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no seed sales going on here. no freebies either. lol. maybe once there was a time i could give a shit, and gift a cut out to a heisen fail. im merely observing the stain tear apart the internet on his little adventure. getting PMs and hearing from others getting PMs from the same stalker we all thought left us alone.
god forbid. someone should actually speak up. keep up the charlie z fan club. its utterly hilarious.
What is your damage boy? For fucks sake why do you make a new post every few seconds. Can you not think of a clear point and express it in a single post? Make just one post, maybe if you weren't in such a rush to make an ass of yourself you could see this horrible pattern your making.
What is your damage boy? For fucks sake why do you make a new post every few seconds. Can you not think of a clear point and express it in a single post? Make just one post, maybe if you weren't in such a rush to make an ass of yourself you could see this horrible pattern your making.

explain to me how you would like me paraphrase whatever you would like me to elaborate on. in any other way than this. there are no boys here.
what contradictions do you see? just curious. and who are you?
well you said you were google and here to provide everyone with knowledge then failed to drop any.

if you wanted evidence, check stain's trash bin. or read. im done explaining this. trying to end this rancid shit fest once and for all. why are you "riding his dick"?
Not riding his dick at all, I got some free "bastard seeds" from him he kept his word. That's all I have to judge him on so far as I haven't grown his product.

I see a bunch of people pissed at him on IG some have a point others are just mad he's capitalizing and they think they should make the rules.

Josey kind of had a point regarding calling it Gorilla Glue instead of #4, as #4 is a specific one, but Heisen also has s1 on his label so it's not like he's repping it as THE GG#4 It's an S1 of GG#4. He could say it's a Gorilla Glue S1 that he made by reversing GG#4 and I think everyone would be happy....

You're not coming off as credible in the slightest... you're coming off as unhinged.

and what was the point of posting a mentally ill person getting beat up by boxers? You get the kids got a mental condition right?
could hit you with bricks of info, doubt it would matter. but here you go. since i'm everyone's personal search engine.

back on farmer when mr delicious pants was a "key figure" in the cannabis world, being a moderator on a censored site where freedom of speech doesnt exist, he ran a couple rdwc units. along with some feminized cannaventure ghost og S1 seeds. S1. you guys ever made S1 seeds? or R1 seeds?

I have. and you don't put them all in the same room together. whats the RUSH?

but back to your care package of heisenstain related info. only a few months later, after getting "banned" my another crook, adam smith/logic, he's taking pre orders for seeds hasnt made, with solution he hasnt tested the concentration of, and apparently an "expert" on "breeding" and "feminizing". this all happened this year fellas. and girls. and ladies.

ok. you dont just pick it up in a few months guys. not that easy of a thing to jump into. when you don't test your reversal solution (thats the PPM! stainboy likes to correct anyone who brings this up. because no one knows what parts per million gets abbreviated down to. only him of course.) and who would buy someone's first attempt at reversing anything? good luck with the wipe down fellas. you're doomed.

but again, go look for yourselves. all the "evidence" is there for non-jaded, non-heads stuck up their asses folks.

and back to your care package. now you've got these amazing bastard seeds. and thats it? oh right and naked pics of heisen flipping you off.

you dont have anything real. if you somehow make it out of whatever arrangement you made with this joker, with anything at all, props.

guy just backed out of every hole he dug over the past year. you stay on a thread, call him your father, and tell whistle blowers that they are sucking his dick, and licking his nuts, and so on and so forth.

you ever wonder why there isnt any "evidence" on the previously mentioned forum? because the moderators, god forbid, have discretion. they moderate. and delete penis pics your daddy posts up. because its not appropriate.

and he deletes every cowardly statement he makes. just taking your money guys. sending you some bastard seeds is nifty. but gage green popularized the term. and at least those were real bastards. these are inbred step children.

guy starts shit with so many key figures in OUR cannabis world. I won't even name them out of respect. because you all know. and if you didnt, go check it out. everywhere.

go to IG and read. go to anywhere he has been and read. farmer, here, buducate, wherever. I don't have the interest anymore, and i can't blame you for your backing him, with your witty response comments here. honestly what person with compassion would.

