Uncle Joe a Perv?

Is Biden finished?

  • Yes, the blood is in the water, and the sharks are going to eat him

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • No, He's too likable, no one will believe that liar

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Who really cares?

    Votes: 13 50.0%

  • Total voters
That was Jimmadick. It's not always about you Shrubs.

The thing is, whether you like it or agree with it or not, Biden has a problem on his hands. If Biden can't address this issue then he shouldn't be the Democratic nominee. Calling women cunts as j-dick did or complaining the women are out to "destroy Biden" dismisses the women who see what Biden is doing as being patronizing. What if Biden kissed the back of Teresa May's head? Has he ever kissed the back of a man's head? Nope. It was women and children. I don't think this was some awful action. It most certainly wasn't sexual abuse. But it was found offensive to some people and it's Biden's job to get their votes if he runs. So, this is his opportunity to show that he is a uniter and not a divider as Bernie Sanders has shown himself to be.
are you sure it's not always about me? i'm so disappointed....
i agree with you (about this)...while an election should be about character and issues, it has become a huge beauty pageant with ugly contestants...so if you're a contestant in a beauty pageant, it is your job to make yourself as appealing as possible, to the largest section of the voters as possible...which is just fucking depressing....
are you sure it's not always about me? i'm so disappointed....
i agree with you (about this)...while an election should be about character and issues, it has become a huge beauty pageant with ugly contestants...so if you're a contestant in a beauty pageant, it is your job to make yourself as appealing as possible, to the largest section of the voters as possible...which is just fucking depressing....
The feedback that Biden is getting is honest whether you disagree with it or not.

I think calling the shit storm over Biden's patronizing behavior towards women a "beauty contest" is dismissive of what women are saying.
The women in this country are going out of their minds now with this Me Too manhunt bullshit.
They spend thousands of dollars on clothes, spend hours trying to look sexy and then when a man grabs their ass, they get offended
What the fuck is that about?
All over the world people are grabbing ass, and do you hear any complaints from anyone?
That right, you don't.
You don't see this witch hunt shit anywhere else but here, everywhere else they appreciate a man's attention


men need to keeping their fvcking paws to themselves..and NO they don't appreciate a mans attention as you've described above, Old School..what a misogynistic asshat.

do you have any creepy calendars, too?
not condoning Joe's affinity for being overly affectionate, his behavior with others is no different than it is with his own children & grandchildren.
it's probably therapeutic for him as a father and grandfather whom is still grieving over the losses of his first wife, daughter(auto accident) & son (cancer).
grief can make an individual angry & bitter or affectionate to a fault or distant and cold.
and yes i do have a doctors degree in the field of clinical psychological analysis...just in case anyone was wondering...

ummmmm yes you are condoning by making an excuse for his behavior- he's stepped way over the line.
men need to keeping their fvcking paws to themselves..and NO they don't appreciate a mans attention as you've described above, Old School..what a misogynistic asshat.

do you have any creepy calendars, too?
Old men are used to the past , Don't support anyone over 60
Here is the other problem with Joe or Bernie for that matter
We were all better men than we are now

Old folks never like to admit they have lost a few steps , which explains seniors driving on the roads long after they can do so safely
Ultimately loved ones usual are forced to take the keys away

Whether Joe, Bernie or Donald admit it , they are all too old to lead in the 21st century
Time to take the keys away if you truly care
I think it was when you said women like being molested
I was kinda being sarcastic, and I guess it didn't go over that way.

Yes, I think that men (and women) have invaded spaces and made other people uncomfortable (I can't count the times my ass has been grabbed (by both sexes), but I took it as a compliment).

I respect all person's rights to not be molested, but this Metoo stuff is getting out (no, it is) of hand, where two basically decent people have been slammed and ruined over bullshit.

That's fucked up, because anyone that thinks Biden should be disqualified over this bullshit is ether a Republican, or a fucking idiot.
i personally think that Biden is just a very physically demonstrative person...i HATE physically demonstrative people, but that doesn't make them perverts...
i find it VERY convenient that Flores decides that THIS is the moment to come forward, after nearly 5 years...but, if it's proven that Biden inappropriately touched her, then he deserves the consequences. but i want it PROVEN...accusations do not make people guilty, proof does

that's because this is the moment he's deciding on a presidential run in which he'd be a top contender for the first time..
I was kinda being sarcastic, and I guess it didn't go over that way.

