Auto White Russian (White widow, AK47, Lowryder) grow with CFLs


Well-Known Member
Hey QueenBee looking good so far. So no sign of the other ryders yet?

mine broke through the soil this morning. i hope yours come through soon to.


Well-Known Member
The Lowryder seeds from my plants just arnt working. None of them have germinated. Is there something Ive missed?
I think Im going to have to plant the rest of the White Russian seeds coz ive only got a chance at 9 seedlings now ones died and last time out of 8 healthy seedlings I got 3 females so I better get them planted!


Well-Known Member
So there not showin any tap roots at all? You did them in soil didn't you? Maybe leave them another day and if no root maybe try just puttin them into a wet paper towel or cotton wool? I hope they work out. Did you see my purple seedlin? Its weird!


Well-Known Member
I might try doing some in cotton wool but i cant see why that would work when good old soil didnt. Doh, i was really excited about growing a second generation :(


Well-Known Member
So have you unearthed them to see that they haven't germed? It might not work with cotton wool but its always worth a try before you bin them? I hope they work out for ya.

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
did you let them dry out a bit before you planted them?
they generally wont germ if there fresh off the plant


Well-Known Member
i still have 6 seeds left, Ill try letting them dry for a bit. Whats the best way to do it, just leave them out? How long do they need? Ive tried searching the net but I just get seed sites mostly! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ok cheers, ill do that with the 6 Ive got left. Ive left 2 ive already planted in the soil and taken the other 4 Lowryder seeds out of the soil and put them in cotton wool. I dont expect anything but its worth a try. Because the Lowryders arnt working im going to plant the rest of the WR seeds tonight. Oh well


Well-Known Member
Y (the replacement seed for the dead seedling) is through today! Also I planted another 2 seeds (T and U). So I now have 3 seeds of WR and 4 seedlings. Im leaving the last 2 seeds I have left. Last time I got 3 females out of 8 seedlings. Im hoping for at least 3 out of 7. Sorry its all so confusing with planting them at different times, its been a bit of a mess so far!


Well-Known Member
Everythings still moving along today. Y is open now and is a proper mini plant and i uncovered the top of V when I watered it so thats on its way. Z, X, and W are the bigger ones in the pic, U and T are White Russian seeds that should be a few more days yet and V is in the other bottle ready to come up soon. Am i making sense? Lol whatever



Well-Known Member
it makes sense to me anyway, just glad you stuck the letters on the pots or it would have been real confusing :lol:

Glad to see there coming on good.


Well-Known Member
Yea and i got it all written down what day which letters were planted on and when they came thru just incase I confuse myself!


Well-Known Member
how bout some new pics queenbee?

or has nothing chaged in the last couple of days?


Well-Known Member
Ok then heres a new pic from today! V is properly up and so is U or T (didnt look which one) so Im just waiting for one seed now and that'l give me 7 plants. The oldest ones are 10 days old. I dont think theyre off as fast as my Lowryders were; maybe its using the 125w to start with and not the 250w like I had the LRs under. Did I say these are now under the 250w? Well they are, coz all my Lowryders are gone so I only have these ones now.



Active Member
Some nice little beauties you got there. Think i'll subscribe to see how things turn out because i'm a big fan of the autoflowers, got a few growing myself. Well good luck to ya and good growin.
