Obama? or McCain?


New Member
don't you just hate those uppity-ass colored people......
I thought you were a white dude, tips? But after hearing P's theory, I'm starting to think you are a white chick? And no, I don't hate you now, and still wouldn't hate you if you were colored. I wouldn't respect you any more ;-) because of it, either though.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about the Republicans much. I truly do believe we are witnessing the initial stages of the breakup of the Republican Party. They are in full retreat now, desperately trying to defend their home turf. Some of their congressional candidates are trying to latch onto Obama's coattails now. By the time Obama's presidency is over, the Republican Party demographic (white, anti-gay, religious, male-dominated) will be too small to remain sustainable.

What will be interesting will be watching the evolution of whatever replaces the Republican Party. The conservatives have to go somewhere, and nature abhors a vacuum. They'll have to be more inclusive to our changing population to regain any significance, whatever arises from the ashes.


New Member
Me and my significant other are going to vote for Obama too. She wore an Obama/Biden shirt to work yesterday, and it was amazing how nice she was treated by black folks. We're in a red (but battleground) state, so you don't see a lot of blatant Obama supporters around here, because of fear of redneck backlash. My significant other's a Jew, so her ethnic group has dealt with persecution, so she doesn't give in to redneckophobia, and me, I'm just fearless.
Yes, your wife's "ethnic" group has dealt with persecution, the worst of which, came from socialists under the fascist dictatorship of Hitler. So, the question I would have for your wife is; why in the world would you vote for a fascistic socialist named O'Bama?



New Member
Yes, your wife's "ethnic" group has dealt with persecution, the worst of which, came from socialists under the fascist dictatorship of Hitler. So, the question I would have for your wife is; why in the world would you vote for a fascistic socialist named O'Bama?

Bong thinks that it's because they're not one of the targeted....

Here it is, from Bong-

"Republican Party demographic (white, anti-gay, religious, male-dominated)"


New Member
What's wrong with McCain?
I have been over that so many times here at riu....I don't really want to...but I will give you one...
John McCain is a person of privilege that looks down on the middle class...his health care plan is stupid...the people that need the help the most don't pay $5000 a year in federal tax. During the last debate he sarcastically mentioned canada and englands health care...I think that takes a lot of nerve...McCain has had federally provided healthcare since the day he was born.


Well-Known Member
I have been over that so many times here at riu....I don't really want to...but I will give you one...
John McCain is a person of privilege that looks down on the middle class...his health care plan is stupid...the people that need the help the most don't pay $5000 a year in federal tax. During the last debate he sarcastically mentioned canada and englands health care...I think that takes a lot of nerve...McCain has had federally provided healthcare since the day he was born.
That's a weak argument.

His Grandfather, and his Father both served this country, as did McCain (even if he didn't a shitty job of it.)

And Canada and England's Health Care do deserve to be mentioned with nothing but Sarcasm.

Both of those system's are falling a part.

In Canada you wait 8 months for a hip replacement, that's inefficient.

In England, well there's a reason why even after decades of socialized medicine we are still joking about their teeth here in the states.

Hell, this isn't even something that could be accused of bias, because it wasn't reported by the US Media. It was reported by one of the British Newspapers. Dentists in Britain are refusing to take on complicated cases because of the lack of compensation.

Socialized Medicine is stupid!


Well-Known Member
because.................he is not mccain....I would vote for you before I would vote for mccain..
you should be charged with treason, you pinko shit of shit!
sympathetic to Communism would have got you beat'n and black-listed.

All obama supporters: On the day you weak up in your marxis system and realize what you have done, not only to yourself but other around you. I want you to take responsibility for your vote, after all you have been made aware in advance of the actual potential harm to this country.so it's not like you didn't know what you brought onto my door step and my future.

responsibility: Suicide methods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
That's a weak argument.

His Grandfather, and his Father both served this country, as did McCain (even if he didn't a shitty job of it.)

And Canada and England's Health Care do deserve to be mentioned with nothing but Sarcasm.

Both of those system's are falling a part.

In Canada you wait 8 months for a hip replacement, that's inefficient.

In England, well there's a reason why even after decades of socialized medicine we are still joking about their teeth here in the states.

Hell, this isn't even something that could be accused of bias, because it wasn't reported by the US Media. It was reported by one of the British Newspapers. Dentists in Britain are refusing to take on complicated cases because of the lack of compensation.

Socialized Medicine is stupid!
So what was the point in you asking? She wasn't trying to argue her point, She voted for him and gave you her reason after non stop jocking her for it. there is nothing to argue, She Voted OBAMA, it's over DONE, Finis'


Well-Known Member
So what was the point in you asking? She wasn't trying to argue her point, She voted for him and gave you her reason after non stop jocking her for it. there is nothing to argue, She Voted OBAMA, it's over DONE, Finis'
You're right.

Sorry Tipsgnob.

(Though I still disagree with your vote.)


Well-Known Member
you should be charged with treason, you pinko shit of shit!
sympathetic to Communism would have got you beat'n and black-listed.

All obama supporters: On the day you weak up in your marxis system and realize what you have done, not only to yourself but other around you. I want you to take responsibility for your vote, after all you have been made aware in advance of the actual potential harm to this country.so it's not like you didn't know what you brought onto my door step and my future.

responsibility: Suicide methods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'll be glad to do so, and wish you all do the same for putting that dumbass, who no one wishes to claim now, in OFFICE twice. It's funny how you all talk that shit but don't take responsiblity for your own b.s. How does it feel being part of the Dictatorship that tore down our Country :confused:


New Member
I'll be glad to do so, and wish you all do the same for putting that dumbass, who no one wishes to claim now, in OFFICE twice. It's funny how you all talk that shit but don't take responsiblity for your own b.s. How does it feel being part of the Dictatorship that tore down our Country :confused:
You might soon enough know, Brazko.....


Well-Known Member
You might soon enough know, Brazko.....
Hopefully, I won't but if it is, well no 2nd term and maybe some of those guys we talk about, Naddar & Paul would start to have more influence and a better chance. I'm a Dem but I vote for whomever the better person (leader that is). I liked Regan, 1st Bush, Clinton b/c they were leaders. It baffles me tho how people are ready to abandoned ship after we had to put up with this Circus Side Show.....The whole system needs to be reformed...If we just choose to make it happen!!!


Well-Known Member
I'll be glad to do so, and wish you all do the same for putting that dumbass, who no one wishes to claim now, in OFFICE twice. It's funny how you all talk that shit but don't take responsiblity for your own b.s. How does it feel being part of the Dictatorship that tore down our Country :confused:
Did acorn have someone sign me up and voted for bush x amount of times?

Never voted for bush, sorry...um, what where you saying, again?:mrgreen:

What you fail to look at, is you might remember the bush white house as not sooo bad after the time spent with an obama white house.
fucked up thought huh?


Well-Known Member
Did acorn have someone sign me up and voted for bush x amount of times?

Never voted for bush, sorry...um, what where you saying, again?:mrgreen:

What you fail to look at, is you might remember the bush white house as not sooo bad after the time spent with an obama white house.
fucked up thought huh?
I'm sorry, must have been Mickey Mouse and Darth Vader, I'm glad to hear you wasn't on that train too, and that remains to be seen instead of it being the Mcsame White House :mrgreen: