bloodlines. Sorry you disagree.
I have it on good authority that there are known diseases and birth defects associated with those born with Jewish bloodlines. Sorry you disagree.
Genetic mutations that lead to disease or birth defects can happen to anybody and any line. Sometimes the mutation is passed on. I'm embarrassed for you that I had to explain this.