The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

as long as no one is going to come forward and say he pulled a train on them at a frat party, or has photos of him in black face... yeah, i could get behind that

honestly, really don't know much about him, which is probably a good least he hasn't made headlines for screwing porn stars, and he doesn't own a charity that he steals from.
and i'm relatively certain that if there was any easily slingable mud connected to him, trump would have found it, and slung it, that's what trumps do
all this really illustrates to me is that trump is better at insulating himself from his minions than i thought he would be. i'm still a little confused how just about everyone who ever worked for or with trump can be guilty, while trump existed in a bubble of purity, like a lily growing in the middle of a cesspool...

He had to work with many top New York mobsters in the construction trade and I imagine he learned a few things. His father worked with mobsters too. Personally im not buying any more Trump is toast news though, im done.
If he tossed his hat in the democratic race he'd probably blow everybody out of the water and would beat Donald like a fucking drum. Do it for America Bob, he strikes me as the General Washington type and could do a lot to set the country straight and help ya to recover from Trump. He should be the first choice as AG for the next democratic POTUS at the very least.
Mueller is still a Republican, last I heard.
He had to work with many top New York mobsters in the construction trade and I imagine he learned a few things. His father worked with mobsters too. Personally im not buying any more Trump is toast news though, im done.
That guy and that ditsy blond on that show are THE WORST people I've ever seen. They just reek of stuck-up asshole, the both of them.
he is a jerk...but he's right about this...the press should never quit trying to present the facts to the people...that being said, the press has to become a lot more is not the job of the press to present opinion, they're supposed to be presenting unbiased information, so that we can form our own opinions. you don't really have to embellish anything about trump...the facts are damning enough
He chose to work with many NY Mobsters.

I only know about the mob concrete monopoly in which you had to buy mob concrete or get shut down back in the late 70's. Trump had to buy mob concrete because they ran everything and could get any construction site shut down. Im very interested in his other dealings with the mob if you have a link. I don't doubt he chose to work with them at all considering his dads mob ties. Im kinda a mob nut and like reading about it.
that is true...i'm sure it's not mandatory to business with the mob...but trump is exactly the kind of shady fuck that would not only do it for the money, he'd think it was "cool"....
Donald was drawn to the mob like flies to shit, it was a natural fit, it's the same thing with Putin and every other tin pot dictator in the world. It was a case of "birds of a feather", and of course money, he also ripped off the workers and contractors for the project.

There are at least 16 other investigations into Trump and his organization, other scandals and crimes will also emerge as the hearings move forward. There are gonna be more of these assholes in prison or squeal deals before the dust settles on this one. The fact that his family wasn't mentioned leads me to suspect that they will be charged with state crimes in NY for now and indicted for federal crimes after trump is out of office.

Mueller's report (we have yet to see it) might not have knocked Trump out of the presidency, but he has sown the seeds of his downfall and destruction. A bit more patience is required, I believe things are gonna speed up as we move forward.

Mitch McConnell and the republicans in the house will be thrilled to have Donald leading the GOP going into 2020...
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I only know about the mob concrete monopoly in which you had to buy mob concrete or get shut down back in the late 70's. Trump had to buy mob concrete because they ran everything and could get any construction site shut down. Im very interested in his other dealings with the mob if you have a link. I don't doubt he chose to work with them at all considering his dads mob ties. Im kinda a mob nut and like reading about it.

Trump’s résumé is rife with mob connections
Link to wapo article

After Cohn guided the brash young developer through the gutters of city politics to win permits for Trump Plaza and Trump Tower, it happened that Trump elected to build primarily with concrete rather than steel. He bought the mud at inflated prices from S&A Concrete, co-owned by Cohn’s client Salerno and Paul Castellano, boss of the Gambino family.

Coincidence? Fuhgeddaboudit.

Trump moved next into the New Jersey casino business, which was every bit as clean as it sounds. State officials merely shrugged when Trump bought a piece of land from associates of Philadelphia mob boss “Little Nicky” Scarfo for roughly $500,000 more than it was worth. However, this and other ties persuaded police in Australia to block Trump’s bid to build a casino in Sydney in 1987, citing Trump’s “Mafia connections.”

Not just NY mobsters. Trump knows how to follow the money:

Mobsters “were looking to launder illicit cash,” wrote one sleuth. “Boxing, of all the sports, was perhaps the most accommodating laundromat, what with its international subculture of unsavory characters who play by their own rules.”

But an even more accommodating laundromat came along: luxury real estate — yet another mob-adjacent field in which the Trump name has loomed large. Because buyers of high-end properties often hide their identities, it’s impossible to say how many Russian Mafia oligarchs own Trump-branded condos. Donald Trump Jr. gave a hint in 2008: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.”

For instance: In 2013, federal prosecutors indicted Russian mob boss Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov and 33 others on charges related to a gambling ring operating from two Trump Tower condos that allegedly laundered more than $100 million. A few months later, the same Mr. Tokhtakhounov, a fugitive from U.S. justice, was seen on the red carpet at Trump’s Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.

This was all well known before Trump became elected. It's just another reason to wonder how those voters could choose him. Obviously, they don't care.
Mueller is still a Republican, last I heard.
I dunno about Mueller's politics as of late, I would find it hard to believe that the straight arrow law enforcement types and national security community would still support the republicans after Trump. I think it would be more accurate to say Mueller was a professional and we have yet to see his report or even a complete sentence quoted from it. I figure he couldn't clear the evidence bar to make the case against Trump for conspiracy, yet, this might change in the future though as new facts come to light or when Trump leaves office. Americans need to see the compete report, redacted if required, but the appropriate senate and house committees should have complete access to it.

Mueller had a narrow mandate, but he sowed the seeds of Donald's destruction. If he could have cracked Manafort or Stone it might have turned out differently for conspiracy with the Russians. Who knows, he might yet be inducted for conspiracy, it's not like he's innocent or even close, it just hasn't been proved yet.
I dunno about Mueller's politics as of late, I would find it hard to believe that the straight arrow law enforcement types and national security community would still support the republicans after Trump. I think it would be more accurate to say Mueller was a professional and we have yet to see his report or even a complete sentence quoted from it. I figure he couldn't clear the evidence bar to make the case against Trump for conspiracy, yet, this might change in the future though as new facts come to light or when Trump leaves office. Americans need to see the compete report, redacted if required, but the appropriate senate and house committees should have complete access to it.

Mueller had a narrow mandate, but he sowed the seeds of Donald's destruction. If he could have cracked Manafort or Stone it might have turned out differently for conspiracy with the Russians. Who knows, he might yet be inducted for conspiracy, it's not like he's innocent or even close, it just hasn't been proved yet.
I think the investigation was never going to end in impeachment, said so from the beginning and still think so. Just because Trump won't do time for this doesn't mean he can't be convicted in the court of public opinion. This is all about providing information to the public so that we can read and decide for ourselves. Trump must let go of the report and evidence and give it all to Congress. Also, we have the right to know what Russia did absent anything about Trump so that we can be better informed during the next election.