Greenpoint seeds!!

What is a fingerling potato?
  • Fingerling potato: With thin, tender skins and small size, fingerling potatoes are not new potatoes. Rather, they are cultivars of potatoes—often of heritage varieties—bred to naturally grow to only a small size and narrow width. Unlike new potatoes, fingerlings are harvested at maturity, which means that they have time to develop more complexity of flavor—sometimes described as “nutty”—and that they store well. You can find them in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, red, blue/purple, and of course white. Popular varieties include the Russian Banana, French (orange skin), Butterfinger, Purple Peruvian, Red Thumb and the LaRatte. #6
Time capsules.
Anyone remember these?
Vaguely for me, my older brother had some when I was a kid.
Just rediscovered these old Ebay finds from many years ago. Cool shit
View attachment 4303976

man.. those shits are so dope! How much you get them for? I would go full on fuckin nerd and get cases and shit for them.. That would be some cool ass shit to show the kids when they get old enough.
Anyone got any tips to keep pots from tipping. My #7 hibernate is getting top heavy and on the verge of tipping over
Yoyos if you can hook em up to something above.
Or a makeshift trellis.
If you're in a tray use metal spring clips on the edges and pinch strong string in them going across the top of the pot criss cross.
Or harvest the tops lol
All depends on medium, pot size etc
Bodega Bubblegum finished. This one is from my new clone mother. They should call this one the lemon starburst pheno. These are some of my early harvest I took 3 days ago for smoke. I wet trim. I used to do all that hang it upside down stuff, I just trim it up, it's dry in like 4 days. You throw it in a jar while the stem is still a little flexible but the buds are dry.DSCN3830.JPG
Bodega Bubblegum finished. This one is from my new clone mother. They should call this one the lemon starburst pheno. These are some of my early harvest I took 3 days ago for smoke. I wet trim. I used to do all that hang it upside down stuff, I just trim it up, it's dry in like 4 days. You throw it in a jar while the stem is still a little flexible but the buds are dry.View attachment 4304576
Looks good. That’s next on my list to germinate from GPS