Trump dodges the bullet
It appears that Donald has temporarily dodged the bullet on the Russian conspiracy charges, we have yet to hear from Mueller or see his report though. There are other pending indictments in the SDNY that he won't avoid, like the ones his co conspirator Micheal Cohen coped to. If Mueller isn't gonna indict the family, I'm sure it's because it allows the way open for the state of NY to do so and there will be no concerns about presidential pardons. There's plenty of time to get these assholes and I'm sure Donald will be forced to pardon some family members before the election. This is not the end, it's just the beginning, the public has seen too much evidence of crimes and there are still 16 other investigations. Once Donald is removed from the presidency by either impeachment or election, the hammer is gonna drop on him and his family. The fat lady hasn't sung for this game yet, there are lot's of innings to go before it's over.
Things are still gonna be more interesting though, there are a ton of hearings coming and lot's more state and federal charges. Donald conspired with the Russians, Mueller just was not able to prove it, he obstructed justice too, but that's another question. Donald is playing by a different set of rules than previous presidents and can do no wrong with his base. He's pandering to around 40% of the voting population, but it won't win him re election in 2020 and if he loses it means prison. If he loses in 2020, even if it's by a landslide, there will be trouble and he will claim the election was fixed, he will be desperate and capable of anything. One thing I'm certain about is that it won't end well for Donald and that end might be sooner that we think.