do you believe barr?

do you believe lard-ass william barr?

  • no

  • yes. i'm very easily fooled by conmen

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Well-Known Member
mueller's findings from court documents:

14 associates had 100+ secret meetings with russians and lied about ALL of them

don junior had a treason meeting about "adoption" in trump tower, lied about it for five days straight

the next day, russians started trying to steal material from hillary and the DNC. they did

roger stone coordinated the release, timing, and promotion of this stolen material with kgb-owned wikileaks

wikileaks asked don junior to tell his daddy to tweet about them. 10 minutes later, he did

over 100+ mentions of wikileaks by conald on the campaign trail.


paul manafort shared 75+ pages of internal polling data with russian spies and told conald to campaign in different places based off that

barr: "uh yeah, mueller says no collusion. no you can't see the report"
lard-ass was hired to do trumps bidding, i also wish that he had to launder trumps piss soaked bedding too since he doesn't want to see the orangutan get publicly humiliated.
I don't believe that Barr has actually lied.

I do believe Barr used the most pro-Trump interpretation of the law to present the most favorable outcome for Trump possible.

I find it impossible to believe that a man who spoke out and wrote in articles the opinion that the Mueller investigation was illegal and/or baseless could possibly remove that preconception from his mind and interpret the report in an unbiased fashion.

He should have recused himself as was recommended.

He refused to follow the very ethical rules he swore to uphold. In my opinion that makes any conclusion he comes to null and void.
I don't believe that Barr has actually lied.

I do believe Barr used the most pro-Trump interpretation of the law to present the most favorable outcome for Trump possible.

I find it impossible to believe that a man who spoke out and wrote in articles the opinion that the Mueller investigation was illegal and/or baseless could possibly remove that preconception from his mind and interpret the report in an unbiased fashion.

He should have recused himself as was recommended.

He refused to follow the very ethical rules he swore to uphold. In my opinion that makes any conclusion he comes to null and void.
If you had suspicion that your wife cheated on you, in which you confront her and she states that she "did not allow any man to penetrate her vagina other than you nor would she ever" as she burst it to tears.
would you say she is telling a lie if it is found out that she actually did not allow a man to penetrate her vagina, but did give a blow job and anal.

Barr is lying and covering the truth
I don't believe that Barr has actually lied.

I do believe Barr used the most pro-Trump interpretation of the law to present the most favorable outcome for Trump possible.

I find it impossible to believe that a man who spoke out and wrote in articles the opinion that the Mueller investigation was illegal and/or baseless could possibly remove that preconception from his mind and interpret the report in an unbiased fashion.

He should have recused himself as was recommended.

He refused to follow the very ethical rules he swore to uphold. In my opinion that makes any conclusion he comes to null and void.
Barr very clearly said there was evidence of a conspiracy between Trump's campaign and Russian agents. He wasn't lying either when he said there was obstruction of justice but he'd leave the matter of enforcement up to Congress. The bar for convicting Trump and his cronies is high and so he quite honestly said he wouldn't pursue criminal charges. I think his memo was damning, not a vindication. Not one bit.

Release the report and all the evidence and Trump will be convicted in the court of public opinion.