The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

I am pretty sure legit Meanwell HLG-320H-48B drivers do not have any adjustment holes on them since the adjustment is handled via the wires.
Screenshot_20190308-165026_Drive.jpgI wonder if it's actually the AB type. There is a pot under that rubber cap. And it looks 100% identical to the photo on this PDF minus the dimmer pot.
This is from their international website not the USA website.

Do I want the drivers to be authentic? Yes.
Does it really matter if they're not, at this point? No.
I'll probably order a pair from mouser or digikey to have at the ready when these suspect rigs take a dump.
View attachment 4296672I wonder if it's actually the AB type. There is a pot under that rubber cap. And it looks 100% identical to the photo on this PDF minus the dimmer pot.
This is from their international website not the USA website.

Do I want the drivers to be authentic? Yes.
Does it really matter if they're not, at this point? No.
I'll probably order a pair from mouser or digikey to have at the ready when these suspect rigs take a dump.
Either way, let us know how it performs.
Light setup

Pros :
Solid build quality , this thing is heavy and feels very well put together
Insanely bright
Nice control panel

You can feel a slight current in the frame, similar to the old MacBooks, unless it’s just mine that does that lol.
The percentage for the brightness is printed inreverse 50% is actually 100%
The hanging system isn’t bad with the exception of those shitty, what seems to be defacto hanging wires.
I suspect they’re not S6 diodes.

Otherwise the light is awesome.

Does it draw the correct watts?
I wouldn't buy drivers out of China and I buy around 400 drivers a month. There is little profit involved with drivers now days for companies and if you buy local you save alot on freight and your warranty is covered
Just a note, when I was in China at a lightning fair last year I saw alot of fluence knock off's, beware if the lights look too much like fluence as customs maybe able to seize a copy. Quality of them was terrible in comparison to an actual fluence light also

Well, this is the knock off thread after all, I am not based in the US so I won’t have customs issues. As for fluence comparison, I didn’t buy these to try to be better or the same as them. Thanks for pissing all over my lights, your input was really insightful.
Well, this is the knock off thread after all, I am not based in the US so I won’t have customs issues. As for fluence comparison, I didn’t buy these to try to be better or the same as them. Thanks for pissing all over my lights, your input was really insightful.
People don't bother to patent a board, but a fixture they would. Looks like your fixture is different anyway, I was just making people aware if they do import a fluence knock off as I saw at least 3 companies selling them
I plan to go with the cheap lm561c boards and use a hlg 600 per 4 boards so 150 watts or so each.
Room is 10x11 and planning on doing 2 4x8 flood and drain setups.
I have 2 6 bar light fixtures that are 450 watts I plan to put in the middle and then run at least 8 of these boards, 2 on each side of the 6 bar fixtures.
Be about 2100 watts maxed but I could also use the other 4 boards if I feel I need them. So 2700 watts maxed if I need it.
What do you guys think?
2700w is pretty conservative for an area that size, it will work but doubt it will have a massive amount of punch
Aim for closer to 3500W for a much better result
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2700w is pretty conservative for an area that size, it will work but doubt it will have a massive amount of punch
Aim for closer to 3500W for a much better result

Bro I’m only using 2 4x8 tables not the whole room.
2700 watts would be 42w/sqft of decently efficient Samsung diodes.
It maybe worth buying strips from Cutter electronics for this, you could set it up for dual spectrum. They have some kits available at the moment, I'm think they have the driver included. At least you will know that it's a genuine product and having 2 spectrums helps alot.
They have the drivers included with the kits, being strips if you do have an issue it's no big deal to replace it and cutter will also give a real warranty
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It maybe worth buying strips from Cutter electronics for this, you could set it up for dual spectrum. They have some kits available at the moment, I'm think they have the driver included. At least you will know that it's a genuine product and having 2 spectrums helps alot.
They have the drivers included with the kits, being strips if you do have an issue it's no big deal to replace it and cutter will also give a real warranty

Send me a link to what you’re taking about.
You know these boards are like 1ftx3ft pretty much and many guys on here have been using them with great success.
But I like options and am open minded.
Im not sure what you are looking at buying exactly, I thought it was a hlg knock off. But these are really good and cheap, instead of buying a kit you could buy them individually and save on freight for the drivers and get them local. They are selling a shit load of these strips at the moment due to the price point. Cutter electronics is a real Cree distributor that also makes boards, they pass the discounts they get from cree directly onto their customers. Having the ability to adjust spectrums is a big deal in my eyes.