Uncle Joe a Perv?

Is Biden finished?

  • Yes, the blood is in the water, and the sharks are going to eat him

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • No, He's too likable, no one will believe that liar

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Who really cares?

    Votes: 13 50.0%

  • Total voters
Has Biden ever kissed a man on the back of his head? What would your reaction be if he kissed you on the back of your head? Can you imagine Biden ever kissing Merkel on the back of her head?

When I referred to my awkward aunt kissing the back of my head and making me feel a bit gross as a kid, she was still family. I do remember not liking it though. A stranger doing that would have been much worse.

I totally agree that Biden's actions aren't anywhere close to unwanted sexual advance or groping or anything like that. But it is a form of patronizing women whose day is past. So, Biden has to live in this age, not the one of his prime where avuncular male patronization of adult women might be overlooked. He has to deal with this. I'm curious if he's modern enough to do so.
people in new york or SAN Francisco may be ready for a unisex world but most of the country is not.this disconnect is why trump won the election and if a woman wins the democratic nomination by attacking men and traditional values trump will win the 2020 election and the woman's movement and immigration reform will be set back to the stone age.senior citizens are a large and growing group of politically active voters that are resistant to this kind of radical change.as a member of the "I got mine club" four more years of trump will not hurt me.I can sit back and watch these selfish short sighted feminist shoot themselves in the foot and destroy the democratic party.attacking men and traditional values will not win you the election. Biden is clearly physically affectionate to men and woman and this is not uncommon around the world.for close to 40 years I have watched the decay of the middle class in this country and apparently this will continue due to these radicals. I have traveled around the world and have had men hug me and kiss me on the cheek. this was a cultural norm in these country and was in no way sexual.I can accept cultural differences without being offended. the inability to do so is a sign of immaturity.feminist. gay and feminized men are not a large enough voting block to elect anyone. my grandmother use to say "give me some sugar" and then kiss me on the lips. I recognized that this was her way of showing affection and emotional support and was not gross or offensive. I see football player slap each other on the butt all the time. if you want people to accept your culture then you need to learn to accept theirs. a person this easily offended clearly lacks the maturity to lead this country.a leader needs to be able to accept cultural differences in this country and around the world.
people in new york or SAN Francisco may be ready for a unisex world but most of the country is not.this disconnect is why trump won the election and if a woman wins the democratic nomination by attacking men and traditional values trump will win the 2020 election and the woman's movement and immigration reform will be set back to the stone age.senior citizens are a large and growing group of politically active voters that are resistant to this kind of radical change.as a member of the "I got mine club" four more years of trump will not hurt me.I can sit back and watch these selfish short sighted feminist shoot themselves in the foot and destroy the democratic party.attacking men and traditional values will not win you the election. Biden is clearly physically affectionate to men and woman and this is not uncommon around the world.for close to 40 years I have watched the decay of the middle class in this country and apparently this will continue due to these radicals. I have traveled around the world and have had men hug me and kiss me on the cheek. this was a cultural norm in these country and was in no way sexual.I can accept cultural differences without being offended. the inability to do so is a sign of immaturity.feminist. gay and feminized men are not a large enough voting block to elect anyone. my grandmother use to say "give me some sugar" and then kiss me on the lips. I recognized that this was her way of showing affection and emotional support and was not gross or offensive. I see football player slap each other on the butt all the time. if you want people to accept your culture then you need to learn to accept theirs. a person this easily offended clearly lacks the maturity to lead this country.a leader needs to be able to accept cultural differences in this country and around the world.
^^Drips with male entitlement.

I read from your post that you are infuriated by women reacting in ways that you disagree with. Maybe you too should stop telling women how to react. Maybe Biden can step up and show that he can be everybody's president and not just an old behind the times fuddy duddy. I get that you are comfortable with that. About half the Democratic party are women, many of whom have said straight up that they are not. Regardless of what you think about that, they have said what they think about it. Maybe you should take them at their word instead of trying to shout and threaten them into towing your line. Maybe the problem is with you and not them. Not saying you are wrong about Biden, just saying you are wrong about dismissing what other people are saying. I want the Democrats to choose somebody who can represent all of us in the party. It's up to Biden to show that he is that leader.