no one ever gave you anything but shit didnt they. and for that i apologize, seriously guys. someone should've taken you all aside a while ago and hooked you all up. not ripped you off and wasted your time.
don't just ramp up backing a guy you don't know. he will shit talk and delete his way out of everything. and I dont have to post anything further to watch that happen. been happening. for quite some time. "your momma sucks, your sister sucks, your whole family sucks..." oh right he deleted that little bit of maturity. gosh. why would he do that.

for the relevant info from yesterday, i forgot to mention. stainboy has been PMing everyone he could on buducate, cross promoting his new flame foundry, chuckers paradise. and you ask why? well i dont know, cause thats pretty lame. think about it.

a moderator asked him to stop. politely. he responded with a batch of spam penises and insults, none provoked. got himself banned. then came back with a new name, and continued. then said he was leaving when he got butt hurt, to use your lingo. oh wait he didnt leave though. huh. sounds a little odd. not your stalwart daddy?

$500 for some naked plumber's apprentice holding up his phat middle finger sounds great. but i'll pass. on anything he has ever touched. absolutely terrified of the damage any of it would do to my garden. and you should be too.

if any of you get any "R1" or "S1" seeds from this guy, and don't heed my advice. heed this. you are gonna need a new room. byez.

p.s. not lightgreen. but why bother?
Wow, man. You somehow are missing the fact that you are coming off like a lunatic. You said you were just the messenger... but why? Why are you so twisted up and hurt that you make an account and type out posts like this? His work will speak for itself. It will be good and people will want it, or it will be BS and people won't buy it. It is really that simple. Doesn't matter who he is or how he is, if his product is good, people will want it.
well you said you were google and here to provide everyone with knowledge then failed to drop any.

Not riding his dick at all, I got some free "bastard seeds" from him he kept his word. That's all I have to judge him on so far as I haven't grown his product.

I see a bunch of people pissed at him on IG some have a point others are just made he's capitalizing and they think they should make the rules.

Josey kind of had a point regarding calling it Gorilla Glue instead of #4, as #4 is a specific one, but Heisen also has s1 on his label so it's not like he's repping it as THE GG#4 It's an S1 of GG#4. He could say it's a Gorilla Glue S1 that he made by reversing GG#4 and I think everyone would be happy....

You're not coming off as credible in the slightest... you're coming off as unhinged.

classy. i said i was google? way to steer around the problem. and your inability to read up on the subject. on your own. glad you got free grab bag seeds to cover up whatever nonsense is brewing next. his utter failure upon failure upon failure. i don't even care enough to follow up this far. and the reason why it would be futile to? stainboy deletes any of his comments that draw out reactions. and his marketing tech of negative publicity. then PMs the people he "touches" to start more shit.

so in summation of that paragraph. im referring to the many times and and many people this joker decides to rain down his "knowledge" on. with internet bully behavior. that a child gamer might perpetuate. but a "growns man?" and then this comic deletes everything credible. everything credible. ok?

like many before you, i see this is the type that lives here. back at me with a response upon response immediately after i post. in this thread. really?

once again. some of this site is actually usable. just wish this wasnt here, leaving the heisen stain everywhere. go get some wipes buddy. you and many others are in for it.
Wow, man. You somehow are missing the fact that you are coming off like a lunatic. You said you were just the messenger... but why? Why are you so twisted up and hurt that you make an account and type out posts like this? His work will speak for itself. It will be good and people will want it, or it will be BS and people won't buy it. It is really that simple. Doesn't matter who he is or how he is, if his product is good, people will want it.

its just immediate rip after rip here. who are you defending and why? do you guys not like receiving warnings of imminent hermies? mutants and the like? my own reasons have been explained over and over now. you rip and rip and you expect someone to not show up? jesus. mirror time.

i'm not. just sharing some concerns. and really my initial concern was this. your daddy stain is psychotic lately. make whatever statements you want to. if you want to go back a few pages through all the nifty ego-driven responses you guys generate so quickly, you'll see that we all are just a little concerned. in between receiving spam bombs and PMs and DMs and hate from this idiot. over and over and over.
classy. i said i was google? way to steer around the problem. and your inability to read up on the subject. on your own. glad you got free grab bag seeds to cover up whatever nonsense is brewing next. his utter failure upon failure upon failure. i don't even care enough to follow up this far. and the reason why it would be futile to? stainboy deletes any of his comments that draw out reactions. and his marketing tech of negative publicity. then PMs the people he "touches" to start more shit.

