Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

This Adam Schiff?

By exclaiming their innocence? Surely you jest.
Correct, there was no underlying crime of collusion or conspiring with Russians to win the election. The purpose of the probe. Keep up with me.
I did not know Trump was communicating with the dead. What a guy.

Mueller investigation wasn't a waste! They got that one guy who cheated on his taxes back in 2009!
rodent alert

The Mueller report reads like an impeachment referral

Mueller uncovered “numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign.” He also found a commonality of purpose between the campaign and the Kremlin: “The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.” Not only did Trump publicly ask the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails, Mueller writes, but also “by the late summer of 2016, the Trump Campaign was planning a press strategy, a communications campaign, and messaging based on the possible release of Clinton emails by WikiLeaks.” Trump even told his deputy campaign manager “that more releases of damaging information would be coming” — but he didn’t tell the FBI. In short, Trump acted unpatriotically, if not illegally, by eagerly accept Russian help to win.

give up...while you still have a single thin thread of self respect...
mueller's report shows not only that trump is a corrupt piece of shit, but an incompetent, easily manipulated corrupt piece of shit...if you can in any way consider the report a "victory" for trump, then you're just stupid...
did mama bug raise a fool?
The report wasn’t a victory for anyone, it was a supreme waste of time and energy. Sort of what I suspected shortly after it all began, a nothingburger.
The report wasn’t a victory for anyone, it was a supreme waste of time and energy. Sort of what I suspected shortly after it all began, a nothingburger.
it's a damning condemnation of an inept, incompetent, corrupt administration, and the tyrant who is running it and the country into the ground... it has spawned 14 separate investigations already, with more coming... russian interference happened, and trumps employs were in close contact with the people making it happen. that is more than sufficient grounds for an investigation...
just because it isn't a gun loaded with the silver bullet required to kill the monster, doesn't make it "nothing"'s far from nothing...
No collusion = nothingburger
if that's what you're taking away, then you are stupid...
Mueller is an intelligent, honest, dilligent man...he did his job, and he did it well...
the facts are available, if you refuse to see them, they're still there...
Mueller declined to say trump actually conspired, because he couldn't prove it where, no where at all does it say trump did not specifically says that trump is not cleared of anything...
Arrogant like a whiny, 10-year-old child ...

Not smart enough to understand ...

Or just trolling the libs ...

It's a pick-em. :lol:

When the dumdums get it right and the smarties get it wrong, it may be time to check your premises. Lol :bigjoint:
if that's what you're taking away, then you are stupid...
Mueller is an intelligent, honest, dilligent man...he did his job, and he did it well...
the facts are available, if you refuse to see them, they're still there...
Mueller declined to say trump actually conspired, because he couldn't prove it where, no where at all does it say trump did not specifically says that trump is not cleared of anything...
Zero indictments against any American citizen for conspiring with Russia. Let that soak in.
Zero indictments against any American citizen for conspiring with Russia. Let that soak in.
yet...and what does it matter? say trump didn't try to conspire and was so inept at it that he failed...which is exactly what i think happened...but lets say he is as pure as the driven snow on this one count...he's still fucked on so many fronts he can't turn around without getting smacked with a dick...obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit fraud, wire fraud, possible rico statute infractions (not me, taco, the nytimes, argue with them)....a LOT more, 448 pages more...they don't compile a 448 page report saying everything is sunshine and lollipops.....
so if you want to hang on to your one pathetic point, as if it means anything, go ahead. the investigations grow and gather steam...
No collusion = nothingburger
When the dumdums get it right and the smarties get it wrong, it may be time to check your premises. Lol :bigjoint:
Zero indictments against any American citizen for conspiring with Russia. Let that soak in.

Putin Almost Done Redacting Mueller Report

Quickly assembling a crisis team at the Kremlin to implement further redactions, Putin told his associates, “Put some coffee on, boys—it’s going to be a long night.
yet...and what does it matter? say trump didn't try to conspire and was so inept at it that he failed...which is exactly what i think happened...but lets say he is as pure as the driven snow on this one count...he's still fucked on so many fronts he can't turn around without getting smacked with a dick...obstruction of justice, conspiracy to commit fraud, wire fraud, possible rico statute infractions (not me, taco, the nytimes, argue with them)....a LOT more, 448 pages more...they don't compile a 448 page report saying everything is sunshine and lollipops.....
so if you want to hang on to your one pathetic point, as if it means anything, go ahead. the investigations grow and gather steam...
That one pathetic point was only the purpose of the investigation. Without the underlying crime, good luck!
The report wasn’t a victory for anyone, it was a supreme waste of time and energy. Sort of what I suspected shortly after it all began, a nothingburger.
Boy you sure are rather stupid...or you doing it purposely ?
You are right about one thing, the report wasn't a victory for anyone. It hurts our democracy when we have a foreign country like Russia influence our election whilst a candidate like Trump accepts the help. I do realize Trump supporters are not very educated but calling the report a nothingburger is beyond stupid.
I myself read the report for myself, so I could understand what was being told and said...Folks like you rely on Fox to tell you what it said .You are not smart.
That one pathetic point was only the purpose of the investigation. Without the underlying crime, good luck!
"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state,” “Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment."