The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

I am hoping for spontaneous combustion ... long as he combusts around a lot of republicans and they all catch fire and burn too.....
ooohh, or at one of those fucking rallies, and gavin mcinnes, sean hannity, mitch mcconnel, rush limfat, and a whole fox camera crew all burst into sympathetic spontaneous flames.......and it's all televised, till the cameras melt...all that fat and cheeto dust burn hot... long as he combusts around a lot of republicans and they all catch fire and burn too.....
ooohh, or at one of those fucking rallies, and gavin mcinnes, sean hannity, mitch mcconnel, rush limfat, and a whole fox camera crew all burst into sympathetic spontaneous flames.......and it's all televised, till the cameras melt...all that fat and cheeto dust burn hot...

"even if he shuts shop today, Mueller hasn’t found nothing. He’s already uncovered numerous serious crimes—crimes committed by the president and his campaign and White House aides, crimes against the US government, taxpayers, voters, Congress, and the American public.

The only question is whether whatever Mueller has left to show us is, in Washington’s estimate, “worth it.”"

how long can this evil motherfucker escape justice? i've believed in Karma for a long time...but it seems like trump is Karma the moment, anyway...
he has done more than enough for fate to shove it's foot so far up his ass, his miserable orange pumpkin head should pop the fuck off...
if there is any Karmic justice in the entire universe...this evil piece of shit has a meteor heading for him, and it'll take out every republican in dc when it FINALLY hits the foul fucker....
I don't think Mueller is done with Donald quite yet and I would expect something to break in the next month or so that might explain Donald's twitter shit storm on the weekend. Trump is clearly freaking out and obsessed with the many investigations into him and those around him, this is what it looks like when a sociopath is starting to lose it. Donald is a very worried and unhappy person who is constantly, scheming, squirming and slithering in a continuing lonely battle for survival. There is little doubt that he regrets this whole misadventure, being publicly exposed as an idiot and soon to be convicted as a criminal and labeled a traitor and a loser. Donald's journey into Hell has already begun and he's frantically trying to avoid his inevitable fate by hiding behind the presidency. If there is an election Donald won't go peacefully, but will claim it was fixed and call his supporters to violence, he will cause trouble and try to start wars, both international and civil between the election and inauguration if he loses. Impeachment is the only option, after a host of public investigations and other criminal charges whittle down Donald's support and put the GOP on the spot. Trump is guilty of multiple impeachable and criminal offences that can be easily and obviously proved beyond a reasonable doubt. If ya can't impeach Trump with a mountain of evidence, then ya can't impeach anybody, though they would have impeached Obama for jay walking on hearsay.
If there is an election Donald won't go peacefully, but will claim it was fixed and call his supporters to violence, he will cause trouble and try to start wars, both international and civil between the election and inauguration if he loses.
i sincerely, deeply truly hope so. i would love an excuse to have a collection of maga hat "scalps"....
bet my coup is bigger than your coup....
i sincerely, deeply truly hope so. i would love an excuse to have a collection of maga hat "scalps"....
bet my coup is bigger than your coup....
You don't want the situation to devolve into civil violence, the rule of law and constitutional norms are the worst enemies of Trump and his supporters. Trump constantly wants to "muddy the waters" and sow confusion, the clarity and requirements for honesty of the justice system are his biggest threat and will lead to his downfall. Donald is a criminal and the justice system was designed to deal with his kind, just as soon as Uncle Sam shits him out and can get at him.

I wonder what would happen if Donald lost the election and pardoned EVERYBODY, murders, perverts, everybody, cleaned out the federal prison system and gives blanket pardons to everybody in his administration. The trouble with that would be Donald would be the only one left "holding the bag", but it would throw the justice system into disarray and mass confusion. Maybe he'll do it on the way to Moscow, because that's the only way, other than death, that he'll avoid prison...
You don't want the situation to devolve into civil violence, the rule of law and constitutional norms are the worst enemies of Trump and his supporters. Trump constantly wants to "muddy the waters" and sow confusion, the clarity and requirements for honesty of the justice system are his biggest threat and will lead to his downfall. Donald is a criminal and the justice system was designed to deal with his kind, just as soon as Uncle Sam shits him out and can get at him.

