US Trade Deficit Explodes under Trump


Well-Known Member
Why am I not surprised by this news report released yesterday.

The U.S. trade deficit jumped to its highest level in 10 years, according to a U.S. Department of Commerce report on Wednesday. Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated promise to shrink trade deficits, it leaped by 12.2% to $621 billion in 2018, after hitting a record high during his first year in office.

The real goods deficit in December reached $91.6 billion — its highest level since 1994. The recent widening in the deficit has been driven in part by weakening exports, according to Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan. Nominal goods exports to China tanked by 33% year-over-year in December, likely as a result of China’s retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods.

The tax cuts may also contribute to the jump in trade deficit. Derek Scissors, resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute calculates the tax cuts could boost the trade deficit by $200 billion.

This is what happens when lies and pure bullshit comes face to face with the reality of being in charge of the worlds largest economy, and there's no heading back for at least another 2 years

Then the American people will probably elect a Democrat to repair the damage caused by the previous Republican Administration, and then he or she will spend the next 8 years fixing it, accomplish the repair and by then the American people will have forgotten how fucked up Republicans are, and then they'll elect them again, and you can guess the rest.

Actually, there no guessing nessecery, just read about election cycles in the US.

Fucking idiots

Oh, and just a side note, the Dow Jones average dropped 133.17 points yesterday, and I can't wait to see how the other world stock markets react to that magnificent (chilling?) report.

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Why am I not surprised by this news report released yesterday.

The U.S. trade deficit jumped to its highest level in 10 years, according to a U.S. Department of Commerce report on Wednesday. Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated promise to shrink trade deficits, it leaped by 12.2% to $621 billion in 2018, after hitting a record high during his first year in office.

The real goods deficit in December reached $91.6 billion — its highest level since 1994. The recent widening in the deficit has been driven in part by weakening exports, according to Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan. Nominal goods exports to China tanked by 33% year-over-year in December, likely as a result of China’s retaliatory tariffs on U.S. goods.

The tax cuts may also contribute to the jump in trade deficit. Derek Scissors, resident scholar at American Enterprise Institute calculates the tax cuts could boost the trade deficit by $200 billion.

This is what happens when lies and pure bullshit comes face to face with the reality of being in charge of the worlds largest economy, and there's no heading back for at least another 2 years

Then the American people will elect a Democrat to repair the damage caused by the previous Republican Administration, and then he or she will spend the next 8 years fixing it, accomplish the repair and by then the American people will have forgotten how fucked up Republicans are, and then they'll elect them again, and you can guess the rest.

Actually, there no guessing nessecery, just read about election cycles in the US.

Fucking idiots

Oh, and just a side note, the Dow Jones average dropped 133.17 points yesterday, and I can't wait to see how the other world stock markets react to that magnificent (chilling?) report.

The guy is the biggest huckster to be exposed since Dorothy pulled that curtain aside. It’s depressing thinking 46% would re-elect his thieving lying ass.
The guy is the biggest huckster to be exposed since Dorothy pulled that curtain aside. It’s depressing thinking 46% would re-elect his thieving lying ass.
I want a big fat stake driven threw his black heart, and the stake will have engraved on it,


The Dem's have already started proceedings to obtain them, and expect to file a formal request next week (Hallelujah!!!)

Why do you think he want's to hide them so badly?

Is it Russia? Or is it simply the FACT that he's a liar and a cheat, proven, time and time again.

So, ladies and gents, what are the odds that Trump never lied or cheated on his returns?

I know that personally I would like to know a few tidbits, such as.....

How about how much he's actually worth?

How much does he pay in taxes?

Has he ever been penalized for under-paying?

Or, how many and much in charitable contributions?

These are some questions that should be asked of asshole, and the American people have the right to know.

Just wait until those facts come bubbling up, and even his own supporters will have to finally face up to the fact that Trump really is a fucking conman. that's probably worth half of what he claims and has been cheating the IRS for decades.

I'm telling ya, it's the Tax Man that's gonna to fuck him

There’s no “pee pee tape”. Putin has everything there is on Trump. All he has to do is ponder what people would think if it got out that he is a total phony.
And we keep cutting education funding.


No coincidence, it's part of the master plan designed by aristocrats, the elitist, the bourgeoise, the capitalist and the Republicans to keep the common man in chains.

Well, one day, maybe things will change.


Long Live the Revolution!!!
No coincidence, it's part of the master plan designed by aristocrats, the elitist, the bourgeoise, the capitalist and the Republicans to keep the common man in chains.

Well, one day, maybe things will change.


Long Live the Revolution!!!
The Texas GOP platform last elections (plural) contained a plank refuting teaching critical thinking skills. An entire plank dedicated to refuting education.
Trump’s Trade Wars Are Costing Us $3 Billion PER MONTH!

Trump doesn't understand economics?
No fucking shit.
That's another thing I want to see along with his taxes, his fucking grades.
And nitwit actually had the ball's to demand to see Obama's grades while he was at Yale.
This Moron sent Cohen to every school he ever attended (except pre-K it seems) to threaten them with law suits if they ever showed them to anyone.

Geez, they must be something to behold.


A "Stable Genius" , that's hilarious
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No coincidence, it's part of the master plan designed by aristocrats, the elitist, the bourgeoise, the capitalist and the Republicans to keep the common man in chains.

Well, one day, maybe things will change.


Long Live the Revolution!!!

>"Master" plan
> notorious racist Che Guevara

Just another bigot letting his true colors fly.
No coincidence, it's part of the master plan designed by aristocrats, the elitist, the bourgeoise, the capitalist and the Republicans to keep the common man in chains.

Well, one day, maybe things will change.


Long Live the Revolution!!!
the aristocrats, the bourgeoisie, the elitist, and the capitolist are all different names for the same set of people...who are mostly republicans, if they have any allegiance to anyone but themselves.
do you really believe all of these narcissistic, nepotistic, self interested, egomaniacal asshole get together and have meetings? that three of them could agree on two things? there's no "master plan"....they just act in their own best interests, which is to maintain the status quo...they're making money, and know just exactly how much of it they have to come off of to keep making it...the American people have to stop them. tell them "NO"...i won't work for you for shit wages, for no benefits. "NO" i won't work for you with absolutely no input into the proceses i am involved in, for an employer that doesn't take safety seriously, that doesn't take the welfare of their workers seriously....because that's the only thing thats going to make them stop...refusing to be fucked over by them anymore...massive worker walkout, protests, slowdowns....just walking away if that's what it comes to...
and i gotta be honest...Che was a murderer...not a hero....he was a physician who betrayed his hypocratic oath and executed men for Castro...he was a communist who used his political ideology to condone murder...murder that he personally committed, yeah....not a fucking hero...
and i gotta be honest...Che was a murderer...not a hero....he was a physician who betrayed his hypocratic oath and executed men for Castro...he was a communist who used his political ideology to condone murder...murder that he personally committed, yeah....not a fucking hero...
His heart was in the right place though, but I have to admit, he isn't exactly the best face to put forward.

How about this guy?
