Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

It's all natural.


A naturally occurring phenomenon.

You can't argue with science.

Name what?

Natural Science?

There is my source. If that does not satisfy you then google it.

Go ahead: Use the Google. Enter Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

I refuse to believe you are asking me to to go find a fact that is UNIVERSALLY RECOGNIZED.

Still refuse?
Here you go.
Yes, climate change has occurred but never this fast. So what's the source of this?

You just say "nature". You might as well say "god" or it is inexplicable. Basically you say "I don't know".

So, if you don't know, you should start listening what people who say they do know. All I've heard from you is belief in fake science.
It was a rebuttal. You simply refuse to acknowledge it.

I did it again. Contributed CO2 to the atmosphere.

That was your butt talking, not a rebuttal.

I might buy an argument that the earth's temperature is rising due to climate science denier's hot air. But then again, the earth started warming long before you and your kind were born or fossil fuel lobbyists started to blow hot air onto the subject, so that isn't it either.
The fossil fuel lobby is pumping out false stories that you are citing almost verbatim.

Snowflake, it must hurt to be told, but you are being duped.
Who is the snowflake?

Who was sniveling about ad hominem attacks while making ad hominem attacks?

That would be YOU, Junior.

I refuse to be duped into believing in a socialist/progressive/globalist wet dream called Man-Made Climate Change.

So who is the dupe?

Again, that would be you.
Who is the snowflake?

Who was sniveling about ad hominem attacks while making ad hominem attacks?

That would be YOU, Junior.

I refuse to be duped into believing in a socialist/progressive/globalist wet dream called Man-Made Climate Change.

So who is the dupe?

Again, that would be you.
There it is

You refuse to believe settled science and facts

Facts are socialism!

Yes, climate change has occurred but never this fast. So what's the source of this?

You just say "nature". You might as well say "god" or it is inexplicable. Basically you say "I don't know".

So, if you don't know, you should start listening what people who say they do know. All I've heard from you is belief in fake science.
Um, you read where I claimed that Climate Change is real. You must have. I have repeated it more than once already.

You need as source to tell you that?

Anyway, I provided a source a while back.

You asked for it and I dutifully provided it.

How ironic is it that Buck accused me of being a 'retard?'

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Who is the snowflake?

Who was sniveling about ad hominem attacks while making ad hominem attacks?

That would be YOU, Junior.

I refuse to be duped into believing in a socialist/progressive/globalist wet dream called Man-Made Climate Change.

So who is the dupe?

Again, that would be you.
You aren't being rational about this. Simply stating a belief over and over again isn't convincing. You keep saying it's natural but can't name what natural effect is causing the unprecedented rapid rise in earth's global temperatures. Such a strong effect must have a cause. Climate scientists have looked for alternate causes and can't find one.

There is practically no doubt among scientists that beginning in the 20th century carbon dioxide has been accumulating at rates that are explained by the rate at which we burn fossil fuel. Also the istopic make-up of carbon dioxide is consistent with source being fossil fuel and not some other natural source such as volcanoes.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source.

There is practically no doubt among scientists that air enriched with carbon dioxide absorbs more energy from the sun than the pre-industrial atmosphere did. With increased ppm of CO2, more heat is trapped near the earth's surface, causing the surface temperature to rise. Along with this rise comes more water vapor in the air which absorbs even more heat.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source

There is practically no doubt among scientists that sea level rise is associated with human caused global warming.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source

There is no doubt that Exxon's management knew about global warming being caused by burning of fossil fuels long ago.

There is no doubt that Exxon paid for fake science from so-called think tanks

Why I called you a dupe:

The science is not in dispute, not even by Exxon's own science team.
Exxon paid for lobbyists to publish fake stories that science was in doubt.-- stories that even Exxon's own team knew were false
You are citing word for word what the fake stories are saying about "climate always changes".
When somebody is duped into believing a lie then they are fairly termed a dupe.

Therefore you are a dupe.

Why I called you a snowflake:

You keep saying climate change is natural without any explanation for that statement. You insult others who cite valid data and proof that what you are saying is false. You keep insisting that your word and word alone (other than some farm press bs) should be taken as fact when literally hundreds of thousands of very hard working people with decades in education and experience in the science of climate say otherwise.
A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie "Fight Club" from the quote “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

You are expecting others to take your word on this subject without providing any reason be it your expertise or credible sources of information. Just because you are special.

For these reasons, I quite accurately name you as a dupe and a snowflake.

get over it snowflake.
You aren't being rational about this. Simply stating a belief over and over again isn't convincing. You keep saying it's natural but can't name what natural effect is causing the unprecedented rapid rise in earth's global temperatures. Such a strong effect must have a cause. Climate scientists have looked for alternate causes and can't find one.

There is practically no doubt among scientists that beginning in the 20th century carbon dioxide has been accumulating at rates that are explained by the rate at which we burn fossil fuel. Also the istopic make-up of carbon dioxide is consistent with source being fossil fuel and not some other natural source such as volcanoes.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source.

There is practically no doubt among scientists that air enriched with carbon dioxide absorbs more energy from the sun than the pre-industrial atmosphere did. With increased ppm of CO2, more heat is trapped near the earth's surface, causing the surface temperature to rise. Along with this rise comes more water vapor in the air which absorbs even more heat.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source

There is practically no doubt among scientists that sea level rise is associated with human caused global warming.

Do you deny this? If so, please cite a source

There is no doubt that Exxon's management knew about global warming being caused by burning of fossil fuels long ago.

There is no doubt that Exxon paid for fake science from so-called think tanks

Why I called you a dupe:

The science is not in dispute, not even by Exxon's own science team.
Exxon paid for lobbyists to publish fake stories that science was in doubt.-- stories that even Exxon's own team knew were false
You are citing word for word what the fake stories are saying about "climate always changes".
When somebody is duped into believing a lie then they are fairly termed a dupe.

Therefore you are a dupe.

Why I called you a snowflake:

You keep saying climate change is natural without any explanation for that statement. You insult others who cite valid data and proof that what you are saying is false. You keep insisting that your word and word alone (other than some farm press bs) should be taken as fact when literally hundreds of thousands of very hard working people with decades in education and experience in the science of climate say otherwise.
A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie "Fight Club" from the quote “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

You are expecting others to take your word on this subject without providing any reason be it your expertise or credible sources of information. Just because you are special.

For these reasons, I quite accurately name you as a dupe and a snowflake.

get over it snowflake.
I am not trying to convince anyone.

You ask me to source my personal beliefs. Under the circumstances, an asinine request.

You reject my claim that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon. A claim that needs no source whatsoever.

Yet a source was requested and I gave it.

What I provided you brushed off as big oil-funded propaganda.

There is no amount of evidence I can provide which you will not dismiss out of hand.

You have been suckered.

You are the very definition of the word 'dupe.'
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I am not trying to convince anyone.

You ask me to source my beliefs. An asinine request.

You reject my claim that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

A source was requested and I gave it.

What I provided you brushed off as big oil-funded propaganda.

There is no amount of evidence I can provide which you will not dismiss out of hand.

You have been suckered.

You are the very definition of the word 'dupe.'
Oh you haven't been convincing. Not one bit.

Just for once, try to convince. You say the earth's rapidly warming climate is natural. That's a lot of energy. Where is that energy coming from or what natural process is causing the earth to warm?

Oh, and that farm press news? It didn't explain what natural process was causing the unprecedented rise. It just said sometimes hot, sometimes cold. I read it. It was bunk.
Hey Bugs


You stood all bold and full of confidence about "no climate change" until I asked you for sources so that I could read them we could actively debate the validity of your statements.


LOL You know your source is flaky. I know your source is flaky. So, just admit it and get it over with. Or post a link so we can get on with it.

Meanwhile, sea levels are rising. Where do you think that water is coming from?
Poor babe. I’m rather done discussing much with you. I have never said climate change is not occurring, the greenhouse gas properties of co2 are pretty well established, and decidedly logarithmic in nature. Maybe your mama will discuss with you the nonexistent 3 foot rise in sea levels over the last decade?
Poor babe. I’m rather done discussing much with you. I have never said climate change is not occurring, the greenhouse gas properties of co2 are pretty well established, and decidedly logarithmic in nature. Maybe your mama will discuss with you the nonexistent 3 foot rise in sea levels over the last decade?
thought so

thought so

I love how they get all pissy because they know the facts don’t support them and we’ve already refuted all of the stupidfuck right wing lies they’ve spewed

Bugeye missed a key opportunity that Johnny hit though, which was to cry “socialism!!!!!!” while getting all pissy and emotional
Climate change is real!

How much plainer can I get?
You are such a dope. Everything you are saying has been used by the science denying lobby and you keep repeating it.

Here are some of the myths that have been debunked:

Climate's changed before
Climate is always changing.
We have had ice ages and warmer periods when alligators were found in Spitzbergen.
Ice ages have occurred in a hundred thousand year cycle for the last 700 thousand years, and there have been previous periods that appear to have been warmer than the present despite CO2 levels being lower than they are now. More recently, we have had the medieval warm period and the little ice age. (Richard Lindzen)

Soooooo unoriginal of you.

Why this matters (from the same link I provided)

Sudden vs slow change
Life flourished in the Eocene, the Cretaceous and other times of high CO2 in the atmosphere because the greenhouse gasses were in balance with the carbon in the oceans and the weathering of rocks. Life, ocean chemistry, and atmospheric gasses had millions of years to adjust to those levels.

But there have been several times in Earth’s past when Earth's temperature jumped rapidly, in much the same way as they are doing today. Those times were caused by large and rapid greenhouse gas emissions, just like humans are causing today. In Earth's past the trigger for these greenhouse gas emissions was often unusually massive volcanic eruptions known as “Large Igneous Provinces,” with knock-on effects that included huge releases of CO2 and methane from organic-rich sediments. But there is no Large Igneous Province operating today, or anytime in the last 16 million years. Today’s volcanoes, in comparison, don’t even come close to emitting the levels of greenhouse gasses that humans do.
I am not trying to convince anyone.

You ask me to source my personal beliefs. Under the circumstances, an asinine request.

You reject my claim that climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon. A claim that needs no source whatsoever.

Yet a source was requested and I gave it.

What I provided you brushed off as big oil-funded propaganda.

There is no amount of evidence I can provide which you will not dismiss out of hand.

You have been suckered.

You are the very definition of the word 'dupe.'
We’ve undone 5000 years of cooling in the last century

The rise from 280 to 400+ ppm of co2 cannot be explained by natural phenomena

You know this but you can’t betray your indoctrination by right wing grifters like Neal bioethics (lol)