Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

Shrubber votes democrat. Bet on it
i vote independently...i am not a member of wither party, because neither one has ever earned my support...i vote for the people i think will do the best job...who have the voting record i want to see...i don't follow any party line...i try to make the best choice available out of the bucket of bloody chum we're given to pick from...
don't try to pigeon hole me, i'll break your fucking desk...
i like people who aren't racist, misogynists, liars...who aren't actively trying to destroy the environment and fuck our children and grand children so they and their rich friends can afford a new yacht this year...or a new gold sign for their failing hotel...that's staffed by illegal immigrants....and stayed in by foreign spies....
I like black people. I want them to do well and quit the victim stuff.
doesn't matter who or what you like, you don't set policy, and that's a very good thing...
you are in denial...these things exist whether you want to admit it or not...the overwhelming OVERWHELMING mass of evidence is against against you it's about to cover you up so you can be the fossil you are...wake the fuck up man...i really have lived in the shitty parts of places...i lived for three years on Hennepin avenue in Minneapolis, i lived in west Englewood just outside Chicago, Holston Hills in Knoxville....those aren't good places...i got to know people, and a lot of them were intelligent, hardworking, good people...who regularly applied for better jobs, and were regularly ignored...
who aren't lazy, who go to work every day, and they tried to better themselves and their families lives...only to continually hit the wall of white boy privilege, to watch those better jobs go to white men who weren't as smart, or as well educated, who didn't have a work ethic...
so go tell them that they are lazy...that they just have to try harder...i'll come with you...if they see you're with me, you might get to say one stupid racist thing before they run your ass down the street...then they'll whip my ass, but i'll be laughing so hard it'll only hurt a little.
i vote independently...i am not a member of wither party, because neither one has ever earned my support...i vote for the people i think will do the best job...who have the voting record i want to see...i don't follow any party line...i try to make the best choice available out of the bucket of bloody chum we're given to pick from...
don't try to pigeon hole me, i'll break your fucking desk...
i like people who aren't racist, misogynists, liars...who aren't actively trying to destroy the environment and fuck our children and grand children so they and their rich friends can afford a new yacht this year...or a new gold sign for their failing hotel...that's staffed by illegal immigrants....and stayed in by foreign spies....
Representation is why I vote also. Vote racists out! I vote out of love of our country and love of people. Apparently there are many who vote with hate
Democrats vote out of hate. Hate for Republicans, or an ignorant desire for the government to do good on their behalf.
Unfortunately you rush to a conclusion. I went to war out of love for America, not out of hate for those who we fought. Desert Storm / Desert Shield. I believe in our Constitution and have risked my life for it, 6 years. How about you, have you ever served?
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Unfortunately you rush to a conclusion. I went to war out of love for America, not out of hate for those who we faught. Desert Storm / Desert Shield. I believe in our Constitution and have risked my life for it, 6 years. How about you, have you ever served?
I have not. I thank you. My good friend also fought in desert storm. You vote democrat to protect the Constitution? Don't you know democrats want to change many parts of the constitution?
I have not. I thank you. My good friend also fought in desert storm. You vote democrat to protect the Constitution? Don't you know democrats want to change many parts of the constitution?
I voted for Ted Kennedy every time because he represented the things I believe in, out of love. I like the idea of voting for something much more than voting against something
I voted for Ted Kennedy every time because he represented the things I believe in, out of love. I like the idea of voting for something much more than voting against something
You must be trolling. Ted Kennedy the guy who left a woman to drown. That's a guy you can really get behind. The democrats want to change the Constitution and the Republicans want to protect the constitution. Any comment on that, as someone who fought to protect the Constitution?
You must be trolling. Ted Kennedy the guy who left a woman to drown. That's a guy you can really get behind. The democrats want to change the Constitution and the Republicans want to protect the constitution. Any comment on that, as someone who fought to protect the Constitution?
Didn’t you vote for a guy who raped his own wife and wants to end the 14th amendment by executive fiat?
Republicans want to protect the constitution.