so in summation of that paragraph. im referring to the many times and and many people this joker decides to rain down his "knowledge" on. with internet bully behavior. that a child gamer might perpetuate. but a "growns man?" and then this comic deletes everything credible. everything credible. ok?

like many before you, i see this is the type that lives here. back at me with a response upon response immediately after i post. in this thread. really?

once again. some of this site is actually usable. just wish this wasnt here, leaving the heisen stain everywhere. go get some wipes buddy. you and many others are in for it.

Lightgreen2k confirmed.

Heisen must have touched you pretty inappropriately for this to have got you trying to take down another thread on here. Couldn't use the main this time though as you've been warned eh? Stay out or you're gone too I bet...
Lightgreen2k confirmed.

Heisen must have touched you pretty inappropriately for this to have got you trying to take down another thread on here. Couldn't use the main this time though as you've been warned eh? Stay out or you're gone too I bet...

whats funny is you are completely wrong. if you want to, you can call me lightgreen confirmed. or whatever.
you think its just one guy with a differing opinion? and no im not that lightgreen guy. my plants are a little....happier? no offense. to him or your ego.
whats funny is you are completely wrong. if you want to, you can call me lightgreen confirmed. or whatever.
It's pretty damn obvious from your broken English French Canadian rants.

You going to start throwing your plant count in the face of cancer patients? or did those posts reflect badly on you in the last thread when you tried this nonsense?

Everyone knows who you are... it's obvious.... really really obvious.
its just immediate rip after rip here. who are you defending and why? do you guys not like receiving warnings of imminent hermies? mutants and the like? my own reasons have been explained over and over now. you rip and rip and you expect someone to not show up? jesus. mirror time.
I am not defending anyone. I don't know Heisen nor have I ever bought or grown his product. I have read some of this thread from time to time to see what others are saying about the product.

You came, you warned.. Thanks... now why are you still going on and on? Do you do this at Amazon when you give a review? Go through all reviews that do not match yours and ramble and ramble and ramble?

That seems to be what you are missing. This is why people are questioning what is wrong with you...
could hit you with bricks of info, doubt it would matter. but here you go. since i'm everyone's personal search engine.

back on farmer when mr delicious pants was a "key figure" in the cannabis world, being a moderator on a censored site where freedom of speech doesnt exist, he ran a couple rdwc units. along with some feminized cannaventure ghost og S1 seeds. S1. you guys ever made S1 seeds? or R1 seeds?

I have. and you don't put them all in the same room together. whats the RUSH?

but back to your care package of heisenstain related info. only a few months later, after getting "banned" my another crook, adam smith/logic, he's taking pre orders for seeds hasnt made, with solution he hasnt tested the concentration of, and apparently an "expert" on "breeding" and "feminizing". this all happened this year fellas. and girls. and ladies.

ok. you dont just pick it up in a few months guys. not that easy of a thing to jump into. when you don't test your reversal solution (thats the PPM! stainboy likes to correct anyone who brings this up. because no one knows what parts per million gets abbreviated down to. only him of course.) and who would buy someone's first attempt at reversing anything? good luck with the wipe down fellas. you're doomed.

but again, go look for yourselves. all the "evidence" is there for non-jaded, non-heads stuck up their asses folks.

and back to your care package. now you've got these amazing bastard seeds. and thats it? oh right and naked pics of heisen flipping you off.

you dont have anything real. if you somehow make it out of whatever arrangement you made with this joker, with anything at all, props.

guy just backed out of every hole he dug over the past year. you stay on a thread, call him your father, and tell whistle blowers that they are sucking his dick, and licking his nuts, and so on and so forth.

you ever wonder why there isnt any "evidence" on the previously mentioned forum? because the moderators, god forbid, have discretion. they moderate. and delete penis pics your daddy posts up. because its not appropriate.

and he deletes every cowardly statement he makes. just taking your money guys. sending you some bastard seeds is nifty. but gage green popularized the term. and at least those were real bastards. these are inbred step children.

