Your latest seed purchase?

Got my outdoor stuff ready to pop and start them a bit early to get monster plants critical orange punch. SSH. SLH .blue dream haze 6 pack. White rhino .the rest are 5 packs .then some blueberry auto some for outside and hydro then .
6 shooter auto for outside and hydro happy growing everyone .View attachment 4300087
I have to start my outdoor stuff a little later this year . . . After daughter's graduation party lol!!!
Must be good, only thing they've got in stock are T-shirts, LOL

Yeah they’ve been dropping nothing but heat. I also just grabbed Envynetics Pop Rocks, Glue Sticks and push pops today w a bunch of awesome freebies. Grabbed a pack of In House Genetics slurricane as well while I was at it. I have a seed problem.
Planning out my next few cycles this morning with the most recent additions to my library:

High Country Genetics - Candy Apple
NorStar Genetics - Kogi
Crockett Family Farms - Sour Banana
DNA Genetics - Monty Python
Symbiotic Genetics - Mimosa
Cannarado Genetics - Biscotti Sundae, Margalope, Weed Nap, Butterscotch Cake, Lemonessence
Humboldt Seed Company - Lemon Kush, Mango Trees, Vanilla Frosting