No, they most certainly don't. To date, Trump has violated the constitution no less than 38 times. His executive orders, his orders to DHS, his orders to the DOJ, all violate the constitution. In fact, Trump presently has had a 97% failure rate on his executive orders because they ALL violated the constitution.

Even now, what are the GOP's top three crusades?
  1. Abortion - which violates women's rights.
  2. Immigration - which violates constitutional law (they don't want reform, they want it BANNED outright.)
  3. Anti-LGBTQ legislation and bans from military service, which also violate the constitution.
I can't think of one single thing the GOP has done in the last 50 years that was actually PRO constitution.
Democrats vote out of hate. Hate for Republicans, or an ignorant desire for the government to do good on their behalf.
"an ignorant desire for the government to do good on their behalf"....why wouldn't they desire the government to do good on their behalf? that is the sole reason for the governments makes the system run, which makes everyone's lives better...
i know that that is not the way it actually works, but it's supposed to...and it makes me both sad and angry that a desire for the government to do good on our behalf can be considered "ignorant"...justifiably, in many cases....
it also makes me sad that many people still count isolationism, racism, hate, and fear as "doing good on our behalf"...
those things help no one, anywhere...
I have not. I thank you. My good friend also fought in desert storm. You vote democrat to protect the Constitution? Don't you know democrats want to change many parts of the constitution?
maybe many parts of our constitution need to be changed? that's why the document can be has been amended 27 times is an imperfect document, drafted by imperfect people, and occasionally needs to be changed, for the good of the changing, evolving country...
since you refuse to change or evolve, that may be a scary concept for you, if you're afraid, tell one of us, we'll hold your hand....
Will it be more children in cages? Will it be "support for white nationalists?" Maybe more Stormy Daniels. Of course the ceaseless cry of, "TAX RETURNS!"

I predict re-election by a big margin. President Trump has done an amazing job. Especially exposing the dishonest narrative of the media to people who never would have realized.
How will the media discredit President Trump next?

"the media" can't possibly discredit Trump any more than he does by his own hand. What you call dishonest narrative of the media is nothing more than directly quoting Trump. I understand why you would prefer they not.
You must be trolling. Ted Kennedy the guy who left a woman to drown. That's a guy you can really get behind. The democrats want to change the Constitution and the Republicans want to protect the constitution. Any comment on that, as someone who fought to protect the Constitution?
If Trump were more like Ted Kennedy, he wouldn't have raped all those women and children. He would have paid his contractors and hired a diverse work force. The stain on Ted Kennedy's reputation doesn't even come close to what Bone Spurs has done.

How many children have died under his policy to separate families? Somewhere around a thousand, isn't it? Trump is a stone cold killer who murders with a pen instead of a knife.
You must be trolling. Ted Kennedy the guy who left a woman to drown. That's a guy you can really get behind. The democrats want to change the Constitution and the Republicans want to protect the constitution. Any comment on that, as someone who fought to protect the Constitution?
Let me tell you about Ted Kennedy, first I'm only a carpenter and also a veteran, basically an average guy. I had some trouble at the VA. Nobody gave a rats ass. I called my VA rep. my state rep. state senators nobody did anything. I called Ted Kennedy's office one time and left a msg. About 2 hours later he called me back, I thought it was a joke. Trying to think of who I told that got this guy to prank me. The guy on the phone said he was Ted Kennedy and he was in DC but he was coming back to Mass on Thursday and wanted to meet me so we could discuss this in detail. I agreed thinking what have I got to lose. We met, it was him and he resolved my issue that day. He also asked me questions about my community. We met a dozen times over the next couple years, had dinner and discussed in detail how to make the area I lived in better. He cared about doing his job. He took a run down projects half filled with elderly and half with gangs and cleaned it up. Got the complex to fix it up and sell it to the elderly people for less than their rent was, crime dropped as he got the gangs out. He did a lot to bring good jobs in, he got some of the gang members to quit the gang and join trade unions so they bought homes in the complex. Over 2000 residents lived there and his efforts changed all their lives for the better. He was a true representative for the people. So when people bring up that one thing from his past I just laugh. I knew him and know what he did, I didn't read about it or see it on TV. He was a first class guy who did way more for the people than anyone I've ever seen in my life
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