Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Many idiots are encouraged to vote. Democrats want children and felons and illegal immigrants to vote. Even people with no identification at all.
Got your daily dose of Big Brother's speeches I see. You are weak and gullible.

Many questions arise from the Mueller investigation's report. What was Trump trying to hide?

More investigations are needed.
Yeah, you look into that. Lol. Trump 2020.
What were they doing when Trump and Trump's campaign staff held meetings with Russian government agents more than 100 times leading up to the election?

LOL, The Republican spin:

Trump is innocent because they couldn't "establish" criminal conspiracy.

That doesn't answer the question, does it?

"Did not establish" doesn't mean no evidence. It means there is plenty of evidence. It's obvious that he did it. The US voters can make decisions on their own.

AnyDemocrat 2020
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Hicks told Mueller's team that she attended a meeting in the White House residence with the President, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, on or about June 22, 2017, to discuss how to best handle the emails.

"Kushner brought a folder of documents to the meeting and tried to show them to the President, but the President stopped Kushner and said he did not want to know about it, shutting the conversation down," per the report.
Hicks couldn't save the President from himself on Air Force One in July of 2017.

Though she rarely spoke on the record and almost never appeared before cameras, her candid account under oath of her deliberations with Trump as they sought to spin the story about Donald Trump Jr.'s June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting with Russians paints an in-depth portrait of the challenges of working for Trump -- and getting him to heed advice.

"I think that's right, too, but boss man worried it invites a lot of questions," she said in a text message to Trump Jr. at one point on the flight home from the G20 Summit in Germany, according to special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report released Thursday.
The report documents more than 100 meetings between Trump's campaign and Russian government agents. "Did not establish" means there was evidence but not enough to convict.

Still, though. 100 meetings? It's clear that the president was trying to cover this up, what with all his efforts to obstruct the investigation. I think the US public can make up their own minds about those 100 meetings. Most will understandably be skeptical of claims of innocence by Republican shills.
The report documents more than 100 meetings between Trump's campaign and Russian government agents. "Did not establish" means there was evidence but not enough to convict.

Still, though. 100 meetings? It's clear that the president was trying to cover this up, what with all his efforts to obstruct the investigation. I think the US public can make up their own minds about those 100 meetings. Most will understandably be skeptical of claims of innocence by Republican shills.
Yes, and no collusion or conspiring with Russia was the conclusion.