Well-Known Member
I am not sure I agree with you on this one unless you are only referring to lower fan leaves and would be glad to discuss it however I don't want to get into a conversation to deep while everyone is posting updates.There is no way to turn a yellow leaf back green. A plant would not waste energy and nutes for such an old leaf. The leaves lose their color because the plant use its stored nutrients and starches and it usually happens on the older bottom leaves first. Plants do this anyway when older leaves do not contribute to new growth anymore. They hate to waste things so before they get rid of it they pull out all the good things. With a good supply of nutrients you can delay it but it can not be avoided completely. It just belongs to it ..
I want to get a gold star for good behavior from this point forward.
Just a short discussion though.

I have had plants loosing their color many times that recovered color in the leaves including I'm pretty sure upper fan leaves.
Plants that lacked N and possibly had a Mg issue but I can't fully remember right now.
In the upper section of the plant.
Not sure It was ever the lowest fan leaves where I have watched the recovery but I am sure I have watched leaves recover from yellowing to regain their color with the use of blood meal.
I notice the change starts just after the 1st week when it involves newer growth where the recovery starts. It also happens to the upper fans if I recall but you have me doubting that at the moment lol.
This newer growth and upper fans have not turned fully yellow before recovery, they would still have a light green/yellow color on their way to being yellow.
Maybe that fan leaf hasn't recovered any color.
Maybe it is me having a case of confirmation bias wanting the deficiency to stop progressing.
So I guess when you say this:
"There is no way to turn a yellow leaf back green. A plant would not waste energy and nutes for such an old leaf."
Your talking about a lower fan leaf and yeah it's probably confirmation bias on my part but I would not agree about upper fan leaves recovering their color.