For myself, I haven't made up my mind but I'm definitely not in the camp of "effing cunts should just shut the eff up". If that's Biden's position then I'm not for him. Sanders supporters said the same sort of bullshit about black people, so this is not about left vs moderate. It's about finding a different way than telling women and minorities to put their issues on the back burner "for the common good".
people in new york or SAN Francisco may be ready for a unisex world but most of the country is not.this disconnect is why trump won the election and if a woman wins the democratic nomination by attacking men and traditional values trump will win the 2020 election and the woman's movement and immigration reform will be set back to the stone age.senior citizens are a large and growing group of politically active voters that are resistant to this kind of radical change.as a member of the "I got mine club" four more years of trump will not hurt me.I can sit back and watch these selfish short sighted feminist shoot themselves in the foot and destroy the democratic party.attacking men and traditional values will not win you the election. Biden is clearly physically affectionate to men and woman and this is not uncommon around the world.for close to 40 years I have watched the decay of the middle class in this country and apparently this will continue due to these radicals. I have traveled around the world and have had men hug me and kiss me on the cheek. this was a cultural norm in these country and was in no way sexual.I can accept cultural differences without being offended. the inability to do so is a sign of immaturity.feminist. gay and feminized men are not a large enough voting block to elect anyone. my grandmother use to say "give me some sugar" and then kiss me on the lips. I recognized that this was her way of showing affection and emotional support and was not gross or offensive. I see football player slap each other on the butt all the time. if you want people to accept your culture then you need to learn to accept theirs. a person this easily offended clearly lacks the maturity to lead this country.a leader needs to be able to accept cultural differences in this country and around the world.

For fuck's sake, go back to school and learn basic grammar.

Focus on punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and most of all what a paragraph is.
^^Drips with male entitlement.

I read from your post that you are infuriated by women reacting in ways that you disagree with. Maybe you too should stop telling women how to react. Maybe Biden can step up and show that he can be everybody's president and not just an old behind the times fuddy duddy. I get that you are comfortable with that. About half the Democratic party are women, many of whom have said straight up that they are not. Regardless of what you think about that, they have said what they think about it. Maybe you should take them at their word instead of trying to shout and threaten them into towing your line. Maybe the problem is with you and not them. Not saying you are wrong about Biden, just saying you are wrong about dismissing what other people are saying. I want the Democrats to choose somebody who can represent all of us in the party. It's up to Biden to show that he is that leader.

For myself, I haven't made up my mind but I'm definitely not in the camp of "effing cunts should just shut the eff up". If that's Biden's position then I'm not for him. Sanders supporters said the same sort of bullshit about black people, so this is not about left vs moderate. It's about finding a different way than telling women and minorities to put their issues on the back burner "for the common good".
drips with self righteousness and intolerance.....
"just saying you are wrong about dismissing what other people are saying."
Where you moving onto, Bernie Land?

Biden has a flaws, everyone knows it, but do they really count in the large picture?

He makes mistakes sometimes speaking, he has made what some regard as wrong votes, for example the Crime Bill and voting to go into Iraq.

He has admitted that, and I'm not expecting perfection from anyone, because no one is close to being perfect, but Biden was the ONLY FUCKING CANDIDATE that according to EVERY poll that had a chance of defeating Trump in 2020

But we'll never know now will we, because instead the Dems with their moral high ground and fantastic dreams of a Utopian Society will have fucked it up again.

Joe was a Moderate, which seemingly doesn't exist now in the Democratic Party, and the Pubs are laughing all the way to the bank because the Dem's are self-destructing again.

Un fucking believable (actually, it's not)

yes the pedo flaw does count, jim.
Old men are used to the past , Don't support anyone over 60

sexual-harassment comes in many different forms you don't even have to touch somebody to sexually harass them if Old Skool wants to run with the dogs they need to get up off the porch and learn the rules.

your opinions are outdated and antiquated.
sexual-harassment comes in many different forms you don't even have to touch somebody to sexually harass them if Old Skool wants to run with the dogs they need to get up off the porch and learn the rules.

your opinions are outdated and antiquated.
When I'm told by women I have a nice butt, is this sexual harassment. Is this my #metoo moment. What should I do the next time ?
drips with self righteousness and intolerance.....
"just saying you are wrong about dismissing what other people are saying."
Maybe its time to start listening to women and not telling them they are wrong about how they perceive what men do.

