Homemade oil for my vape pen

Is your pen a G-Pen?
If it is, those look interesting?
How long does the coil last?
The dual quartz coil looks similar to an RDA, which give a strong hit and a lot of vape smoke.
Is there a hole in the bottom of the quartz coil?

If there is no hole, then you can dilute your concentrate as much as you want so the hit is more mellow.

I like to dilute my concentrates so I can slowly get to a plateau and then keep myself at that plateau for as long as I want.

If the final use of your pressing is so it can be diluted to be used in a vape pen, why not use another extraction method more inline with vaping like QWISO, QWET, or steep the flowers in something like MCT?
This is less labor intensive, the QW methods will produce more extract, and the end product will be smoother.
Just asking, I am not judging…
Also Chris i was looking at the product extract solutions. It says on the packaging that it is polyethylene glycol (PEG) Free. However it says on the listing ingredients to be USP grade Propylene Glycol . What is the difference in the two? They sure sound similar
Also Chris i was looking at the product extract solutions. It says on the packaging that it is polyethylene glycol (PEG) Free. However it says on the listing ingredients to be USP grade Propylene Glycol . What is the difference in the two? They sure sound similar

Both are polymer liquids.
The biggest difference is that PEG, all the PEG's are the same, it's just the molecular weight that changes, hence PEG 200, PEG 400, etc...
PEG's are available anywhere from water thin to a wax-like plastic.
Both PG and PEG shouldn't be used in vapes...
The same pretty much goes for Vegetable Glycerine...

Besides the health issues, one of the reasons I don't like PEG's is because they tend to be self-siphoning, so they can drain into the contact area between your battery and the atomizer.
Here is an extreme example using a very high molecular weight PEG.

I tend to post this video a lot, because it illustrates the self-siphoning properties of PEG so well.

Which only leaves one mainstream diluting agent, triacetin, which is another polymer liquid, which so far from what I have found hasn't shown any short term ill effects (which cannot be said of VG, PG, or PEG), but we have no idea of the long term effects. I suppose the folks using the stuff now are the test subjects.
The biggest major drawback of triacetin is that it is an active polymerizer, so if it comes in contact with certain plastics and rubber it will break them down and cause them to dissolve into your vape juice.
PEG can do this as well, but it's not as aggressive.

Then you get into the terpenes, which is an area that has gone crazy in a very short amount of time.
I mean you buy a bag of oranges, wash the skins with alcohol and make your own limonene and use that. Or go out in a forest area and collect a ton of pine needles and make some pinene...
Those are the two cheapest terpenes to make, because they use essentially "waste" products.

And then there are the secret sauce mixes, that use "safe" and "natural" ingredients so companies don't have to disclose what is in them. Basically when it finally comes out, I predict these to either be horrible concoctions that end up making people sick, or the reason these companies are keeping so tight lipped about them is because they are super cheap and easy to make.

Then there are some promising olive oil derivatives I have seen lately (which is probably what the above "secret sauces" are), but I have no direct experience with them.
So until I do, I cannot say one way or the other...

I hope that was helpful...
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I’ve been looking for a faster way to filter out the fats and lipids of my vape juice.... without using the syringe cartridges. What do you guys think about this from a small time DIY perspective? This is several .2 µm membranes layered inside of a Buchner

The only issue with that is getting it to seat in the funnel and not rip.
You'd be better off with a Hirsch funnel which is conical.
That way the filter paper would seat flat against the conical side wall.


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Hey Chris, thanks for getting back to us. My pen is a Kandy Flvcko. Not sure about the hole in the bottom of the quartz coil.It is currently jammed up with the shatter. Also the pen is fairly new so not sure about how long the coil will last. Chris i am just learning about concentrates so the solvent less methods appealed to me. I am retired so i don't mine a little more work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge

Then you you would probably love rebuildable atomizers (RBA's), they are to vaping what fly tying is to fishing...
You can get into some serious modifications by making your own coils.
I am sure you could even cut up some boro glass rods and wrap your own quartz coils with titanium wire.
But your end result won't be as refined as the Flacko pen.
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That's what
Both are polymer liquids.
The biggest difference is that PEG, all the PEG's are the same, it's just the molecular weight that changes, hence PEG 200, PEG 400, etc...
PEG's are available anywhere from water thin to a wax-like plastic.
Both PG and PEG shouldn't be used in vapes...
The same pretty much goes for Vegetable Glycerine...

Besides the health issues, one of the reasons I don't like PEG's is because they tend to be self-siphoning, so they can drain into the contact area between your battery and the atomizer.
Here is an extreme example using a very high molecular weight PEG.

I tend to post this video a lot, because it illustrates the self-siphoning properties of PEG so well.

Which only leaves one mainstream diluting agent, triacetin, which is another polymer liquid, which so far from what I have found hasn't shown any short term ill effects (which cannot be said of VG, PG, or PEG), but we have no idea of the long term effects. I suppose the folks using the stuff now are the test subjects.
The biggest major drawback of triacetin is that it is an active polymerizer, so if it comes in contact with certain plastics and rubber it will break them down and cause them to dissolve into your vape juice.
PEG can do this as well, but it;s not as aggressive.

Then you get into the terpenes, which is an area that has gone crazy in a very short amount of time.
I mean you buy a bag of oranges, wash the skins with alcohol and make your own limonene and use that. Or go out in a forest area and collect a ton of pine needles and make some pinene...
Those are the two cheapest terpenes to make, because they use essentially "waste" products.

And then there are the secret sauce mixes, that use "safe" and "natural" ingredients so companies don't have to disclose what is in them. Basically when it finally comes out, I predict these to either be horrible concoctions that end up making people sick, or the reason these companies are keeping so tight lipped about them is because they are super cheap and easy to make.

Then there are some promising olive oil derivatives I have seen lately (which is probably what the above "secret sauces" are), but I have no direct experience with them.
So until I do, I cannot say one way or the other...

I hope that was helpful...
That's what scares me about all these juice mixes, we're the friggin' guinea pigs when there's no ingredients on the label.
Both are polymer liquids.
The biggest difference is that PEG, all the PEG's are the same, it's just the molecular weight that changes, hence PEG 200, PEG 400, etc...
PEG's are available anywhere from water thin to a wax-like plastic.
Both PG and PEG shouldn't be used in vapes...
The same pretty much goes for Vegetable Glycerine...

Besides the health issues, one of the reasons I don't like PEG's is because they tend to be self-siphoning, so they can drain into the contact area between your battery and the atomizer.
Here is an extreme example using a very high molecular weight PEG.

I tend to post this video a lot, because it illustrates the self-siphoning properties of PEG so well.

Which only leaves one mainstream diluting agent, triacetin, which is another polymer liquid, which so far from what I have found hasn't shown any short term ill effects (which cannot be said of VG, PG, or PEG), but we have no idea of the long term effects. I suppose the folks using the stuff now are the test subjects.
The biggest major drawback of triacetin is that it is an active polymerizer, so if it comes in contact with certain plastics and rubber it will break them down and cause them to dissolve into your vape juice.
PEG can do this as well, but it's not as aggressive.

Then you get into the terpenes, which is an area that has gone crazy in a very short amount of time.
I mean you buy a bag of oranges, wash the skins with alcohol and make your own limonene and use that. Or go out in a forest area and collect a ton of pine needles and make some pinene...
Those are the two cheapest terpenes to make, because they use essentially "waste" products.

And then there are the secret sauce mixes, that use "safe" and "natural" ingredients so companies don't have to disclose what is in them. Basically when it finally comes out, I predict these to either be horrible concoctions that end up making people sick, or the reason these companies are keeping so tight lipped about them is because they are super cheap and easy to make.

Then there are some promising olive oil derivatives I have seen lately (which is probably what the above "secret sauces" are), but I have no direct experience with them.
So until I do, I cannot say one way or the other...

I hope that was helpful...
Damn Chris what is your background, you are very knowledgeable. And I notice you are very patient and take time explaining concepts that might be new for people, I think thats pretty damn cool of you.
Damn Chris what is your background, you are very knowledgeable. And I notice you are very patient and take time explaining concepts that might be new for people, I think thats pretty damn cool of you.

Thank you for the kind words.
I am just trying to be helpful, sometimes it comes off like I am an arrogant snob, which is something I need to work on.
My intention is only to help...

As far as my background, I have a materials science degree, but that's mostly useless now.
I have always worked in the metal industry in one capacity or another and for a while it was like I couldn't get away from metal.
I decided to break away from metal for a bit and go to work for a ceramics company and I ended up designing underglazes which rely heavily on metal oxides...lol...
Then I started having seizures and now no companies will touch me once they find out about the seizures because of the liability and if I keep it from them, it just makes it worse later on, because then they invent reasons to fire me.
I have found ways to work around it, thanks to CBD...
Otherwise I would be like I used to be, a zombie doped up on anti-seizure meds.
I have huge gaps in my memory because of the seizures but that is all getting better the longer I can go between seizures.
The CBD also helps lower the seizure intensity and so far it is helping prevent second seizures from happening, which is where the real damage happens.
Prior to CBD I used to have about 20 minutes between the time the first seizure hit and when the second one would hit, so if I was able to take a second dose of seizure meds ASAP, I sometimes could stop the second seizure, but usually it just helped to lower the intensity enough to keep me from having to go to the hospital.
I am also now able to rebound faster. It now takes between 4-6 days to recoup rather than 2 weeks and I retain most of my memory afterwards instead of losing huge chunks of time prior to and after the seizure.
With the help of CBD I am now able to take an adjunct medication which has a lot less side effects.
My hope is that when I able to take (grow) more CBD that my seizures will continue to reduce and eventually I can get off the medication completely.

Right now the limiting factor for me is the THC to CBD ratios, I am growing hemp to see if this will be a better option, but I will have to severely hack the plants back because so far my "little" seedlings are growing like 2 to 8 inches a day and the node spacing is crazy despite the light being more than enough and being right on top of them.
So I am trying to find some ruderalis so I can grow more CBD in less space, otherwise I will have to continue to grow the 20:1 strains I have and then use column chromatography to separate out the THC from the CBD, then find some luck bastard to give most of the THC oil to.
I know you're probably thinking "but 20:1 is already so low", not when my goal is to take 250mg+ of CBD 2 to 3 times a day which will be like taking 12.5mg of THC per dose.
Plus for me too much THC too fast causes anxiety.
I like to ramp up to the high, then keep it going for as long as possible.

