victim of racism? or perpatrator of racism?

no...i could give a shit what she believes, or that she is a woman...i know you won't believe that, since it's a convenient way to dismiss what i'm saying, and what i'm saying apparently makes you uncomfortable...i think shes taking advantage of her position to advance a racist of the biggest problems with trump...she seems to share so many traits with trump....
yes I dismiss what you are saying because you have yet to tell me first
what is Anti-Semitic
second what did she say that was such ?
Well you don't love 'merica.
you must be one those socialist anti-Semitic supporters. You kneed to move back to ______________ (insert far off place )
Almost literally said to me by @tehdansauce .

The Republican party and its supporters have turned their backs on the idea of democracy.
I already made your sandwich
it is a liver of puffer fish and onion sandwich. Do enjoy

Now you tell me. I just had a pepper, cheese and bazillion grain bread sandwich. Pepper is good for your circulation.

Yeah he isn’t lying about my love for America... Point I was trying to make was that America is the best place on Earth. Sure we can pick it apart and cut it down for every little flaw. But I see it better to raise it up, show the world what real freedom can achieve. We need to get every human on this planet to a level of self sustainability and basic human rights. We have by far enough resources and technology to make that possible. Yes America has many flaws, but until we can get everyone else caught up we are just pissing in the wind. We need to come together for the bigger picture. For the record, I would consider myself a patriotic libertarian and you sir are an asshole. Politics were created to divide the people. We fight amoungst each other rather than the real villain (government). Love always
You aren't a real patriot, just a tin one..
Yeah he isn’t lying about my love for America... Point I was trying to make was that America is the best place on Earth. Sure we can pick it apart and cut it down for every little flaw. But I see it better to raise it up, show the world what real freedom can achieve. We need to get every human on this planet to a level of self sustainability and basic human rights. We have by far enough resources and technology to make that possible. Yes America has many flaws, but until we can get everyone else caught up we are just pissing in the wind. We need to come together for the bigger picture. For the record, I would consider myself a patriotic libertarian and you sir are an asshole. Politics were created to divide the people. We fight amoungst each other rather than the real villain (government). Love always
One quick question patriot. What branch of the service did you serve ?
do you consider yourself a patriot? what makes a patriot?
is a soldier who goes overseas to fight and die in a jungle or desert a patriot?
is a young person who believes it's wrong to take a life for a cause they don't believe in a patriot?
is someone who becomes passionate in their defense of liberty a patriot?
does it matter what form that passion takes, as long as it's real?
that's the long as it's real...are you motivated to make your country a better place for everyone, or just for you and people like you? because that's not patriotism, that's isolationism, which isn't even related to patriotism...
do you consider yourself a patriot? what makes a patriot?
is a soldier who goes overseas to fight and die in a jungle or desert a patriot?
is a young person who believes it's wrong to take a life for a cause they don't believe in a patriot?
is someone who becomes passionate in their defense of liberty a patriot?
does it matter what form that passion takes, as long as it's real?
that's the long as it's real...are you motivated to make your country a better place for everyone, or just for you and people like you? because that's not patriotism, that's isolationism, which isn't even related to patriotism...
goddamn right! well said!
do you consider yourself a patriot? what makes a patriot?
is a soldier who goes overseas to fight and die in a jungle or desert a patriot?
is a young person who believes it's wrong to take a life for a cause they don't believe in a patriot?
is someone who becomes passionate in their defense of liberty a patriot?
does it matter what form that passion takes, as long as it's real?
that's the long as it's real...are you motivated to make your country a better place for everyone, or just for you and people like you? because that's not patriotism, that's isolationism, which isn't even related to patriotism...
You ask lots of questions for no apparent reason. Why is that?
do you consider yourself a patriot? what makes a patriot?
is a soldier who goes overseas to fight and die in a jungle or desert a patriot?
is a young person who believes it's wrong to take a life for a cause they don't believe in a patriot?
is someone who becomes passionate in their defense of liberty a patriot?
does it matter what form that passion takes, as long as it's real?
that's the long as it's real...are you motivated to make your country a better place for everyone, or just for you and people like you? because that's not patriotism, that's isolationism, which isn't even related to patriotism...

A patriot is somebody stupid enough to believe that they're actually fighting for something other than some rich asshole's special interest.
A patriot is somebody stupid enough to believe that they're actually fighting for something other than some rich asshole's special interest.
a persons reasons are their motivations come from my beliefs and convictions...and no one elses.
people may be misled, but you can't fault someone who fights for noble reasons, if they've been lied to about the underlying reasons for a conflict...there are no good wars, but there are principles worth dying for
Why do people who claim to be patriots attack those who exercise the first amendment?
I was quoted into this thread because I exercised my 1st amendment. My thoughts, people have the right to hate anyone for any particular reason. That doesn’t make them right or wrong, it makes them ignorant. But I try to believe most people are here doing the best they can. If they need some help along the way regardless of color, religion, political party, or any other divisive topic I am more than willing. We need to put our differences aside and unite and a nation and then the world.