guy starts shit with so many key figures in OUR cannabis world. I won't even name them out of respect. because you all know. and if you didnt, go check it out. everywhere.

go to IG and read. go to anywhere he has been and read. farmer, here, buducate, wherever. I don't have the interest anymore, and i can't blame you for your backing him, with your witty response comments here. honestly what person with compassion would.

no one ever gave you anything but shit didnt they. and for that i apologize, seriously guys. someone should've taken you all aside a while ago and hooked you all up. not ripped you off and wasted your time.
don't just ramp up backing a guy you don't know. he will shit talk and delete his way out of everything. and I dont have to post anything further to watch that happen. been happening. for quite some time. "your momma sucks, your sister sucks, your whole family sucks..." oh right he deleted that little bit of maturity. gosh. why would he do that.

for the relevant info from yesterday, i forgot to mention. stainboy has been PMing everyone he could on buducate, cross promoting his new flame foundry, chuckers paradise. and you ask why? well i dont know, cause thats pretty lame. think about it.

a moderator asked him to stop. politely. he responded with a batch of spam penises and insults, none provoked. got himself banned. then came back with a new name, and continued. then said he was leaving when he got butt hurt, to use your lingo. oh wait he didnt leave though. huh. sounds a little odd. not your stalwart daddy?

$500 for some naked plumber's apprentice holding up his phat middle finger sounds great. but i'll pass. on anything he has ever touched. absolutely terrified of the damage any of it would do to my garden. and you should be too.

if any of you get any "R1" or "S1" seeds from this guy, and don't heed my advice. heed this. you are gonna need a new room. byez.

p.s. not lightgreen. but why bother?

Wow awesome read!! I love me a good science fiction story every now and then. Now back to reality...........

1) I'll take a naked pic of Heisen middle fingering a pig before listening to anymore of your blather.
2) I've got crap seeds from many big name breeders. Not every seed will be a trophy winner. We know this.
3) Heisen curses people out and calls them names? ME TOO!! We are like brothers from another mother :blsmoke:
4) You do hydro? So does Heisen, but he's better than you.

I notice you inject many of my sarcastic posts into your jibber jabbing. It's good that I have you seeing lawyers and actually money transfers for nude pics. I like that you actually believe these things. It lets me know 100% that you are an insane individual and can't stop thinking about me and Heisen.

Admit it, you want to be like us. You have a human sized golden naked statue of Apollo which you massage in all the right places. Every time you massage this wondrous statue you whisper softly in its golden ears............."Kiss me Heisen, I adore you", all the while caressing the statues' muscular chest. Once you are fully aroused you run off into the bathroom to masturbate furiously into the hot water. Then, when finished and drained, you go to bed for the night and wish for Heisen to cum to you in your dreams.

Oh flowerpetal, you poor schmuck, how I envy your guilty pleasures. Don't ever change flowerpetal cause I'm really starting to like you :eyesmoke:
Wow awesome read!! I love me a good science fiction story every now and then. Now back to reality...........

1) I'll take a naked pic of Heisen middle fingering a pig before listening to anymore of your blather.
2) I've got crap seeds from many big name breeders. Not every seed will be a trophy winner. We know this.
3) Heisen curses people out and calls them names? ME TOO!! We are like brothers from another mother :blsmoke:
4) You do hydro? So does Heisen, but he's better than you.

I notice you inject many of my sarcastic posts into your jibber jabbing. It's good that I have you seeing lawyers and actually money transfers for nude pics. I like that you actually believe these things. It lets me know 100% that you are an insane individual and can't stop thinking about me and Heisen.

Admit it, you want to be like us. You have a human sized golden naked statue of Apollo which you massage in all the right places. Every time you massage this wondrous statue you whisper softly in its golden ears............."Kiss me Heisen, I adore you", all the while caressing the statues' muscular chest. Once you are fully aroused you run off into the bathroom to masturbate furiously into the hot water. Then, when finished and drained, you go to bed for the night and wish for Heisen to cum to you in your dreams.

Oh flowerpetal, you poor schmuck, how I envy your guilty pleasures. Don't ever change flowerpetal cause I'm really starting to like you :eyesmoke:
ROFL. You're killing me dude....
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