Green New Deal- Why GOP Hates This..

Is there a reason for discounting a couple hundred years of science behind our understanding of heat capacity? Has there been some new understanding? Has some new information come to light that changes the models for heat absorption in the atmosphere? If so, please do let us know.

I don't think you actually disagree.
Check out the sensitivity analysis on the IPCC models. Then review our current understanding of the most sensitive variable in the models. If you still fail to see an issue, then perhaps you are the one not taking science seriously.
Check out the sensitivity analysis on the IPCC models. Then review our current understanding of the most sensitive variable in the models. If you still fail to see an issue, then perhaps you are the one not taking science seriously.
How about posting a link to your information that would explain why I should discount 200 years of scientific study and research? I'm certain you didn't do this all on your own, so, just point me to the articles you read that convinced you practically all of climate scientists are wrong on this. One or two would be fine.
How about posting a link to your information that would explain why I should discount 200 years of scientific study and research? I'm certain you didn't do this all on your own, so, just point me to the articles you read that convinced you practically all of climate scientists are wrong on this. One or two would be fine.
You need a link to find the IPCC reports? Lol
You need a link to find the IPCC reports? Lol
i think he would prefer a link to the wordpress blog written by some out of work, right wing, former timeshare salesman trying to sell brain pills that you got your disinformation from
Climate Change Alarmists will tell you the ice is melting up north, data says otherwise (despite rising man made CO2 level increases in the past 20 years which are claimed to be responsible for global warming). Does this look like melting ice? More sea ice area now in 2019 than 2005.


IPCC audit reports basically reveal the IPCC is "fake news" of science, filled with fraud and errors.
You need a link to find the IPCC reports? Lol
No, I want to talk about the same data you use. We obviously disagree about the findings so you must be reading different information or you are misinterpreting it. If we are referencing the same data set then some of your confusion will be reduced. A link isn't too hard for you to post, is it?
Climate Change Alarmists will tell you the ice is melting up north, data says otherwise (despite rising man made CO2 level increases in the past 20 years which are claimed to be responsible for global warming). Does this look like melting ice? More sea ice area now in 2019 than 2005.


IPCC audit reports basically reveal the IPCC is "fake news" of science, filled with fraud and errors.
Sea Ice isn't a good indicator. Try something else.
Climate Change Alarmists will tell you the ice is melting up north, data says otherwise (despite rising man made CO2 level increases in the past 20 years which are claimed to be responsible for global warming). Does this look like melting ice? More sea ice area now in 2019 than 2005.


IPCC audit reports basically reveal the IPCC is "fake news" of science, filled with fraud and errors.
HadCRUT4 data set is a joke. Also largely irrelevant to gauging the impact of CO2 on the climate as the greatest warming should be occurring in the troposphere ("the big red blob" as they call it) where we use satellites and weather balloons to do measurements and we just don't see the warming the models predict. I'm happy to bet my RIU membership on the earth being far from destroyed in 12 years, lol. That said, energy conservation is still a very good thing.
No, I want to talk about the same data you use. We obviously disagree about the findings so you must be reading different information or you are misinterpreting it. If we are referencing the same data set then some of your confusion will be reduced. A link isn't too hard for you to post, is it?
I'm referencing IPCC reports that identify the most sensitive variable in the models, aka sensitivity analysis. These same reports identify this variable as not being well understood. I'd be happy to link to it if you weren't such a twit. As such, go pound sand. Any modeler with common sense knows that you have a pretty shitty model when your most sensitive variable is also the least understood.
I'm referencing IPCC reports that identify the most sensitive variable in the models, aka sensitivity analysis. These same reports identify this variable as not being well understood. I'd be happy to link to it if you weren't such a twit. As such, go pound sand. Any modeler with common sense knows that you have a pretty shitty model when your most sensitive variable is also the least understood.
A link, plz

The IPCC isn't changing their stance. If they are so obviously wrong, why is that? I'm not aware of any study that is as convincing as you say it is.

I've poked about and have an idea what you are getting at. Because I don't know what study you are citing, I can't go into details with you. Then again, you seem scared to reveal your sources. Suck it up buttercup.
FRANCE: "Hold my beer...."

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fine mess your "conservative" party has become.

trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, the executive snatching the purse from the legislative, and outright threats of fascist, authoritarian violence if conald doesn't get his way.

you have only yourself to thank, johnny. you not only ignored the racism and hatred in your party, you actively fanned the flame by supporting racist thugs like the "oathkeepers". and now that is all your party is - white resentment, racial hatred, and violence

I'm referencing IPCC reports that identify the most sensitive variable in the models, aka sensitivity analysis. These same reports identify this variable as not being well understood. I'd be happy to link to it if you weren't such a twit. As such, go pound sand. Any modeler with common sense knows that you have a pretty shitty model when your most sensitive variable is also the least understood.
Hey Bugs


You stood all bold and full of confidence about "no climate change" until I asked you for sources so that I could read them we could actively debate the validity of your statements.


LOL You know your source is flaky. I know your source is flaky. So, just admit it and get it over with. Or post a link so we can get on with it.

Meanwhile, sea levels are rising. Where do you think that water is coming from?
fine mess your "conservative" party has become.

trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, the executive snatching the purse from the legislative, and outright threats of fascist, authoritarian violence if conald doesn't get his way.

you have only yourself to thank, johnny. you not only ignored the racism and hatred in your party, you actively fanned the flame by supporting racist thugs like the "oathkeepers". and now that is all your party is - white resentment, racial hatred, and violence

It's comforting to hear someone fret about the deficit again.

It's been so long.

As to the rest of your funny lecture, I say this: Senator Robert Byrd.

The Democratic Party practically invented racism in America.
Meanwhile, sea levels are rising. Where do you think that water is coming from?

Those sea levels must be rising only since the Trump inauguration.

Barry O claimed "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" starting with his election.
It's comforting to hear someone fret about the deficit again.

It's been so long.

As to the rest of your funny lecture, I say this: Senator Robert Byrd.

The Democratic Party practically invented racism in America.

i've been bragging for years about how obama lowered the deficit by over a trillion dollars, more than any other president in the history of the united states.

i don't get what your point is about robert byrd. yes, democrats appreciate senators who earn a 100% rating with the NAACP.

your party's leader was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Terrorists who murder 50 innocent people while they pray cite him as their inspiration.

you're as pathetic as the rest of them now, johnny. maybe even more pathetic.
Those sea levels must be rising only since the Trump inauguration.

Barry O claimed "the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal" starting with his election.

your party claims manmade global warming, which is settled science and beyond all dispute, a "chinese hoax"

you guys don't know the difference between winter weather and long term climate changes

your party is a joke. a dangerous joke
Just for the record and speaking for myself:

I don't have a problem in the world with the Green New Deal.

It's about time the Democrats made their intentions clear.

You don't have to take my word on this.

Just read the damn thing.
Just for the record and speaking for myself:

I don't have a problem in the world with the Green New Deal.

It's about time the Democrats made their intentions clear.

You don't have to take my word on this.

Just read the damn thing.

last thing we need here is yet another bad faith, racist coddling, resentful, dumbass conservative here

go back to facebook or the daily stormer or wherever it is that you share articles from about how obama is secretly a gay muslim from kenya and trump's collusion with russia is the biggest hoax ever