Sorry to harp on seizures but having them has really had a drastic impact on my life and using CBD has been an amazing experience that no Big Pharma drug has been able to come close to.
in the pic of my tepenes, the smaller bottle of Myrcene was twice as much as all the others, and from what I can tell, branding and marketing is the only difference. I was dumb.

How much did you pay for it, if you don't mind me asking?
Prices have changed for all this stuff so much recently and they are all over the place.

Myrcene comes from some expensive ingredients.
I meant to throw in there,doesnt myrcene help the body absorb thc faster/better?

Not to sound like a snob, BUT...where I live there is no organic option for mangoes so I try to stay away from them because I am not sure how they are grown...
Even if they were organic, that basically only means they aren't GMO and haven't been drenched in glyphosate daily.
It's not that I am against GMO's (in theory), the minor manipulation of proteins is one thing (which we honestly don't know the long term effect of yet), but what I disagree with concerning GMO's is the unadulterated use of pesticides.
Especially glyphosate, which we now know has negative long term effects.
Sometimes I wonder if farmers use pesticides instead of water (like out of the toilet) on their crops...lol...
Brawndo's got electrolytes, sorry...

One of the promises of GMO's was that the use of pesticides would go down and if anything their use has skyrocketed!

Then as if spraying the crops constantly with pesticides while growing isn't enough, certain crops like cereal grains get sprayed again right before harvest specifically with glyphosate because it has been found to be an effective desiccant and it's cheaper than any other desiccant on the market, so the crap ends up in the final product and that's just nasty!!!
Thank you for the kind words.
I am just trying to be helpful, sometimes it comes off like I am an arrogant snob, which is something I need to work on.
My intention is only to help...

As far as my background, I have a materials science degree, but that's mostly useless now.
I have always worked in the metal industry in one capacity or another and for a while it was like I couldn't get away from metal.
I decided to break away from metal for a bit and go to work for a ceramics company and I ended up designing underglazes which rely heavily on metal oxides...lol...
Then I started having seizures and now no companies will touch me once they find out about the seizures because of the liability and if I keep it from them, it just makes it worse later on, because then they invent reasons to fire me.
I have found ways to work around it, thanks to CBD...
Otherwise I would be like I used to be, a zombie doped up on anti-seizure meds.
I have huge gaps in my memory because of the seizures but that is all getting better the longer I can go between seizures.
The CBD also helps lower the seizure intensity and so far it is helping prevent second seizures from happening, which is where the real damage happens.
Prior to CBD I used to have about 20 minutes between the time the first seizure hit and when the second one would hit, so if I was able to take a second dose of seizure meds ASAP, I sometimes could stop the second seizure, but usually it just helped to lower the intensity enough to keep me from having to go to the hospital.
I am also now able to rebound faster. It now takes between 4-6 days to recoup rather than 2 weeks and I retain most of my memory afterwards instead of losing huge chunks of time prior to and after the seizure.
With the help of CBD I am now able to take an adjunct medication which has a lot less side effects.
My hope is that when I able to take (grow) more CBD that my seizures will continue to reduce and eventually I can get off the medication completely.

Right now the limiting factor for me is the THC to CBD ratios, I am growing hemp to see if this will be a better option, but I will have to severely hack the plants back because so far my "little" seedlings are growing like 2 to 8 inches a day and the node spacing is crazy despite the light being more than enough and being right on top of them.
So I am trying to find some ruderalis so I can grow more CBD in less space, otherwise I will have to continue to grow the 20:1 strains I have and then use column chromatography to separate out the THC from the CBD, then find some luck bastard to give most of the THC oil to.
I know you're probably thinking "but 20:1 is already so low", not when my goal is to take 250mg+ of CBD 2 to 3 times a day which will be like taking 12.5mg of THC per dose.
Plus for me too much THC too fast causes anxiety.
I like to ramp up to the high, then keep it going for as long as possible.

Sorry to harp on seizures but having them has really had a drastic impact on my life and using CBD has been an amazing experience that no Big Pharma drug has been able to come close to.
I have a niece that used to have a lot of seizures. We've had her on cbd and some herbal concoction of that my SIL found online. At her worst she had multiple seizures per week, if not per day. And now maybe one a month for the last couple years. It was pretty cool seeing that transformation happen.
I have a niece that used to have a lot of seizures. We've had her on cbd and some herbal concoction of that my SIL found online. At her worst she had multiple seizures per week, if not per day. And now maybe one a month for the last couple years. It was pretty cool seeing that transformation happen.

CBD is pretty awesome stuff.

I am sure your niece feels a lot better both emotionally and physically now that her system isn't being burdened with so many seizures all the time.

Has the CBD helped the intensity of her seizures at all, because that was something I noticed right away, the intensity decreased quite a bit.
My seizures used to be very violent.

Do you know what's in the herbal concoction your sister in law has your niece using?