Random Jabber Jibber thread

it's more than education...we bombard people with commercials all day for cookies, soda, ice cream, pizza...they package the shit so you can eat it in the car, on your way home to dinner...
i am an asshole, and i'm really really tired of people not taking responsibility for their own choices, but even i admit that the temptations put before people every day would make Christ think about a twinky on the drive home.
if addiction is a crap shoot triggered by your dna, then why hasn't it been this bad for ever? why does it keep getting worse? genetic predisposition is a factor, but far from the only one...availability is a factor...it's a lot easier to get EVERYTHING than it was 100 or even 50 years ago, hell, even 20 years ago...not just drugs, but porn, food....w/e you want...most things you can have delivered overnight...
there are addictions you haven't even mentioned...i know couples who have split up over online gaming...some because one partner ignored the other, some because they couldn't agree on which game to play......
how much of it is genetic? how much is societal? how much is people being lazy gutless fucks? i'm not sure, but i'm guessing it's somewhere around 33.3/33.3/33.3.......

The truth of the bolded is precisely why prohibition does not work.
Prohibition is a failed concept. Addiction is a public health concern not a criminal one. However criminal liability should attach to activities like driving a weapon while under the influence and stealing from others to fund your habit. However if you choose to possess and use whatever drug it should be legal as long as it harms no one but yourself. It is also my corollary opinion suicide should be legal as well.
Prohibition is a failed concept. Addiction is a public health concern not a criminal one. However criminal liability should attach to activities like driving a weapon while under the influence and stealing from others to fund your habit. However if you choose to possess and use whatever drug it should be legal as long as it harms no one but yourself. It is also my corollary opinion suicide should be legal as well.
It's sad because I know addicts who have od and they openly joke about it not being a worry because of that stuff.
Yep. He was high once and fell and hit his face on the counter, knocked out 2 front teeth and broke another almost completely. Looks like meth mouth. Heroin. His mom spent a couple months in icu due to blood poisoning from intravenous drug use, and her husband died in their bedroom while she was out having a cigarette. Unfazed by any of this. He’s said himself, they are making it easier for the junky..

As an ex-addict, the mysterious type that had a good job too... I just want to add you are dead wrong. I've managed to push my addictions, to sugar coffee and weed, but they will always be a part of me.
You aren't as mysterious as you believe but you are incredibly insightful. The sad thing is there are many addicts who are ineffectively treating undiagnosed, misunderstood and socially stigmatized mental health disorders and their symptoms by self-medication via their addictive disorder.

One day we will understand them and be able to treat the chemical imbalance (even down to addiction to sugar). But that day is not today.
Oh you misinterpreted it, I didn't mean that I'm mysterious... Maybe I should have used elusive... i.e. I was just trying to say I was not the standard type of addict, but then again, my mind works atypically to the extreme, so I was never going to do shit like other people anyway. I only found out I had a mental illness like 13 years after I quit drugs.
It was the typical story of childhood traumas leading to a little mind trying to protect itself, which is the long term creates the ideal breeding bed for bipolar disorder and a host of borderline personality issues. Thank the flying spaghetti monster I am high functioning.
Oh you misinterpreted it, I didn't mean that I'm mysterious... Maybe I should have used elusive... i.e. I was just trying to say I was not the standard type of addict, but then again, my mind works atypically to the extreme, so I was never going to do shit like other people anyway. I only found out I had a mental illness like 13 years after I quit drugs.
It was the typical story of childhood traumas leading to a little mind trying to protect itself, which is the long term creates the ideal breeding bed for bipolar disorder and a host of borderline personality issues. Thank the flying spaghetti monster I am high functioning.
I didn't misinterpret you. I got it and my point was there are many like you. Many more than most believe.
You aren't as mysterious as you believe but you are incredibly insightful. The sad thing is there are many addicts who are ineffectively treating undiagnosed, misunderstood and socially stigmatized mental health disorders and their symptoms by self-medication via their addictive disorder.

One day we will understand them and be able to treat the chemical imbalance (even down to addiction to sugar). But that day is not today.
I have spoke with my son several times about counseling, cuz as you stated, there is underlying issues to be dealt with. But no counselor in the world can help someone who doesn’t believe they have a problem. My comment on narcan wasn’t as much opinion, i was just relaying what addicts around here say. They see it as a tool..
I have spoke with my son several times about counseling, cuz as you stated, there is underlying issues to be dealt with. But no counselor in the world can help someone who doesn’t believe they have a problem. My comment on narcan wasn’t as much opinion, i was just relaying what addicts around here say. They see it as a tool..
Counseling is useless to underlying biochemistry. We simply don't have the tools yet. We are all virtually helpless over it unless the addict changes. They can't change their biochem. but they can, sometimes, change their behavior. It's not easy but it's the best we currently have. That's when counseling can support them in their journey to abstain.

I see Narcan as a useful tool. Where there's life there's hope. They might make it to the point medicine comes up with a solution. I lost my ability to practice and almost died from my disorder that medicine could not previously diagnose. A mere three years ago medicine caught up with me, diagnosed me and fixed my underlying chemical imbalance. I got very lucky. Many die waiting on science that doesn't come in their lifetime.

I'm sorry for what you are going through with him and that there is no good solution.
Where there's life there's hope. They might make it to the point medicine comes up with a solution
I never thought about it like that. But if they don’t see the problem they will never see the medicine. I know it’s unrealistic and rare, but I quite cigs and coke cold turkey. Just put it down and never looked back. I’ve quite smoking for probation. So my point with my kid is, if you don’t need any kind of help then man up and walk away.

I’m a believer in not doing something you don’t have control of. If you’re a dick when you drink, don’t drink.

That’s great to hear they got you treated. I appreciate your concern and educated posts..
I never thought about it like that. But if they don’t see the problem they will never see the medicine. I know it’s unrealistic and rare, but I quite cigs and coke cold turkey. Just put it down and never looked back. I’ve quite smoking for probation. So my point with my kid is, if you don’t need any kind of help then man up and walk away.

I’m a believer in not doing something you don’t have control of. If you’re a dick when you drink, don’t drink.

That’s great to hear they got you treated. I appreciate your concern and educated posts..
Thanks Jerry. I'm glad you were able to walk away. Hopefully one day your son will find that same ability within himself. I know for a parent, especially one that has walked in similar shoes this has to be very painful and my heart goes out to you. Life is a messy proposition, there are no simple answers and no one gets out of it alive :hug: