Bulk seeds cheap

im looking for a website that ships to us and is selling bulks seeds for cheap. I found Msnl but their seeds seem kinda trash and sweet seeds seems alright not to bad of prices. Please lmk and if you know any strains from Msnl that aren’t trash as they seem to be the cheapest site that’s somewhat reliable.
If you have time for a grow you could always get a pack of regulars of a known good strain and make your own seeds. But that's if you can wait and don't need the seeds for an outdoor grow this season. Just a thought.
what about cannapot, they sell cheap seeds from Austria eg. or originalseedstore, I know they have the option for bulk...
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If you have time for a grow you could always get a pack of regulars of a known good strain and make your own seeds. But that's if you can wait and don't need the seeds for an outdoor grow this season. Just a thought.
good idea I’ll take into consideration.
I get my seeds from oaseeds in spain. They have a quick ship option via fedex and besides carrying all the usual seedbanks products they heve their own knockoffs which I've found to be just as good. Average price for their bulk feminized seeds is 1.99 euros each. And that price is from 10 seeds on up. They've treated me well over the years with no problems.
Seedsman sells their in-house seeds in packs of 100. They have quite a few strains. They offer a significant discount when ordering 100 seeds. They ship to the US. I've grow a few of their strains and was happy with the end result. I just finished some of their Mama Thai and it is really good.

They have packs of 1, 3, 5, 10, and 100
im looking for a website that ships to us and is selling bulks seeds for cheap. I found Msnl but their seeds seem kinda trash and sweet seeds seems alright not to bad of prices. Please lmk and if you know any strains from Msnl that aren’t trash as they seem to be the cheapest site that’s somewhat reliable.


Check out Ali Bongo Bulk strains... Wicked cheap & they always on point. In my experience, after your first order & making an account, you'll get discounted prices, versus the "advertised" prices. Ask for J and they'll take care of you
If you have time for a grow you could always get a pack of regulars of a known good strain and make your own seeds. But that's if you can wait and don't need the seeds for an outdoor grow this season. Just a thought.
I’m a beginner. I researched the process and fully understand what needs to be in order to harvest female seeds. Do you think I can successfully do it on one of my first grows?
I’m a beginner. I researched the process and fully understand what needs to be in order to harvest female seeds. Do you think I can successfully do it on one of my first grows?

Yes. All you need is some regular seeds and then grow out a male and female plant. It's not hard at all. If you can brush your teeth you can make cannabis seeds.