Yes, I totally stand behind my earlier statement that its wrong to dismiss what other people are saying. Some women are telling strange men to keep our effing hands off them. How hard is that for you to understand?
Maybe its time to start listening to women and not telling them they are wrong about how they perceive what men do.

Yes, I totally stand behind my earlier statement that its wrong to dismiss what other people are saying. Some women are telling strange men to keep our effing hands off them. How hard is that for you to understand?
it's not hard at all, i just don't understand why they all wait 5 years to say anything? seems like the time to say something is when it's happening. i realize there is an element of fear in some instances, but are you telling me that every single woman is so terrified they need 5 years to build up the nerve to say anything? i know some women with bigger, brassier balls than i have...how come no one ever touches them inappropriately? they'd not only get told to get their fucking hands off, they'd probably get knocked down in the process. so why doesn't that ever happen in these situations? not one woman ever smacked the shit out of Biden on stage? apparently he does this shit every time he's within reach of a woman, surely one of them would have some balls?
it's not hard at all, i just don't understand why they all wait 5 years to say anything? seems like the time to say something is when it's happening. i realize there is an element of fear in some instances, but are you telling me that every single woman is so terrified they need 5 years to build up the nerve to say anything? i know some women with bigger, brassier balls than i have...how come no one ever touches them inappropriately? they'd not only get told to get their fucking hands off, they'd probably get knocked down in the process. so why doesn't that ever happen in these situations? not one woman ever smacked the shit out of Biden on stage? apparently he does this shit every time he's within reach of a woman, surely one of them would have some balls?
Are you saying you don't believe them?
it's not hard at all, i just don't understand why they all wait 5 years to say anything? seems like the time to say something is when it's happening. i realize there is an element of fear in some instances, but are you telling me that every single woman is so terrified they need 5 years to build up the nerve to say anything? i know some women with bigger, brassier balls than i have...how come no one ever touches them inappropriately? they'd not only get told to get their fucking hands off, they'd probably get knocked down in the process. so why doesn't that ever happen in these situations? not one woman ever smacked the shit out of Biden on stage? apparently he does this shit every time he's within reach of a woman, surely one of them would have some balls?
You seem confused again. First you imply that the women accusing Biden are disingenuous then you infer that they are abused because they’re weak?
Are you saying you don't believe them?
nothin really to disbelieve since he was "invading their space" in plain view .
but the complaints come off like he's being purposely derailed as the purported front runner in the same manner when bernie(who i supported) said in a debate that he was sick of hearing bout clintons email's, then declared in following rally's that clinton should produce them making them an issue that hurt any dems chances almost as bad as comeys 11th hour phony re-investigation.
Are you saying you don't believe them?
not all of them. i don't just assume they're all liars, but i don't assume they're all telling the truth either. you're talking about ruining a man's reputation. if he deserves it, then fine, he deserves it, and he should get what he has coming. but i'd like to be certain he does, because all your apologies later won't mean fuck all. i remember hearing something about being innocent until proven guilty, not till someone accuses you
not all of them. i don't just assume they're all liars, but i don't assume they're all telling the truth either. you're talking about ruining a man's reputation. if he deserves it, then fine, he deserves it, and he should get what he has coming. but i'd like to be certain he does, because all your apologies later won't mean fuck all. i remember hearing something about being innocent until proven guilty, not till someone accuses you
I don't understand your point. You don't dispute the truth of what they are saying. What does it matter if it happened five years ago? Alabama Republicans used the same stupid argument when they defended the pedo, Roy Moore. It was nonsense then too.

Also, wtf dude, blaming the women for not making a scene, then and there. Again, how does that change the facts of the story?

