Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..


Well-Known Member
your party claims manmade global warming, which is settled science and beyond all dispute, a "chinese hoax"
Not everybody in the party claims that. Far too many Republicans buy into the Hoax.

you guys don't know the difference between winter weather and long term climate changes
And you guys can't differentiate between flawed computer modeling and hard data.

your party is a joke. a dangerous joke
And your party finally decided to admit your actual goals for our nation. The fundamental transformation as it were.

Your party is a joke, too.

Only I'm not laughing.


Well-Known Member
last thing we need here is yet another bad faith, racist coddling, resentful, dumbass conservative here

go back to facebook or the daily stormer or wherever it is that you share articles from about how obama is secretly a gay muslim from kenya and trump's collusion with russia is the biggest hoax ever
Oh Buck! You're breaking my heart.

Not really.

I know where your rage is coming from. And I couldn't give a shit.

I'm just a tourist now.


Well-Known Member
Not everybody in the party claims that. Far too many Republicans buy into the Hoax.

And you guys can't differentiate between flawed computer modeling and hard data.

And your party finally decided to admit your actual goals for our nation. The fundamental transformation as it were.

Your party is a joke, too.

Only I'm not laughing.

the "flawed computer models" come from your reality denying, science-eschewing, politically charged "scientists"

and yes, do keep trying to scare us about this "fundamental transformation" wherein we take real problems seriously and move away from deadly polluting coal to renewable energy. that is sure to frighten the hell out of a lot of people who actually understand the science behind global warming instead of bringing snowballs onto the senate floor in an ultimate display of their complete ignorance and dumbassery.

50,000 coal jobs versus 350,000 solar panel installer jobs and it's only going to get even more lopsided while you morons stand on the wrong side of history and deny science, reality, and anything else that gets you rubes resentful.



Well-Known Member
i've been bragging for years about how obama lowered the deficit by over a trillion dollars, more than any other president in the history of the united states.
Raising it to historic levels with the help Democratic majorities in Congress and then being FORCED kicking and screaming to reduce it to a level HIGHER than ever before is not really reducing anything.

i don't get what your point is about robert byrd. yes, democrats appreciate senators who earn a 100% rating with the NAACP.
Robert Byrd was a Klansman. But you already knew that.

Do you get it now?

your party's leader was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Terrorists who murder 50 innocent people while they pray cite him as their inspiration.
No one can control who supports them. It is childish and ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

Would you care to know who NAMBLA endorsed in the last election?

you're as pathetic as the rest of them now, johnny. maybe even more pathetic.
Perhaps you are right.

Then again: I am rubber and you are glue....


Well-Known Member
I know where your rage is coming from. And I couldn't give a shit.
there it is. bask in your racism and resentfulness. it triggers the libs so it must be a good thing.

until they start shooting up the synagogues because the illegitimate president aid that jews were paying for caravans to "invade" us

then you offer your thoughts and prayers. then you go back t being racist and resentful.


Well-Known Member
Raising it to historic levels with the help Democratic majorities in Congress and then being FORCED kicking and screaming to reduce it to a level HIGHER than ever before is not really reducing anything.
it was your hero shrub who inherited a surplus from bill clinton, turned it into a record shattering $1.539 trillion dollar deficit, ad handed it off to obama, who then fixed the mess your party left him, like democrats always do.

"DEFICITS DON'T MATTER" - dick cheney

"NOBODY CARES" - mick mulvaney

"YEAH BUT I WON'T BE HERE" - conald trump

Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

your party is endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party.

your minority whip in congress is a guy who bragged that he was "like KKK leader david duke, but without the baggage"

you have a senator from mississippi who said she would "be in the front row" for a good ol' fashioned lynching.

you have a governor in florida who kicked off his campaign by calling his black opponent a monkey.

your president called for the execution of the completely exonerated central park five a month before election day.

you even have a congressman who actively supports avowed nazis like goldy faith. your party did nothing about it until he blatantly questioned why white supremacy was a bad thing. then all they did was strip him of committee assignments without asking him to resign.

your party supported a guy who, when he was 32 years old, lurked around shopping malls and custody hearings (custody hearings FFS) to hit on 13 year old girls, take them out to the woods, get them drunk, and rape them. in his defense, he claims he always had the mothers' permission.

but you already knew that.


Well-Known Member
there it is. bask in your racism and resentfulness. it triggers the libs so it must be a good thing.

until they start shooting up the synagogues because the illegitimate president aid that jews were paying for caravans to "invade" us

then you offer your thoughts and prayers. then you go back t being racist and resentful.
And there what is?

