Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

:clap::clap::p:p as predicted Adam, keep riding your train to delusionville



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so you think the guy trump chose to be his AG is telling the truth while also hiding all the evidence that supposedly clears trump?

so your proposal is that the Mueller Report actually includes lots of information about Trump/Russia collusion, but Trump AG is ignoring because (he also is working with Russia?), or just to score points with Trump (by committing treason btw). lol

the Mueller Report actually includes lots of information about Trump/Russia collusion, but Trump AG is ignoring

i think the mueller report shows that manafort shared internal polling data with konstant kilimnik, roger stone coordinated the release, timing and promotion of stolen materials with kgb-owned wikileaks, and don junior had a treason meeting in trump tower with more russian spies.

reason why: court documents already prove all of this

go cry about judeo bolshevism now, little hitler
so your proposal is that the Mueller Report actually includes lots of information about Trump/Russia collusion, but Trump AG is ignoring because (he also is working with Russia?), or just to score points with Trump (by committing treason btw). lol

Lots of folks hold Exxon stock.
that's turning point USA. the same people you literally just quoted.

jesus christ you right wingers are retarded

I was being sarcastic, but I wonder whose IQ is so stunted by political dogma they fail to understand sarcasm...;)

BTW the only person I quoted was you, just now.
Well, when you consider that the average IQ is around 100, it's the conservatives who make up the lower half, e.g. those with an IQ that is under 100.

Statistics don't lie. :lol:

Hilarious how you brainiacs got it so very very wrong. Chalk one up for the dum dums. Lol
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