The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Now that it's finished... Read the comments in the video, some are funny!
The Mueller Investigation (full film) | FRONTLINE
With the Mueller report complete, FRONTLINE’s “The Mueller Investigation,” tells the inside story of how we arrived at this moment. Part one goes inside the president’s confrontations with the Department of Justice and the FBI in the early days of the Russia investigation.
The Mueller Investigation (full film) | FRONTLINE
With the Mueller report complete, FRONTLINE’s “The Mueller Investigation,” tells the inside story of how we arrived at this moment. Part one goes inside the president’s confrontations with the Department of Justice and the FBI in the early days of the Russia investigation.[/QUOTE]
i don't give a flying fuck at a rolling diarheal rats asshole about the inside story. i want to know what the fucking report says, NOW....and if it says anything damning about trump, trounce the mother fucker, NOW...this is fucking getting old...this has fucking got long do we have to put up with having a cheesy piece of shit con man as president?
You guys still crying in this thread? How many of you bet of this bs investigation. @rollitup you fell for it to if you were all half as smart as you think you are you would be raising hell with your lying liberal media.
You guys still crying in this thread? How many of you bet of this bs investigation. @rollitup you fell for it to if you were all half as smart as you think you are you would be raising hell with your lying liberal media.
So micheal Flynn didn't get caught talking to kislyak about lifting sanctions on Russia, and when confronted he didn't lie about it? And then trump never tried to end the investigation into flynn's lies by firing James Comey, none of that even happened, huh?

Also, all collusion aside, the guy is still scum.
You guys still crying in this thread? How many of you bet of this bs investigation. @rollitup you fell for it to if you were all half as smart as you think you are you would be raising hell with your lying liberal media.
why do idiots like you revel in the damage trump is doing to our country? do you fear people from other places? are you threatened by the idea of competition? do people with different color skin frighten you? do you want to destroy national parks? destroy the habitats of wild life for no better reason than it's a little cheaper than taking precautions?
do you like the idea of white nationalist and racist being able to speak at schools? i just don't understand the level of cowardice and insecurity you must feel to be so frightened that trump seems like a good leader, because he'll make the bad bad black and brown people go away....
You guys still crying in this thread? How many of you bet of this bs investigation. @rollitup you fell for it to if you were all half as smart as you think you are you would be raising hell with your lying liberal media.
We're just watching the Trump train wreck go off the cliff and wondering when it will finally hit the ground in a ball of flame. There are no shortage of traitors, fools and bigots who still support him though. So what do you figure Donald is gonna do for you?
You guys still crying in this thread? How many of you bet of this bs investigation. @rollitup you fell for it to if you were all half as smart as you think you are you would be raising hell with your lying liberal media.
What? You think it’s over and nothing to see here? Sitting president can not be indicted I believe correct? Pretty sure you may want to hold off on the “haha told you so” party lol.
i want to know what the fucking report says, NOW....and if it says anything damning about trump, trounce the mother fucker, NOW...this is fucking getting old...this has fucking got long do we have to put up with having a cheesy piece of shit con man as president?
I hear ya and I've noticed a similar level of frustration by the many people on TV since the report has been released, even though nobody knows what's in it, the informed can make some pretty good guesses.

Mueller will stick to his narrow mandate about Russia and I believe his team has arranged things in such a way so as to fuck Donald and ham string Barr into doing the right thing. Mueller knows how slimy these cocksuckers are, is smart, patriotic, upright and I'm sure he's made the arrangements for Donald's downfall, there's no way he's gonna let these pricks get away with this shit. If Mueller is Bill Barr's friend as Barr claims, then Barr must be a person of character as well, because Mueller wouldn't have anything to do with him otherwise. Donald was surprised to hear that they were friends during the confirmation, and Barr said in his letter he wants Rosenstein and Muller around is a good sign. The fast action by Barr over the weekend is another good sign that he has a rather hot potato in his hands and doesn't need Donald trying to strong arm him over it.

Things are gonna get interesting real fast now. We can only hope that Donald starts freaking out and shitting on Bill Barr next week, perhaps even firing him. The GOP are gonna have to eat a lot more shit for this clown before the election if he fires Barr.

I'll bet Donald has been on the phone with Barr or trying to reach him!
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If you watch this remember that they are really just getting going with this business and I'm sure there are gonna be a lot more indictments and convictions. Don jr, Jared, Ivanka and a host of others have yet to be dealt with and Mueller's report is only a part of it, other DOJ departments and state charges are coming on too. It might be time to force Donald to pardon some of the family and indict a few of them before the election.

