A new poll was taken by NBC and the WSJ and was released today.
It shows an increase of 3 points since January in Trumps approval rating among the most incredibly stupid people that exist on the entire fucking planet Earth, and that is the American voter.
46% of Americans think he is doing a good job, which believe it or not places him only one point lower than Obama at this point in his Presidency.(go figure that shit out)
This is all after the Government shutdown that cost this country BILLIONS of Dollars and threw 100's of thousands of Government and private employees to the curb, and the Declaration of a National Emergency while ignoring the Congress for his fucking Wall, and the 1000"s of refugee children that are separated from their parents and placed in makeshift PRISONS, where they are DYING, being SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. and actually FUCKING LOST!!!.
Even after Michael Cohen, Rodger Stone (and all those other bums) and all the evidence that is being released almost daily it seems, showing the criminality of the Trump Administration, his popularity is actually increasing?
Just shoot me in my fucking head, like now
I can't take it anymore.