Club 600

Cof, my good sir! How are you?!
Yay, it’s been too long y’all!
It's good to see your back. You've been missed.
I've developed cannabis toxicity. 24-7 for the last 10 years finally caught up with me and I'm having to detox. But the garden is still going strong with dog, xtrema and blue dream. I just added 5 strains from Doc that look promising. There's slimeball, and he used Colorado Clementine as a stud which he bred to God's Gift, Golden Triangle, Dosi 55, and Clementine #4 which will be going into the bloom room later this month.
Thanks COF, the feeling is certainly mutual, turned out y’all are my best friends and I have had a hole in my life since being away from here.

Wow! I have wondered what it would take to reach toxicity, we have heard for a few years now that it could happen. How long did they say it might take to detox?

The garden sounds wonderfully stocked!
Instagram kinda killed the 600..PS It and facebook are data collectors for the CIA who developed the system.

They didn't say. I guesstimate about 30 days. I kept saying that cannabis wasn't the problem.

The garden suffered with me being ill and is finally back in order.
Have you gotten into concentrates?
I’m having a hard time seeing someone able to stay awake lol So maybe bullshit diagnosis!?
The cia tests and tracks patterns in language in every digital conversation that occurs, the patriot act gave them the power. It’s just forcefully tracking terror, supposedly. Though it’s like putting a candy in your mouth but claim you aren’t eating it. Just like the candy, even if you don’t actively eat it, you will eventually consume and digest it. It’s the freakin matrix man... :)
Concentrates are all I've been consuming for the last 1 1/2 years. It has caused a chronic upset stomach. I was getting over a bout and had a hit, which delayed recovery by 2 days, that's when I decided it might be a problem. It's going to be a l-o-n-g 30 days.

CIA's role is foreign intelligence, not domestic. They have overstepped their power which has created some of the problems that we have today.
It is good that we are looking at the Security Establishment....though I have
little hope that they will shine the light that is needed.

D's extracts process seemed crazy but I would love to find somewhere
to get my stuff processed! Too busy by far.

It is good that we are looking at the Security Establishment....though I have
little hope that they will shine the light that is needed.

D's extracts process seemed crazy but I would love to find somewhere
to get my stuff processed! Too busy by far.

Gina Haspil has been cleaning house. Jeff Sessions did remove some FBI characters.

Wait until you see the indictments
It is good that we are looking at the Security Establishment....though I have
little hope that they will shine the light that is needed.

D's extracts process seemed crazy but I would love to find somewhere
to get my stuff processed! Too busy by far.

Hey JD, I am sure if you contacted a concentrate company they would take your trim, but it will cost you in them only giving you a small % back of final product.

Here's some of the vuurballen bubble hash before I pressed it.

And here's some of the fresh live frozen dogbx2 rosin
Instagram kinda killed the 600..PS It and facebook are data collectors .
It's kinda funny because everyone is on there trying to sell their wears, whilst detailing on their pages that nothing is for sale on IG. Then you have all the trolls and arguments and people reporting posts, accounts getting closed down etc, because it goes against the community lmfao. Should have stayed on a POT site maybe?!?!?!
Ya it’s pretty open on there, I’m a bit shocked but it’s a sign of the times. Change is a coming in many ways, good, bad, or indifferent.
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It's kinda funny because everyone is on there trying to sell their wears, whilst detailing on their pages that nothing is for sale on IG. Then you have all the trolls and arguments and people reporting posts, accounts getting closed down etc, because it goes against the community lmfao. Should have stayed on a POT site maybe?!?!?!
Yeah I was really into IG for like 4 months and then got so bored with it. Now I can’t remember the email address and password I had for my account so don’t ever go on anymore. I recall the totally annoying advertising and seemed every one was trying to sell something. I was getting headaches scrolling so much on my phone and trying to make out tiny details it was driving me nuts. Don’t miss it at all.
Here is my plant I have now.
She is Blue Cheese 12/12 from seed . Day 26 here.
Godspeed COF! I hope you’re cleared in 30! I can’t help but keep thinking about this. It’s bothering me.
Good grief D that is some real sticky icky right there! I bet a person reeks pretty bad after a rip or two. :D
We’re all a bunch of canna apps lol
I wonder if anyone has done that yet, where you can take a pic and it tells you what’s wrong?!
Beautiful Ambs, I always wanted to try blue cheese. Did an auto blue mammoth which has it in there and that was better than I thought it would be. The blue side was nice and prevalent.
I’m sure it will be great in your hands!
Yeah I was really into IG for like 4 months and then got so bored with it. Now I can’t remember the email address and password I had for my account so don’t ever go on anymore. I recall the totally annoying advertising and seemed every one was trying to sell something. I was getting headaches scrolling so much on my phone and trying to make out tiny details it was driving me nuts. Don’t miss it at all.
Here is my plant I have now.
She is Blue Cheese 12/12 from seed . Day 26 here.
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looking happy as Ambs. Top banana!