My calm demeanor?

My SpockObama-like detachment?

An invasion is an invasion, Cupcake.

Read up on your history and find out what happens to countries which cannot control their own borders.


Well-Known Member
And there what is?

My calm demeanor?

My SpockObama-like detachment?

An invasion is an invasion, Cupcake.

Read up on your history and find out what happens to countries which cannot control their own borders.
an "invasion" is exactly how the mosque massacring terrorist described it too.

you lunatics are getting innocent people killed.

a bunch of families walking to the border and asking for asylum is not an invasion.

your demeanor is anything but calm it is angry, resentful, racist, and dangerous.

your party is just a bunch of modern day nazis now.

how stupid was anyone to believe you racist retards when you tried to convince us that you were just worried about the fucking deficit.


Well-Known Member
AOC: "Like, let's all be Socialists now!"

VENEZULEA: "Now hold my beer..."

View attachment 4301415
never heard of venezulea

have seen lots of real stupid, insecure, pussified whites try to use venezuela and alexandria ocasio-cortez as their as their ultimate distraction rabbits, trying to call her dumb as they say climate change is fake because it's snowing outside

fix your own stupid, racist, corrupt party first before you try to criticize the members of our party who refuse to fall for your bullshit.

and don't criticize socialism too much, because all the farmers who can't sell their soybeans because of conald's retarded and unwinnable trade war are reliant upon it.

say what you will about alexandria ocasio-cortez, nothing you guys make up about her will ever compare to the actual republican policy of borrowing money from china to pay farmers to not sell to china so that americans can pay more money for all the goods they get from china. you can't even try to top an economic policy that fucking stupid if you tried.

that is your party now.


Well-Known Member
And Hitler was a vegetarian.
Vegetarianism is not even remotely close to you retards getting people killed by describing peaceful families who seek asylum as warring soldiers who are trying to kill us

You racist, whiny, chicken little assholes are getting people killed

All because of your own pussy ass insecurities

It is pathetic


Well-Known Member
great way to ignore the rest of the post detailing what a joke your fucking party is now
It's nothing more than name-calling. Recrimination.

It hardly merits a response.

Dig deep, Buck.

Find that rage that comes from considering all of those progressive promises which have been murdered in the crib at the hands of moderate democrats.

Or the anger directed at your own party for cooking the books so that old hag Hillary could secure the 2016 nomination.

Go on. Feel the Bern!

That reminds me... I think I'll send Bernie some money.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing more than name-calling. Recrimination.

It hardly merits a response.

Dig deep, Buck.

Find that rage that comes from considering all of those progressive promises which have been murdered in the crib at the hands of moderate democrats.

Or the anger directed at your own party for cooking the books so that old hag Hillary could secure the 2016 nomination.

Go on. Feel the Bern!

That reminds me... I think I'll send Bernie some money.
3 year old recycled conspiracy theories straight from Putin’s asshole

Well, I guess that’s better than bragging about the economic genius of republicans, borrowing from China to pay farmers not to sell to China so Americans can pay more for goods from china


Well-Known Member
3 year old recycled conspiracy theories straight from Putin’s asshole
Are you really accusing Donna Brazile of secretly being Pootey Poot's asshole?

I guess Debbie Wasserman Shultz is just a figment of my imagination.

It's not a theory if it actually happened.
Well, I guess that’s better than bragging about the economic genius of republicans, borrowing from China to pay farmers not to sell to China so Americans can pay more for goods from china
It's stupid policy, I agree.

Just like most of the rest of the ORIGINAL New Deal.

The Department of Agriculture should be abolished.


Well-Known Member
Are you really accusing Donna Brazile of secretly being Pootey Poot's asshole?

I guess Debbie Wasserman Shultz is just a figment of my imagination.

It's not a theory if it actually happened.

It's stupid policy, I agree.

Just like most of the rest of the ORIGINAL New Deal.

The Department of Agriculture should be abolished.
Defending retarded conspiracy theories is pretty on brand for you insane and dangerous republican retards nowadays

Back to infowars you go. But some more brain pills


Well-Known Member
Those sea levels must be rising only since the Trump inauguration.

Barry O claimed "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" starting with his election.
WTF? why does your kind always go back to some false or out of context quote by Obama. No, he did not claim global warming ended in his watch. I understand why you would want to misquot or cite out of context something from the past. Defending what Trump is doing today is damn near impossible.

Sea levels are rising. Some islands have already disappeared, areas are being inundated for the first time in recorded history. The southern California coast is experiencing 3" sea rise over the past few decades and there is no end in sight. Where is that water coming from?