The pace of events should quicken now and if you thought you've seen some drama, just wait!
Mueller Makes History Exposing Crime Spree By Former Trump Aides | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
In a special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Ari Melber, examines how despite claims that the Russia probe is a “witch-hunt”, Bob Mueller has proven to be one of the fastest and most effective Special Counsels in U.S. history, racking up indictments at the fastest pace since Watergate. Melber runs through the numerous achievements in the Russia probe, noting that “it’s a lot” and demonstrates how despite Trump’s relatively short period in office, the Mueller probe has seen “the highest rate of indictments for his aides than any President ever”. Former Chief of Staff to Bob Mueller, John Carlin, tells Ari Melber “we should be proud as Americans, but also alarmed at what he’s been able to show us has occurred”.
Trump dodges the bullet
It appears that Donald has temporarily dodged the bullet on the Russian conspiracy charges, we have yet to hear from Mueller or see his report though. There are other pending indictments in the SDNY that he won't avoid, like the ones his co conspirator Micheal Cohen coped to. If Mueller isn't gonna indict the family, I'm sure it's because it allows the way open for the state of NY to do so and there will be no concerns about presidential pardons. There's plenty of time to get these assholes and I'm sure Donald will be forced to pardon some family members before the election. This is not the end, it's just the beginning, the public has seen too much evidence of crimes and there are still 16 other investigations. Once Donald is removed from the presidency by either impeachment or election, the hammer is gonna drop on him and his family. The fat lady hasn't sung for this game yet, there are lot's of innings to go before it's over.

Things are still gonna be more interesting though, there are a ton of hearings coming and lot's more state and federal charges. Donald conspired with the Russians, Mueller just was not able to prove it, he obstructed justice too, but that's another question. Donald is playing by a different set of rules than previous presidents and can do no wrong with his base. He's pandering to around 40% of the voting population, but it won't win him re election in 2020 and if he loses it means prison. If he loses in 2020, even if it's by a landslide, there will be trouble and he will claim the election was fixed, he will be desperate and capable of anything. One thing I'm certain about is that it won't end well for Donald and that end might be sooner than we think.
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Trump dodges the bullet
It appears that Donald has temporarily dodged the bullet on the Russian conspiracy charges, we have yet to hear from Mueller or see his report though. There are other pending indictments in the SDNY that he won't avoid, like the ones his co conspirator Micheal Cohen coped to. If Mueller isn't gonna indict the family, I'm sure it's because it allows the way open for the state of NY to do so and there will be no concerns about presidential pardons. There's plenty of time to get these assholes and I'm sure Donald will be forced to pardon some family members before the election. This is not the end, it's just the beginning, the public has seen too much evidence of crimes and there are still 16 other investigations. Once Donald is removed from the presidency by either impeachment or election, the hammer is gonna drop on him and his family. The fat lady hasn't sung for this game yet, there are lot's of innings to go before it's over.

Things are still gonna be more interesting though, there are a ton of hearings coming and lot's more state and federal charges. Donald conspired with the Russians, Mueller just was not able to prove it, he obstructed justice too, but that's another question. Donald is playing by a different set of rules than previous presidents and can do no wrong with his base. He's pandering to around 40% of the voting population, but it won't win him re election in 2020 and if he loses it means prison. If he loses in 2020, even if it's by a landslide, there will be trouble and he will claim the election was fixed, he will be desperate and capable of anything. One thing I'm certain about is that it won't end well for Donald and that end might be sooner that we think.
Two more years of that blowhard crowing his own praises ...UGH !
Two more years of that blowhard crowing his own praises ...UGH !
They are gonna be hard years because congress and the law aren't done with him by a long shot. I don't think he will win in 2020 if he's running and not impeached that is, Donald has left a very bad taste in America's mouth and I don't figure they want another bite at that bad apple again.
Melber: Mueller Busted Trump Crime Spree, No Chargeable Collusion | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
In a special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Ari Melber, walks through the historic Mueller probe and breaks down why is has been the most effective probe into an administration since Watergate. Melber examines how Mueller demonstrated “government professionalism” and “prosecutorial rigor” that was “a rebuke to Trump’s entire political existence”. Melber concludes that through his actions, Mueller showed the tougher path to “following evidence, not assumptions”.
all this really illustrates to me is that trump is better at insulating himself from his minions than i thought he would be.
i'm still a little confused how just about everyone who ever worked for or with trump can be guilty, while trump existed in a bubble of purity, like a lily growing in the middle of a cesspool...
Melber: Mueller Busted Trump Crime Spree, No Chargeable Collusion | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
In a special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Ari Melber, walks through the historic Mueller probe and breaks down why is has been the most effective probe into an administration since Watergate. Melber examines how Mueller demonstrated “government professionalism” and “prosecutorial rigor” that was “a rebuke to Trump’s entire political existence”. Melber concludes that through his actions, Mueller showed the tougher path to “following evidence, not assumptions”.
too bad Mueller doesn't run for president...really...he has some integrity and ethics, which is more than i can say about many of the people actually running
all this really illustrates to me is that trump is better at insulating himself from his minions than i thought he would be.
i'm still a little confused how just about everyone who ever worked for or with trump can be guilty, while trump existed in a bubble of purity, like a lily growing in the middle of a cesspool...
It is how real Mafia families operate ,never put the boss in the barrel
too bad Mueller doesn't run for president...really...he has some integrity and ethics, which is more than i can say about many of the people actually running
If he tossed his hat in the democratic race he'd probably blow everybody out of the water and would beat Donald like a fucking drum. Do it for America Bob, he strikes me as the General Washington type and could do a lot to set the country straight and help ya to recover from Trump. He should be the first choice as AG for the next democratic POTUS at the very least.