Yes, I think that men (and women) have invaded spaces and made other people uncomfortable (I can't count the times my ass has been grabbed (by both sexes), but I took it as a compliment).

I respect all person's rights to not be molested, but this Metoo stuff is getting out (no, it is) of hand, where two basically decent people have been slammed and ruined over bullshit.

That's fucked up, because anyone that thinks Biden should be disqualified over this bullshit is ether a Republican, or a fucking idiot.

pictures don't lie.
I think miss Flores harmed herself and her efforts to reform immigration laws.with this clearly political attack.more than she hurt Mr Biden. this was not sexual harassment.trying to elevate it to that level hurts her credibility.I am proud to be a democratic socialist and I support single payer health care but miss Flores comes across as a radical feminist who hates men.a little too far to the left for my taste.this happened at a campaign rally where then vice president Biden showed up to endorse her campaign and she did not complain at the time because it helped her win the election being that close to the vice president
He's done before he even starts.

A Connecticut woman says Joe Biden touched her inappropriately and rubbed noses with her during a 2009 political fundraiser in Greenwich when he was vice president, drawing further scrutiny to the Democrat and his history of unwanted contact with women as he ponders a presidential run.

“It wasn’t sexual, but he did grab me by the head," Amy Lappos told The Courant Monday. “He put his hand around my neck and pulled me in to rub noses with me. When he was pulling me in, I thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth.”

Lappos posted about the alleged incident on the Facebook page of Connecticut Women in Politics Sunday in response to a similar account by former Nevada legislator Lucy Flores, which comes as Biden is considering a 2020 run for president. Flores accused Biden of kissing her on the back of her head in 2014, when she was a candidate for lieutenant governor.

Lappos, 43, who is now a freelance worker with nonprofit agencies, said she felt extremely uncomfortable when Biden approached her at the 2009 fundraiser for U.S. Rep. Jim Himes, D-4th, where she was volunteering. At the time, Lappos was a congressional aide to Himes, who she said was not in the room when the incident took place.

“I never filed a complaint, to be honest, because he was the vice president. I was a nobody,” Lappos said. “There’s absolutely a line of decency. There’s a line of respect. Crossing that line is not grandfatherly. It’s not cultural. It’s not affection. It’s sexism or misogyny.”

Un-Fucking Believable

Good luck America, with the next bunch of Asshole Dems who will NEVER FUCKING WIN, with their platform as it stands today.
Time for a double :(
looks like these democratic woman are trying to give us 4 more years of trump.they sound like a bunch of spoiled school girls. get a platform that appeals to most Americans or get out of the race and let someone who has a chance of beating trump run.radical feminist will kill the democratic party
looks like these democratic woman are trying to give us 4 more years of trump.they sound like a bunch of spoiled school girls. get a platform that appeals to most Americans or get out of the race and let someone who has a chance of beating trump run.radical feminist will kill the democratic party
Has Biden ever kissed a man on the back of his head? What would your reaction be if he kissed you on the back of your head? Can you imagine Biden ever kissing Merkel on the back of her head?

When I referred to my awkward aunt kissing the back of my head and making me feel a bit gross as a kid, she was still family. I do remember not liking it though. A stranger doing that would have been much worse.

I totally agree that Biden's actions aren't anywhere close to unwanted sexual advance or groping or anything like that. But it is a form of patronizing women whose day is past. So, Biden has to live in this age, not the one of his prime where avuncular male patronization of adult women might be overlooked. He has to deal with this. I'm curious if he's modern enough to do so.
The feedback that Biden is getting is honest whether you disagree with it or not.

I think calling the shit storm over Biden's patronizing behavior towards women a "beauty contest" is dismissive of what women are saying.
that isn't what i was calling a beauty contest...i was calling our entire electoral process a beauty pageant...which is exactly what it is...whoever can impress the most fools wins...thinking, considering, consulting, aware people don't matter...fools who vote for stupid reasons matter, because that is the majority of people, and the majority wins....unless the electoral college just throws the whole fucking process in the trash and fucks the people over again....
and did i not just say "if it's proven that Biden inappropriately touched her, then he deserves the consequences. but i want it PROVEN...accusations do not make people guilty, proof does"....i know i did, because i just cut and pasted it.....how does saying he deserves the consequence if he is guilty indicate disapproval on my part?

i think you should quit quick scanning statements then going off on a barely related tangent...i take the time to try to read the subtext between the lines...and until someone appoints you, you aren't a judge...you're just another opinion with an asshole...