Alpaca manure.

I’m going to start a worm bin and just use alpaca manure and comfrey in it. Then use the castings as a topdress for my girls.
You should look into using some home-made bokashi bran in your worm bin. I've been running rabbit manure in my worm bin for a few years and I never saw such a healthy worm population until I used it. Alan Adkisson(founder of Grokashi) said that ferments help relieve toxicity in manure. I buy my red wheat from a feed store and it's $14 for a 25gal bag. I hear that red wheat has a good amount of Mn in it also, that is something that I am always low in.

I use 5gal Bokashi bran, OSF, and alfalfa meal right before a big snow storm and it kept my bin nice and toasty. When I checked in on it a week later, it was warm even though there was snow on the tarp. My worm bin looked better than ever and it was during a snow storm. I just don't know if it will cook them in the summer???
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Shoveled up a batch of fresh alpaca manure and while breaking it up to get ready to make a mix I noticed it has a ammonia/urine odor. In the past I have used older composted manure and it didnt have any of that odor. Will that be an issue? Planning to let this mix sit for a month or so.
Shoveled up a batch of fresh alpaca manure and while breaking it up to get ready to make a mix I noticed it has a ammonia/urine odor. In the past I have used older composted manure and it didnt have any of that odor. Will that be an issue? Planning to let this mix sit for a month or so.
It has a smell because it is too fresh. I personally wont use any manure that hasn't aged at least 2 yrs but when I can get my hands on older stuff I do.
Alpaca and Goat manure are the only two manures (I can verify) you can add directly to a top dressing that won't burn the plants!

Both are black gold! We use Goat and Alpaca manure in our teas as well. 3-4 days after a tea and wow, you'll see a big uptick in trichome production. It's pretty amazing. Get some!