Megacrop thread?

PLEASE EXPLAIN.... cause your the only one I've heard of so far that switched back to previous nutes...

Its no biggy. I used their products years before Mega was around. And never had any issues.
Last year I was made aware of their Megacrop product. It claimed to be an AIO nute to be used from start to finish. No need to add Si, clamag, acids etc. That this product had it all. Within a week of buying some they changed their formula. Stating this new formula had added, I think N and mg. idr,. (This would explain why they sent me some calmg with my order) Because they knew it wasn't an AIO and did in fact need added things to bring the ratios in line. And at that time the new formula came with a new price too. Like 25% higher. And now I see they are going to change it again!?

Also, The fact that my order was the old formula right before they changed it, I was sent a bag of powder. Which must have been the bottom of one of the last batches of the old stuff. I can't even measure this stuff out indoors cause it blankets everything in the area with a fine brown, shit smelling powder.

Now listen, I know that there are so many variables when it comes to growing and nothing is an all-in-one. You'll mostly always have to add something to plants that may have different needs. I get that...
They went from being a company that sold the same formulas as the 'big guys' at a fraction of the price to a company that flip -flops all over the place.

It just crappy business practice, to me. I just went back to using what I was using before. I figure if I'm going to mix up multiple nutes I'll do so using something that's much cleaner, with zero dust and that has been tested and proven.
The dude sounded displeased when greenleaf changed the pricing of mc on the greenleaf thread (when it wasnt deleted).
@NeWcS How did masterblend turn out for ya?
The price, smell and consistency of it.

Masterblend is great stuff. Its clean, cheap and easy to mix.
The dude sounded displeased when greenleaf changed the pricing of mc on the greenleaf thread (when it wasnt deleted).
@NeWcS How did masterblend turn out for ya?

Idk... i mean businesses need to make money... some make a shit more than others (advanced nutrients) but since they are a some what newer company and cannabis is really starting to take off around the world, more research can take place studying the cannabis plant to perfect its growing capabilities...
and also new things come on the market all the time. Company's need to stay on top of there product to compete with everyone else... think of foxfarm... alot of new growers start out with that nutrient line... (i did) then i found advanced nutrients spent tons of money on pretty much the same shit... i then switched to botonicare pure blend line and really liked that but i felt like i was still buying water... i could feed my plants 1.5 times the recommended amount. I then found GH maxibloom used that outdoors last year . Then found greenleaf nutrients.

Yes i totally agree that greenleaf made it seem that megacrop was a complete all in one...
But just about every nutrient line states you can run just the base nutrients.
I cant be the only one who, dare I say "likes" the distinct, unique nose of Megacrop????
Lol reminds me of the old days up on the dairy farm. We would put all the dead cows out next to the corn field in a big pile ! Then come spring take the tractor and spread all that composted organic cow matter out across the corn field!! I will say this... ive never seen thicker stalked corn than that !! Atleast 3 fingers wide !
I get that supplies, demands, prices change and part of doing business is trying to keep up w
Idk... i mean businesses need to make money... some make a shit more than others (advanced nutrients) but since they are a some what newer company and cannabis is really starting to take off around the world, more research can take place studying the cannabis plant to perfect its growing capabilities...
and also new things come on the market all the time. Company's need to stay on top of there product to compete with everyone else... think of foxfarm... alot of new growers start out with that nutrient line... (i did) then i found advanced nutrients spent tons of money on pretty much the same shit... i then switched to botonicare pure blend line and really liked that but i felt like i was still buying water... i could feed my plants 1.5 times the recommended amount. I then found GH maxibloom used that outdoors last year . Then found greenleaf nutrients.

Yes i totally agree that greenleaf made it seem that megacrop was a complete all in one...
But just about every nutrient line states you can run just the base nutrients.

I get that! That supplies, demands, products change. Part of doing business. It's just this company always prided itself on selling us the same exact formulas(salts) as the big-guys w/o the marketing, price and water.
They seem to have reinvented themselves though. Which is fine. It just no longer puts them in the same business model as before, which is why I was drawn to them.
Photosynthesis+ has a better smell :)

Idk where y'all are from lol but this megacrop doesnt smell that bad... you should smell the fields around my area when they spread all the liquid shit... i swear to fuck its human shit lol makes you teary eyed just being outside when there spreading.

In my mind a product that smells like this smells like the natural product... think of compost thats cooking it gonna have odors from whatever you put in the pile... even after its all cooked your gonna be able to tell there was a cow in that pile or there were fruits and vegetables... TBH I'd rather have the whole fucking cow in my compost pile lol. Let it decompose for an entire year then turn it with the tractor. Let it sit for the summer then be good for the following spring. Just gotta watch for bone