I am glad I can be helpful…
Now I see the method to your process, it makes sense.
If you dilute your oils 50:50 with ethanol you can let gravity do the work for you. It it’s not a quick process but at the same time it doesn’t put unnecessary pressure on the filter so it can washed and reused a few times.
As far as the ethanol goes, that sucks that it is so difficult to buy in your area, but a lot of areas are like this.
You could always file for an ethanol “fuel” license and make it yourself, or you could go the “gray” route and get a water distiller and process some 40% vodka through it a few times until it comes close to the azeotrope (95% alcohol).
This way the taxes are already paid (that seems to be all they care about). But you don’t need the alcohol to be over 80% to dissolve cannabinoids, especially when they have already been isolated like you are doing in your process. You can probably get away with 70%.
You just need the alcohol to disperse the cannabinoids so they can pass through your filters, so it’s not like you need a lot.
A lot of people use Iso because it is cheaper and you can get 91%+ at the local drug store, but it’s toxic to humans, like most of the other solvents used.
At least with ethanol if some of the solvent remains in the oil, it’s not going to cause harm.
You can vape ethanol, if you can stand it.
As far as BHO goes, there’s no telling what impurities were in it (they probably used the cheapest lighter fluid they could find) and the impurities just get concentrated as the solvent evaporates away.
Do you make your own rosin bags or do you buy them?
I haven’t bought a commercial cart in several years, I almost forgot how expensive they are…
The cart costs like $8 max to make and that's factoring in labor, packaging, etc, which all cost much more than the cannabis oil.
It’s like selling concrete.
The bag costs more than the contents.
As far as the hot plate recommendation, a basic coffee warmer will work for small batches. They are supposed to keep coffee about 200F, which is a good, safe temp for cannabis oil.
You can fit a 60mm petri dish on one or up to a 600ml beaker.
If you can find 90mm glass petri dishes those would work as well, but 90mm seems to be mostly plastic these days and the 100mm one are just a bit too big.
What works great are the little 1 cup size Anchor or Pyrex dishes, they are easy to get, decently priced and come with lids so you can close them up if you need to.
If you are doing larger batches, you probably want to get a something with a more stable heat source.
While you are at it, a lab grade magnetic stirrer with heat will be your best bet, but these can go from $50 to $1,000 pretty quickly.
I am designing one myself, but with all the other crap I have going on, it’s a slow process.
If I were to buy one, this would be the one I would buy:
The price seems high, but it comes with a lifetime warranty, so it’s the last stir plate you will ever need to buy.