The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

Couldn't agree more on Apollo tents. They're such a good deal

Yeah... i was looking for inexpensive and at the time amazon had it for $60... took the plunge cause i know how bad quality can be.. but i was totally blown away.. when i went to buy a second one they had gone up $20 and so i went cheap and it's sooo bad :) light leaks everywhere... zipper sticks every 6" (this is on the ohuru) since it's a veg tent i don't care bout light issues though.. but the zipper will die sooner than later i am betting.
If you dont have wagos id do parallel thru the extra connectors and daisy chain but you might find that the last board in the chain is dinmer. Playing around with voltage dimming might cure that
One piece of advice on those connectors: the one on the boards are flimsy as hell; glue your 4way wagos to the frame, that way if theres any strainnor pull on the cable the force will go towards the wago and not the board connector.

Excellent suggestion. It's also good a repair for a board or strip with a broken connector, solder a short wire to what's left of the original connector and run it to a Wago.