I mean, go ahead and say you don't care what those women say, you like Biden. You are making yourself look stupid or worse with you cockamamie arguments. Those women didn't like Biden's patronizing behavior and that's the end of the story. Its up to Biden to get their vote. Or not.
nothin really to disbelieve since he was "invading their space" in plain view .
but the complaints come off like he's being purposely derailed as the purported front runner in the same manner when bernie(who i supported) said in a debate that he was sick of hearing bout clintons email's, then declared in following rally's that clinton should produce them making them an issue that hurt any dems chances almost as bad as comeys 11th hour phony re-investigation.
I'm more bothered by the dismissive and hostile statements made by Biden's supporters about those women than I am bothered by Biden's actions. One cannot tell those women they should not feel the way the did any more than one can tell women voters that they should just suck it up and vote regardless of how they feel on the issue. "For the common good". The primary is when we should select who we want to run as the nominee. In November, I'll vote for most liberal candidate with a chance to win. In the May primary in Oregon, I'll vote for who I like best. As I would encourage anybody to do. No way would I tell black or women voters to put their issues on the back burner. It's up to Biden to get the most people to vote for him.

In my opinion, is this being deliberately blown out of proportion by right wing propaganda and by Biden's Democratic Primary opponents? Yes. Is this hardball politics? Yes. Political contests are not a game. The results matter and of course Biden is under attack because he's the perceived front runner . It's up to him how he deals with this. I would very much like to see Biden demonstrate political skill and address this relatively minor issue in a positive way. I don't think he will. To me, I want better than that from my candidate.

Like I said earlier, this is a case of an old man behaving like he did 30 years ago. If he can't change then he's not the right guy for the Democratic Party. That said, if he wins the nomination, I'll vote for him.
I had an uncle that would kiss everybody, but he was French so that was normal

I have an aunt that way. And EVERYBODY'S name is either hun, sugar or dear. And she's touchy. Likes to have a hand on your shoulder, or patting your hand. Creeps me the hell out and I've known her most of my life.

It's just her. She doesn't mean anything by it, she's just a very affectionate person. I think Joe's the same way.

What cracks me up so much is that all these "accusers" are saying up front, "I'm not saying he did anything wrong. I'm not accusing him of sexual harassment."

Then why make a big deal out of it? If you by your own admission say he didn't do anything wrong, what's the problem?

OH WAIT! You campaigned for a different candidate last election. Oh. I see. I get it.
I don't understand your point. You don't dispute the truth of what they are saying. What does it matter if it happened five years ago? Alabama Republicans used the same stupid argument when they defended the pedo, Roy Moore. It was nonsense then too.

Also, wtf dude, blaming the women for not making a scene, then and there. Again, how does that change the facts of the story?

I mean, go ahead and say you don't care what those women say, you like Biden. You are making yourself look stupid or worse with you cockamamie arguments. Those women didn't like Biden's patronizing behavior and that's the end of the story. Its up to Biden to get their vote. Or not.
i don't like anyone in particular....i don't like people being judged guilty on someone else's word...that is NOT how the legal system in this country works...no matter how much you wish it did. for someone to be judged guilty, there has to be a trial, and presentation of proof. i don't think any of that has occured.....
i don't dispute OR confirm the truth of what they are saying.....that is for a judge and or jury to do...and neither one of us are either....
what does it matter if it happened 5 years ago? it makes it a lot harder to confirm whether anything happened or not...of course it doesn't matter much how difficult it is to confirm or deny anything, because you've already judged Biden guilty...
how does not making a scene at the time make a difference? it would make it a lot easier to prove their position...a lot harder for stupid conversations like this to take place to begin with...why did you wait 5 years to tell me a snake bit you? well, i was afraid of the snake....but it already bit you....but i was afraid....if you had said something at the time, we could have taken care of it at the time....now it's a fucking side show where it has to be proven or its all bullshit...and i do not trust the woman in question to not lie to make a political kill, quite frankly....that is not me saying that i do not trust all women to tell the truth, or even many...so don't fucking start with that shit....i don't trust Flores for one minute, i think she would lie through her teeth to not only get rid of Biden, but to help.....someone else running....maybe?.....possibly?........

now go ahead and rip me a new one.....for doing exactly...EXACTLY the same thing Flores is doing...making unprovable, hurtful accusations....