Random Jabber Jibber thread

i just got told that i need to sell my weed in jars, because "it makes my car stink when it's just in a baggy."...did i introduce myself as Mason Kerr, heir to the Ball fortune?...bring a fucking jar with you....if it didn't make your fucking car stink, you'd be bitching more about that....
We had a dispensary that used jars and I loved it. You got raffle tickets for bringing your jars back. One month they gave away a pair of Seahawks tickets!

That was back when dispensaries were medical-only and they could buy surplus bud from local MMJ growers. They'd buy your trim too!
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My Diploma reads DD-214 in the lower L/H corner.

yeah i'm not ex military, i do know what that is though.....i was generally forbidden to get into any military service unfortunately cause of my dad didn't want me to see the things he saw......rather wakey, but i understood....

started studing Buisness/Finance, move over to art and design/ history, did a slight stent into psy and counseling......then i got burnt out.....i could go back free of charge if i wanted but life got in the way....