I wonder what would happen if Donald lost the election and pardoned EVERYBODY, murders, perverts, everybody, cleaned out the federal prison system and gives blanket pardons to everybody in his administration. The trouble with that would be Donald would be the only one left "holding the bag", but it would throw the justice system into disarray and mass confusion. Maybe he'll do it on the way to Moscow, because that's the only way, other than death, that he'll avoid prison...
no...YOU don't want the situation to devolve into civil violence...i'm much less concerned about it than you, apparently...i'd like the opportunity to target some of the opposition leaders...but it won't happen...snowflake sjw's are pussies who can shout at people but can't take a punch...and proudboys can take a punch, but they're undisciplined morons, who enjoy running their mouths more than their minds...neither side is a very threatening enemy...the "civil war" would be both sides shouting at each other, throwing rocks, and occasionally working up the nerve to drive a vehicle into a crowd of the opposition....while business in dc goes on as usual...

i don't have the faintest idea what's going to finally happen to trump. i know what he deserves, and i also know that politicians rarely, if ever, get what they deserve...
so i'm just waiting...
no...YOU don't want the situation to devolve into civil violence...i'm much less concerned about it than you, apparently...i'd like the opportunity to target some of the opposition leaders...but it won't happen...snowflake sjw's are pussies who can shout at people but can't take a punch...and proudboys can take a punch, but they're undisciplined morons, who enjoy running their mouths more than their minds...neither side is a very threatening enemy...the "civil war" would be both sides shouting at each other, throwing rocks, and occasionally working up the nerve to drive a vehicle into a crowd of the opposition....while business in dc goes on as usual...

i don't have the faintest idea what's going to finally happen to trump. i know what he deserves, and i also know that politicians rarely, if ever, get what they deserve...
so i'm just waiting...
This is refreshing to read.
i'm a little unbalanced at times, but i'm honest...they frustrate me, and i'd like a chance to actually punch one of them in the face, instead of just telling them they're idiots over the internet....
i try to be "civilized" but i guess my veneer wears thin in spots
I stand by my statement. This is a refreshing opinion. And you can eat shit if you disagree with me.

"THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN TO A PRESIDENT AGAIN!" Trump tweeted out of the blue on Saturday."
most presidents may have had a few skeletons in their closets, but they didn't live in high rises with golden signs, made entirely out of skeletons....this has never happened to a president before, because no other president has been an obvious, blatant, unrepentant thief. it will never happen to a president again, because you have made us aware of just what kind of criminal fuck can get into office if we don't take this seriously....the single thing i feel like saying thank you mr. trump about. thank you for making the country aware that a low life criminal piece of shit CAN be president.
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no...YOU don't want the situation to devolve into civil violence...i'm much less concerned about it than you, apparently...i'd like the opportunity to target some of the opposition leaders...but it won't happen...snowflake sjw's are pussies who can shout at people but can't take a punch...and proudboys can take a punch, but they're undisciplined morons, who enjoy running their mouths more than their minds...neither side is a very threatening enemy...the "civil war" would be both sides shouting at each other, throwing rocks, and occasionally working up the nerve to drive a vehicle into a crowd of the opposition....while business in dc goes on as usual...

i don't have the faintest idea what's going to finally happen to trump. i know what he deserves, and i also know that politicians rarely, if ever, get what they deserve...
so i'm just waiting...
Watching the USA go up in a puff of smoke is not my idea of a good time and civil violence could lead anywhere, and to a place you might not like. While pounding the shit outta these clowns might feel good, it won't do the country much good and with 60% of the electorate on yer side there are better ways. It doesn't mean ya can't shit on em and fight like Hell for your country at the polls though, keep calm and carry on...
How low can Donald go? We have yet to see, but if this example is any indication...
And to think that lot's of veterans still support him, but that might change a bit as the facts come to light.
Trump’s untruths about Veterans Choice illustrate the sheer audaciousness of his lies
Trump takes credit for a program he didn’t create in order to demean the late war hero who in fact created it.
By Aaron Rupar@atrupar Mar 21, 2019, 10:20am EDT

One particular untruth from President Donald Trump’s speech on Wednesday at a tank factory in Lima, Ohio, illustrates just how audaciously he lies.

As part of his bizarre, one-sided feud with the late Sen. John McCain, Trump boasted about an expansion of Veterans Choice legislation he signed into law last May that allows veterans to see doctors and go to facilities outside the VA system, and contrasted that with McCain’s purported failure to pass the law.
This guy has a point, bone spurs are for life and he should still have them, show us the x rays!
‘Show Us Your Bone Spurs’: McCain Colleague Rebukes The President’s Attacks | Deadline | MSNBC
WaPo’s Robert Costa, AP’s Jonathan Lemire, former DOJ spox Matt Miller, NBC’s Carol Lee, and MSNBC contributor Karine Jean-Pierre on the divide within the Republican party over Trump’s continued attacks on the late Sen. John McCain

Vietnam veteran demands Trump show his bone spurs
Vietnam veteran and former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-NE) says President Donald Trump should show the American public proof of his bone spurs, which Trump has said kept him out of the military draft during the Vietnam War.
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