hydro help please, growing advice needed,


Well-Known Member
"Obviously there are drops/strips that are not cut out for the job".

That statement implies that there are SOME drops/strips that are cut out for the job.

I would be greatly interested in seeing these drops/strips that are as accurate as you say they are. Can you provide some examples E.S?

If you are unable to prove that some drops/strips are more accurate than a PROPERLY CALIBRATED ph meter, well then...... it is obvious that you have no business giving others advice on growing with hydroponics.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I just looked up that particular product, and I am not seeing that accuracy you’re talking about.

Just like all ph drops/strips I see a color chart, with a pretty spread out range of ph color values.

However I do not see any how you can get that +/- 0.1 value needed to properly adjust your ph for hydroponics.

Also, you are still limited to following a chart that uses shades of color to determine the ph level, which by its nature (color blind or not) is impossible to even get anything more accurate than +/- 0.5 or possible if you’re lucky 0.3.

A ph meter, can provide a difference of +/- 0.01. Any experienced hydro grower will tell you that the more accurate you can get, the better.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting tired of correcting you, and if you think your GH pH test strips with a half a point accuracy are as good as any digital pH pen, well, then you sir must be retarded. :finger:


New Member
...... Even without proper calibration, a meter will always be more accurate than trying to guess the exact ph using different hues of color.....
But you skip right over that huh. I'm just retared enough to read and comprehend. I use GH indicator drops..... you suck donkey balls HM.


Well-Known Member
it showed up in my subscribed threads, I saw ES was posting away and though HEY wtf??

I thought Colbert's word of the day was tussel :hump:


New Member
Oh no... I missed a keystroke... I'm so embarrassed. ;-)

Tuss.... I didn't call him a name.... just said he sucks donkey balls. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I thought Colbert's word of the day was tussel :hump:
ahhh it says truthiness, i was actually tying to find one of him standing next to MULTI-GRAIN in the opening, but couldnt find a good one
Oh no... I missed a keystroke... I'm so embarrassed. ;-)

Tuss.... I didn't call him a name.... just said he sucks donkey balls. :lol:
that doesn't make it better sucking donkey balls would not be cool:spew:


New Member
ahhh it says truthiness, i was actually tying to find one of him standing next to MULTI-GRAIN in the opening, but couldnt find a good one

that doesn't make it better sucking donkey balls would not be cool:spew:
Maybe not better but certainly different. Not so bad for his donkey though. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've never seen someone type the smilie for lol as often as E S.

Why are you constantly " :lol: "ing after your own remarks?

I don't see anyone else laughing at your responses, just your stupidity.

Your test strips are at best within .5, any meter tests to within .05, so suck my balls :finger:

The extra 0 means it's ten times better. If your retarded at simple math.


New Member
There you go whinin' again :lol: I use :lol: because it's the only smiley i can remember the letters for ;-) that one and :mrgreen: too. :lol: