I'll have a beer, hold the Roundup

How many factory farms use pesticides ? Likely as many that use chemical fertilizer on grain crops and antibiotics in livestock. I seem to remember a report that Ducks Unlimited used Roundup in and around floodlands and ponds to control unwanted veg. Its in the woods and along power-lines in the form Vision as well. Damn shit is everywhere. Its business. Big business.
Watch this video of Dipshit (Trump) and his tweet about the Idiot that says roundup is so safe you can drink it.... until he's offered a glass.


Anybody can post on wikipedia, can they not?

View attachment 4300264

Who is Marquardtika? You trust him?
No way to know his background for sure but if you count his wiki contributions as a form of knowledge then he must know a little.

en This user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user lives in the
U.S. State of Texas.
This user believes that if John Deeremade pickup trucks, the world would be a perfect place.
This user is interested in Stoicism.
This user plays baseball.
20,000+ This user has made more than 20,000 contributions to Wikipedia.

No way to know his background for sure but if you count his wiki contributions as a form of knowledge then he must know a little.

en This user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user lives in the
U.S. State of Texas.
This user believes that if John Deeremade pickup trucks, the world would be a perfect place.
This user is interested in Stoicism.
This user plays baseball.
20,000+ This user has made more than 20,000 contributions to Wikipedia.


I noticed ;-)

Did you note anything objectionable in the Wiki article?

Yeah. I couldn't get by this sentence.
"with the goal of effecting liberal political change"

I don't think taking note of chemicals in the food supply is 'effecting liberal political change', any more than removing unsafe Corvairs and Pintos from the roads years ago was 'effecting liberal political change'

Sounds more like a safety issue.
Yeah. I couldn't get by this sentence.
"with the goal of effecting liberal political change"

I don't think taking note of chemicals in the food supply is 'effecting liberal political change', any more than removing unsafe Corvairs and Pintos from the roads years ago was 'effecting liberal political change'

Sounds more like a safety issue.
The wiki link wasn't about chemicals or anything else. It was a definition of the PIRG entities. Go check the group's web site: https://uspirg.org/

They certainly don't advocate for positions/actions considered "conservative". I can't think of a like cause(s) ever initiated by conservatives, so I don't see the notation "liberal" as a perjorative
Hey Inda, great to see you. I believe I caught Tangie's fever, so I've been scarce this week, didn't see you sooner

Good to see you too buddy. I've just been working both jobs and staying in as much trouble as possible. Just letting the new Vette cool down some before I cover it up for the night. Picked up a vette and a mustang within a week of each other. We'll have to go for a cruise one day and find some hookers and blow.
Hey Inda, great to see you. I believe I caught Tangie's fever, so I've been scarce this week, didn't see you sooner

Hope you're feeling better.

Somehow, I think the point of the thread is being missed.

Nobody is arguing that glyphosate is turning up in drinks at the rate of 11 or 29 or 51 ppm.

But they would say that uspirg.org has an agenda. Or that wikipedia is a source that can't be challenged by the credibility of it's 1000's of authors.

What about the chemicals?

Do you feel safe consuming them? Would you feel safe if you were 40 years younger about avoiding cancer in the future?

I don't think either one of us has to worry about it that much at this point but what about the kids who will be around 50 or 60 yrs from now and what will that stuff do to them?
Hope you're feeling better.

Somehow, I think the point of the thread is being missed.

Nobody is arguing that glyphosate is turning up in drinks at the rate of 11 or 29 or 51 ppm.

But they would say that uspirg.org has an agenda. Or that wikipedia is a source that can't be challenged by the credibility of it's 1000's of authors.

What about the chemicals?

Do you feel safe consuming them? Would you feel safe if you were 40 years younger about avoiding cancer in the future?

I don't think either one of us has to worry about it that much at this point but what about the kids who will be around 50 or 60 yrs from now and what will that stuff do to them?
Thanks, I'm on the upswing but still have the short term fever flashes thruout the day. I'll ask the ex if the fever flashes are like menopause was.LOL
Of course I don't like all these chemicals in the environment, but if a society is going to be honest I haven't heard much about PIRGs and such showing much concern about the vast myriad of prescription medications showing up in the environment( a few article's have shown alarming rates). Alas as a world community we passed the "clean and natural environment" days 100+ yrs ago starting with petroleum, asbestos (Ambler, PA) and heavy metal contamination continuing with other compounds through today. And it continues to get worse. Water in Flint MI, etc ad nauseum. My point is that we've known just about anything we play with or use ends up in the environment for over a 100 yrs and it still occurs everyday. No one does anything without a payday across the political spectrum. AG chemicals are the current bete noir; get rid of them and we'll have a global human die-off the likes we've never seen and some key folks will become richer than Croesus.
Yeah, it's a little depressing.

I lost a lot of friends to cancer over the last 20 years.

Don't have to be an Einstien to figure out why.

I still remember my grandfather using DDT outside his house with Shell no pest strips of hanging nerve gas inside.

'First, do no harm' was never the prime directive I guess. I was hoping we were evolving to a better place.