Hey im probably not in the right area/topic but I have a major question

Bro, it's your house, time, money and possibly your freedom. With a "good friend" like that, who needs an enemy? Tell him to either relax or kick rocks. You're doing him the favor not the other way around. You dont seem confrontational the slightest. You probably should have set him straight the first time he did it. It's ok that you did not, but now hes just taking advantage and walking all over you. I get him wanting to baby them but not the part he treats you like shit over it. You said hes a cool dude to smoke with, so maybe you should just keep it on that level and that's it, especially after this nonsense. Its really hard to say what to do. Obviously you dont want to do anything that will get him too kick in your door or snitch and possibly get you into some shit with the law. You also cant let someone treat you like that when you're doing them the favor! Talk too him and tell him to chill the fuck out. If hes not receptive too you then tell him to get his plants out of the house and take care of them himself. Also dont make excuses for him, hes a bag of dicks. You're taking all the risk and spending money, he is not doing shit, but collecting off of your risk. You need to set him straight and tell him how it is and it's going to go from now on, or he can come get them. Point blank and simple! Sorry you're dealing with this & hope it all works out for you.
If I were you, I wouldn't even proceed any further in this 'partnership. Obviously you and him have a fundamental disagreement, and I don't foresee anyone changing the other persons mind.
Give him a date (like a week from now) to get his plants out of your house. What he does with them will be his problem, not yours. Then just pick up your own genetics online and move forward growing solo.
He might think he brings intangibles to the table, but at the end of the day it's on YOU if anything happens because it's in your house. You're taking 100% of the risk.
Move on from this and alleviate yourself from the headache. You guys can still be friends, but I don't see this ending well unless you approach it this way.
If I were you, I wouldn't even proceed any further in this 'partnership. Obviously you and him have a fundamental disagreement, and I don't foresee anyone changing the other persons mind.
Give him a date (like a week from now) to get his plants out of your house. What he does with them will be his problem, not yours. Then just pick up your own genetics online and move forward growing solo.
He might think he brings intangibles to the table, but at the end of the day it's on YOU if anything happens because it's in your house. You're taking 100% of the risk.
Move on from this and alleviate yourself from the headache. You guys can still be friends, but I don't see this ending well unless you approach it this way.
Thanks man
Bro, it's your house, time, money and possibly your freedom. With a "good friend" like that, who needs an enemy? Tell him to either relax or kick rocks. You're doing him the favor not the other way around. You dont seem confrontational the slightest. You probably should have set him straight the first time he did it. It's ok that you did not, but now hes just taking advantage and walking all over you. I get him wanting to baby them but not the part he treats you like shit over it. You said hes a cool dude to smoke with, so maybe you should just keep it on that level and that's it, especially after this nonsense. Its really hard to say what to do. Obviously you dont want to do anything that will get him too kick in your door or snitch and possibly get you into some shit with the law. You also cant let someone treat you like that when you're doing them the favor! Talk too him and tell him to chill the fuck out. If hes not receptive too you then tell him to get his plants out of the house and take care of them himself. Also dont make excuses for him, hes a bag of dicks. You're taking all the risk and spending money, he is not doing shit, but collecting off of your risk. You need to set him straight and tell him how it is and it's going to go from now on, or he can come get them. Point blank and simple! Sorry you're dealing with this & hope it all works out for you.
I know for a fact he would not snitch but he would become a piss ant, and just get super bitchy like a female, I know this guy like the back of my hand
If I were you, I wouldn't even proceed any further in this 'partnership. Obviously you and him have a fundamental disagreement, and I don't foresee anyone changing the other persons mind.
Give him a date (like a week from now) to get his plants out of your house. What he does with them will be his problem, not yours. Then just pick up your own genetics online and move forward growing solo.
He might think he brings intangibles to the table, but at the end of the day it's on YOU if anything happens because it's in your house. You're taking 100% of the risk.
Move on from this and alleviate yourself from the headache. You guys can still be friends, but I don't see this ending well unless you approach it this way.
He also tells me to only feed them and never water them, which I think is wrong, is that something you actually do or do you feed one day, water the next, water the next then feed the next, I was told that from an old timer grower
He also tells me to only feed them and never water them, which I think is wrong, is that something you actually do or do you feed one day, water the next, water the next then feed the next, I was told that from an old timer grower

It depends man. If you're growing in a soiless media (like coco) then it's best to feed every time you water. If you're in soil it's common to rotate between feeding and watering plain.

But like I said man - have him take those plants and start your own. It's the best thing you could do.
It depends man. If you're growing in a soiless media (like coco) then it's best to feed every time you water. If you're in soil it's common to rotate between feeding and watering plain.

But like I said man - have him take those plants and start your own. It's the best thing you could do.
Thanks man, when I start my own I might blog it every week until I harvest them
Are you guys seriously having this much drama over those "fat buds" in the pics???
Yeah I know it sounds pathetic and petty but yes we are, he is just an asshole and I am the one doing everything, literally everything and he wants half of it, I just dont know what to do because this is my first grow, I want it to be as fair as possible.
What the hell? Why are you growing someone else's plants to begin with? If you're going to grow at your house do it yourself. These arrangements rarely work out.

Rule number one: Don't grow other peoples plants for them at your house.

The whole thing sounds ridiculous. I wouldn't have let the plants through the door. If he can't grow where he lives that's his problem. But you also apparently had an agreement for a 50/50 split and now you want more. That's not right either. And from the looks of those plants you won't harvest anywhere near what you might think so you'll probably end up arguing over a few buds.

To be honest though, I don't know if your post is for real or if your just messing around.
What the hell? Why are you growing someone else's plants to begin with? If you're going to grow at your house do it yourself. These arrangements rarely work out.

Rule number one: Don't grow other peoples plants for them at your house.

The whole thing sounds ridiculous. I wouldn't have let the plants through the door. If he can't grow where he lives that's his problem. But you also apparently had an agreement for a 50/50 split and now you want more. That's not right either. And from the looks of those plants you won't harvest anywhere near what you might think so you'll probably end up arguing over a few buds.

To be honest though, I don't know if your post is for real or if your just messing around.
Nope not messing around.
and 50/50 is not fair
I am the one tending to them everyday, he tends to them probably 3-5 times a month.
I was nice enough to take care of his plants but I didnt think I was signing up for a 9-5 job at my own house and then end up getting an unfair payment
Only read the first handful of posts but here's my honest opinion given the photos...

Fuck it. Dont stress over it because it's a tiny amount, just let it be an give him the 50/50 split because it's going to come down to a few grams differance.

Next run however dont cut him in on it at all and do you own seeds and do it how you want.
Nope not messing around.
and 50/50 is not fair
I am the one tending to them everyday, he tends to them probably 3-5 times a month.
I was nice enough to take care of his plants but I didnt think I was signing up for a 9-5 job at my own house and then end up getting an unfair payment

(we have agreed on a 50/50 split)

And no way is a couple plants a 9 - 5 job. What's there to tend to? Water them when they need it. Done.